Saturday, May 31, 2008

so today vic woke us up, cuz we didnt have that much time to get ready, we we got ready, then we left for safekids day.
we helped our there, it was cool, kinda boring, but i got to see lots of the kids moms that angella takes care of. then erics mom sees me and asks if i was roberto, so i said yes, then she said that he herd about me and that she was so thankful for spendin so much time with eric and all that ive done for him...fuck that make my heart sink, that was super nice of her to say, it seemed to make all that iv done this trimester worth it.
so then we just wandered a bit and ate cookies, i talked to ray and tylor for a bit then we got back to work. vic got max and i some shit to eat cuz their wasnt much for us to eat, espically max. i sat @ the front with a really nice lady who just moves to wawa, i was telling her about katimavik and she thought it was cool, she was really nice and cool to talk to...i think vic was doin the same to the dude they were cooking with cuz we was eager to meet us and was so jelious that we could be doing something like that. so then we were done packing and stuff and vic and max and i chilled @ the skate park with ray and tylor, it was cool, then we left and went home then we ate dinner.
it seemed that steph found out her bad news when she visited a pl while she was away, that sucks but oh well.
in the afternoon i walked outside and got stoned, then i had nothing to do so i went downstairs and drew in my sketch book, then i dicked around for a bit then i finished my "obey"blazer
then i went to bed.

Friday, May 30, 2008

today was nice n the morning.
i ate ..wahtever, i went to work...ITS MY LAST DAY @ WORK!!!!
so this morning i did a bunch of stuff for safe kids day...which were helpin out with. and then the kids came pileing in...most ive ever seen, their was like 14 kids...woah man, but it wasnt as bad as i thought it would be.
so after that i went to lunch..had leftovers...chatted for a bit. then i went back to work, i had just done a bunch of stuff for susan, where i put toughter packages for her..and now i dont got expect lots but i guess not.
they just got work of the bad news that katimavik in wawa is ending with us...that their not getting a group over the summer...their pretty bumbed about that...but oh well.
so i had had my meeting with judy(the boss) and katrina(my boss) and they had told me that i was just plain awesome and that i was good...they just really made me sound good, and i guess i was.
then they gave me a letter and a mug filled with chocolates, it was really nice, they made it all emotional and stuff, but it was cool, so i said good buy then i went home. it was hitting me that we were leaving wawa so soon. it kinda sucks, the worst part of katimavik is leaving the communities and the people you have met.
so i went home then robi came buy to drop off my wand that they gave me and i had forgotten there, and then she stayed to chat about safe kids day.
then vic, max and i went to the forest behind our house to smoke up...with an apple!, then we saw all the garbage on the ground on the spot we picked then we decided to make a peace sign out of it, so we did and it was cool. then we came back home max and i dyed eachothers hair blue! and then i made peanutbutter cookies then i watched save the last, its was ok..meh.
then i went to bed.

Thursday, May 29, 2008
woek up, again it was kinda empty.
work was cool, kinda busy, i think we made lemon poppyseed cake for the kiddies, and i played tons with eric, he would bring up one of the cardbord blocks to his head then he would throguh it, and then i would do the same...he thought it was halarious, i had
so @ lunch it was kinda hectic but cool, so i ate the went back to work. i was given some jobs to do and did it soon, then downstairs i saw the teen moms jess and the blonde french one, their cool, we talked for a bit. then they left. so then i got some assignments to do but it was already time to i made myself a note then i left.
sfter work i went to the rec centre and worked on our grandma door i did that really quickly then i saw tylor @ the skate park and i talked with him a bit then i left home.
i was somewhat earlier than i expected so we ate, josianne was late so their kinds wasnt enough food for her, so she had a sandwhich.
then we had to get ready for kayaking, so i put in my contacts which took like 1/2 an hour..and got didications by tiff ans was really funny.
so we left. so we got there and we got sutited up and went to the kayaks, then david wells had us play a game with the paddles while we waited for our guide.
so the she came and we got the low down on the kayak then we were off, we were all partnered up, em and i were was cool.
we were goin for a wile b4 i couldent feel my feet, so we switched on this sand island in which we sank in so much. then we were goin and i was tellin em to stear but she didnt get it...the rudder wasnt in..LMFAO
we went buy some falls, it was really cool. then we went thought this passage which was once a tradiong post...really nice.
then em and i sped to the dock, we were goin so effin fast, we really liked it.
then we were @ the dock and the other ppl that were thewre had started a fire, we were invited to go but steph wanted to leave asap so that she could pack and do katima-stuff, some of us were kinda pisses cuz whenever we stay there we stay long, and ppl said that she has time to pack and shouldent have left it for later...but w/e.
so then we went home and then em started to watch p.s. i love you in french so i sticked around for a wile then i went to bed, but b4 then i said good buy to em cuz she was leavig @ night home for 4 days so be there for her moms graduation, its really cool.

so TODAY....
morning was EMPTY as usual, then i went to work
work was ok, lots of kids, it was fun. did some work in the morning but got it all done..yay me.
@ lunch i made mac and cheese then i shared soemw tih the HMs. then i was off to work.
not many ppl here just the reg 2 kids i have to look after for the thursday stuff they do. so then i got some more stuff done then i lwft for home...but b4 then i went to northers and bought some sox...cuz i needed them. then on my way back i saw jamie and the other dude he works with, i chatted with him for a bit then he invited me to the bar, its cool. then i went home where i had a lil fun with the water gun, then we started eating when karya showed up...she has to talk to us.
she let us know that we were gonna be the LAST katima-group in wawa. she had let us know that the group that was suposted to be here isnt comming, that their too small and that they had to merg with another goup. she said that it was the first time this was ahppening because of lack of recuitment for the program...woah! so we didnt have to make a welcome package, nor cook for the next group, what it means is that we had to clean up the house and start packing stuff for the were gonna pack up a house twice...i thibnk its gonna be wierd being the group to leave wawa for a long wile...its kinda sad.
so we kinda rushed karya out then we had our french class, it was nice, then we marked our shit and vic, max and i wanted to go smoke up...we didnt have any papers so i mad a makeshift pipe, then we went off to this place by the hospital where we climbed up some rocks by the lake and smoked up there, it was such a nice place to do it, then we chilled there for a long wile then we headed back home.
@ the house everyone was watching a movie...hairspray, i stuck around for a bit but went to sleep soon after.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

sooo this morning i had yougert with honney...yummmmmm.
and after vic and dave left for work it was too quiet in the house, it was kinda wierd.

so @ work i did a bit then the kids came in..their was lots, it was fun...they played with the shreded paper, they had so much fun with it...i took tons of pics.
so @ lunch i ate @ home, it was cool.
in the afternoon i had some photocopying to do then some drawings to do for pauline.
so back @ the house i was reading my book when antoine came down and we had a chat about me letting him know what he does that bothers me, and i told him why, and i guess he realized something and said hell try not to react that way. he told me that he felt that i didnt like him, but he felt that i didnt like him, which was the case but i guess hes learning...he said that he had nothing on me cuz i do my work annd everyhting i need to.

we had food from cilla and zach.. the hm of the week.

were gonna do grandma doors its gonna be SICK!

so the g-ma door was cool, except for the fact that they didnt have my pic, so i did my thing anyways...lots of colour, it was cool, but we only got one side done, we gonna go on our own other times to do the back, it will be cool, so i think imma go tomorrow after work.
so back @ da house i chatted with a bunch of ppl for a long wile, it was really fun. i kept picking on vic.
then i went to bed late....again

Monday, May 26, 2008

sooo @ our dance only 4 kids showed up, but it was ok we had tons of fun woth ourselves and with the highschool kids selling popcorn.

so sunday morning, we had free so everyone sleped in.
then we had crafts with pete. it was really cool, we all chose our mirrors and dryed plants and decorated our mirrir, i was really satisified with mine, i thought it looked really cool.

so while ppl were doin that the other went outside and played badminton, it was really fun, espically trying to keep the birdy from the dog.
vic, tiff and i were all caught in a water fight, it was fun lol.

then @ home we ate pizza then we had a house meeting, which zoomed by.
then tiff, cilla, zach, antoine and i went to the embasy, it was cool. antoine and i talked alot about steph and our opinions of her, he obvously felt stonger on his because he spends so much time with her...but he did make me realise some things about her...but i odnt know f i agree with it, or mabye i dont understand the role of a pl. i donno i guess ill see whats up.
so we chilled @ the embasy and then @ the park by the lake and we talked about lots of stuff.

the on our way home we saw ray and he showed us the sucker fish that were spawning on the shore, it was really cool.
then we went home and i went to bed.

this morning was normal, i got ready and went to work.
@ work i didint do much, it snowed...mother fuckers.
then @ lunch it was cool.
the afternoon @ work no one was there so i spent most of the time watching youtube videoes.
so we were suposted to go kayaking but we called david and he advised us not to go, so we switched for wed and we had our one-on-ones instead with steph.
she was having them @ the embasy, i thought it was a cool idea, she did it for privacy cuz we get none in the house. my meeting was a bit later so i didnt have to leave soon.
so @ the house i had 2 beers and read my book...animal farm. then it was about time for me to do my meeting, so i got my shit toughter and left, i was kinda late but i dint think it would matter..but also i knew i would get away with it. ( but i guess im expecting to much of her cuz shes too busy keeping track of everyone else)
so i got there and she was still talking to em, so i waited for a sec then we started talking..even tho i was half tipsy.
so not even asking about work or the lesson plans she asked how the trimester was...and i had said fine....then she told me to be honest so i was, and he got inot a really intense discussion about the situations in the house and all the things that bothered me and guess i brought a lot of thingd to her, but i guess its for the better. we also talked a lot about antoine and ill the issues that i had with hime, but it seemed like she was trying to cinvince me of theyre opinion and trying to sway the way i feel so that i couls feel better and understand the situation, but i donno what to think of it, i know what i know and feel and i donno if i could be convinced to see things a certain way or even if it is nessary or fair to everyone.

so then our meeting was cut short cuz it was tiffs time, steph wanted to keep talking but i said that it wouldent be fair to tiff to take over her time.

so back @ the house i taked to em about or convos with steph. then ray came over with vic and tons of vidoes, that was really cool, so we started to watch i am legend, but half way through i took a shower, then i chtted with kayla for a wile b4 goin to bed.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

we didnt stay out late cuz we had to wake up early tomorrow cus it was the big day.

so in the morning we woke, i ate then cilla, tiff and i walkedto mr.vallee park and everyone else walked.
so we got there and then i met with zach and we chopped down a was fun.
then i proceded to clean up some garbage around. then it was time to leave, but i strayed from the group cuz i wanted to get my camera.
so i took forever getting it then when i got back it seemed as though no one had noticed i was gone.
so i helped out a bit, and set up shit.
then in the begining so many ppl came, more people than i would have expected.
it was cool, so then we introduced ourselves and explained some shit, then we let the mayor say a few things then we let karya say a few things.
so we had some mingle time then we had to do the bake off judging, which max took over and get then settled and started.
then we had the plant swap and sale goin, and their were many many then the composting workshop. abd after that the winners of the baking contest....max took a wile talleying up the votes, but she was trying to work on her prez....anyways.
then we announced the winners of the bake off.
then we had max do her prez, it was good.
tiff and antoine were doin dishes.
their were 2 kinds from the highschool cooking class there, they were really cool.
so after we did maxes prez we raffeled more shit from davids booth, then we cleaned up shit, max went skatebording then em then i went, it was cool...i liked it.
then we had to leave. and now we have aboput an houe to ourselves.

Friday, May 23, 2008

so on thurs
welll the day was pretty normal.

so after dinner we had to work on our french shit
ray was over for dinner.
and the frenchies had to work on the ir english shit....the food bank lady was gonna be their new english teach, so she gave them shit to do.

so we were workinon our shit.
and we had noticed that antoine wasnt doing anything.
so we were kinda anoyed about it, and max said something to hime, be he seemed to hide out with steph in her room.
it really pissed me off that he had shit to do. espically for may 24, which is in 2 days..sooooo
we did aour work...everyone but antoine, then cilla, tiff and i went for a walk and had a really good ranting session on antoine and steph.
so then we went to the goose and had fun @ youngs and knocked on the door where someone was sleeping, it was really fun. we climbed inside the fire engine and shit.
we had tons of fun.
then we went back home to sleep.
cilla and i wanna try and see how much we can get away with cuz antoine get away with too much.

@ work in the morning their were so many kids.
and the sunflour seeds were EVERYWHERE, and i had to clean it up.
so lunch @ the house was cool.
in the afternoon i did photocopying...thats about it...really boring. so i chilled int he apartment.
so after work cilla came by and we went to the community centre and then we went to youngs.
it was cool, and then we came back home.

antoine and steph and david went to value mart to get the donations they gave, 3 baskets of organic food, it flippin awesome!.

so its a free night and i ezcited to go out, we wanna go to hellen and darrels place and stay till cerfew then mabye go to timmies. and stay out past cerfew...we wanna see just how much we can get away with cuz its anoying us that antoine is getting away with so that if we get introuble antoine will ahve to get in trouble because its not well see.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

soooo on tuesday
@ work they started to tear up the back room, they mads lots of nose.
marylen was on the floor and angla was kinda upset about

so we did our thing.
@ lunch i went to the house where their wasnt much food...i ate leftover lazana, it was good.
however my stomach didnt seem to think so, it was bothering me all day.
in the afternoon their wasnt much to do. so i decided to try to make gummy worms...mmmmm

so @ home in the afternoonwe had dinner by vic and max.
then we went to an energy workshop, the lady talked about auroas and other stuff.
i thought it was cool, but she used those rods and the pengulium thing and i swear she was making them move, and when i got to see them i convinced lots of ppl that they were goin crazy, but i was moving them. but steph did it on me and i believed that she wouldent fake it, and it kinda worked.

so back @ the house i worked on a letter for willow the rest of the night, and kinda helped the HM with the recycling ...not really tho.

soooo wednesday....yesterday.
it was rainy all day
like 3 kids were @ workwe made gummy worms, thats about it.

i had lunch with cilla...we went to subway. it was really nice. we talked and stuff.
then back @ work i had like shit all to do, so i just browsed the internet.
then marylen gave me stuff to do, but i couldent do it till
so i didnt do much.

@ home we ate dinner, antoine didnt something to bother max...but i think they got it resolved.
then max, cilla, and i did a radio interview with daniel walker...the local afternoon dj. hes cool...kinda wierd...but arent we all.
karya was there..and she really prolonged the interview.....she just kept talking and talking...fuck.

so back @ the house antoine got he was acting like a dick.
we had a really quick "meeting" to "present" our
ray stopped my
then cilla, em and i decided to go for a walk.
so we went to mr.vallie park, it was nice there, then we went to timmies for a wile and chatted. we had a good talk...kinda ranted on antoine for a wile, but we cut it
then we got home @ almost 11, so i went stright to bed.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

so on fri a bunch of rays friends bailed on hime, including our ride, so we waited for a bit, then we went to value mart to get some more food, then we saw ray then jamie and taylor, so then they went off then ray found us a dude

so we went back home a waited for them then we were off.

once we got there we had to take a boat to the cottage, it was so fucking beautiful there, the watter was amazing, all the cottages were right on the lake.

so we chilled a bit, ray showed us around, and we decided to go in the sauna for a long wile, then max and i jumped into the late a few time then went back into the sauna, it was awesome.
then we played in the rain, and rays mom took a pic of us, it was really funny.

so then we went to bed.

sat morning rays mom and her friend were leaving, so then we chilled for a bit, ray went fishing.
we just dicked around all day. then we made lunch and ate it...duha, then ray took us fishing.
we didnt catch much but it was still cool.

back @ the cottage we met up with pat, rays friend from the other cottage, then we went fishing with him, his boat was big. so with him we went really far...knfie lake.
he caught a fish, but no one else did, so it got dark then we headed home.
@ home we bagan drinking...where i mixed...stupid me.

then pat came by and we chilled a bit, we talked with him and tim.
vic and max went off to the sauna.
then some dudes from michigan came, older guys, hudge.
they were cool...drunk as well lol.
so we talked to them, i had told them about katimavik, and they thought i was on crack or a crazy church
so then they left then i went tot he sauna woth max and vic, soon after ray came too...max and i jumped into the lafe a few times again, it was great.
then i felt really worn out.
so i chilled with tim and pat for a bit then i went to bed.

sun morning i woke up really early...hungover, and i pucked my ass off. so then i cleaned up and went back to bed.
i woke up feeling like shit, so i just layed on the fold out bed all fucking morning, max, vic and i watched movied in the was american pie: band camp and theres smoething about movies. ray was out with pat fishing...only caught a pike...he was out for like 4 hrs.

also, that day it snowed and reined like a mofo.
sooo, i started to feel better, then ray to vic and i fishing, ray caught a pike and vic caught a prickel, i didnt catch anything, soo it was so effin cold and rainy we headed back, then i was feeling like shit again so i decided to take a nap, then i just fell assleep till the next morning, where i feel better but not entirly well, i started to pack up and clean up. it was such a fuckin nice day, the nicest day all weekend, so we all sayed outside most of the morning untill we had to leave.
so we packed our shit then @ the landing we waited for rays friend to pick us up. he arrived and we left.
so @ home ppl wee doin their own thing, we just chilled and made smoothies, and then we watched the orphinage...a scary spanish movie, it is really fuckin good.
then i went stright to bed.

Friday, May 16, 2008

so today i woke up and tiff was sleepin on the couch in the living room, apparently she had been throwing up all night and is sick...that sicks,
i i ate breakfeast on the floor cuz the table was still outside
@ wokr i got all the back room shit done then i watched over kids.

@ lunch their wasnt much to make...yay mayo and cheese sandwhiches.....fucking hell
then i packed for this weekend....were goin to rays beans
then back @ work i got a bunch of toys cleaned and some shit for pauline and now im on the comp...yay.


Thursday, May 15, 2008

so yesterday
i went to work,
vic kinda ditched her work to go paint grandma doors....good call

@ work i didnt do much in the morning
i watched the kids then i stayed for the safe kids day meeting thing, so that i have a better understanding of what were expected to do, and so that i can facilate my group..yay me.

so then back to watching kids, then i went for lunch
@ home there were a bunch of ppl.
so i ate and hung up my wet cloths...tons of them.

then @ work i helped robin and the fire lady pick out bikes and helmits for safe kids day...although i didnt do afternoon cool
so back @ work i didnt do much also.

today i didnt do much n the morning besides the usal
@ lunch their wasnt much to make, i made an omlet
back @ work i watched over to kids, that robin told me the "drama" about, pretty racy...lmao
and i worked on cindys scrapbook.
then we had to move all the books from the shelves in the back so i started on that then i went to the library to meet with vic and max.
so there i chilled with max and we worked on the flyers as we waited for vic, then vic came and told us that the tattoos that ray "drew" for her she found on google, so we didnt bother goin grocery shopping for the weekend untill she had talked with him. so she did and he seemed to cover up his tracks well, but neiher of us believe him, but w/e were lookin foward to a SICK ASS WEEKEND.
so @ home we had a french lesson but then the frank-a-phones didnt go to enlish class so steph told them they had a free night, then i said to her that that was not fair, and that if they get a free night that we all should get a free night. then she said that they will work on may24 shit, then cilla said that we shoudl all be able to work on it, then steph just fucking left the situation,, that pissed me the hell off, so b4 we started the lesson i said that we need to see what others are doin, cuz if anyone got a free night that i would leave. so we decided that the frank-a-phones would work on may24 shit and we would have our lesson...that didnt make em happy cuz she wanted to watch her movie, but i dint care. so we worked on our french song, then we sang a was cool

then ppl were off, so cilla and i had a walk/talk and we satyed out till like 10:30, it was cool, we say ducklings @ the top of a hill, but it was too dark to really see them, we wanna go back.

then @ home i went to bed.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

daturday i tried to sdleep in, but the kids were laoud and snoying, so i got up had breakfeast and played video games, then xantra tok me and the kids for a drive where fucking devil children, zane complains about every stupid little thing.

so then we came back homee..after a wile we went to the viking where we had pizza.
ater that i was given a ride to vic and cillas billets then we chilled and drank and partyed downstairs cuz it was antoines birthday.

on out way to the bar we stoped @ the lake front infront of it and got stoned, and we got antoine stoned cuz it was his b-day
afterwards we went to the bar...the pit, ..i was allowed (buti was the night b4 as well with ray) he actually menchoned that i i wasnt id'd.

so we were there for a long wile and we danced and had tons of fun. although antoine left
so we had fun, later on when the bar closed ppl went to timmies abut i went home cuz i was dead.

sun...mothers dau, i sleped in till like was awesome!
then i got up, ant a bit, played videogames.
then pauline took me out to get a t-shirt from wawa, i picked out a nice one, i like it.

so then i chilled for a bit, then we went to the viking again to eat, it was a mothers day special thing..their was a buffet, it was good.

then i played videogames in the house then i was driven home by xantra, so i said by and got home, @ home we had a meeting then we were off.

yesterday i got up for work it was on ok morninng, had to do lots of stuff and make lots of playdough.
@ lunch i went home and ate eggs...yum
the afternoon was really busy, i kept working, but i got everything done that i needed to.
after work vic, max and i were talking about the weekend, then we went on out hike in the voyegur train right on seenic falls, so antoine dave and i went up to the falls where we werent allowed so then we found a train and jojed it for a wile then we hit a boat dock so we chiolled there for a wile then we ran back along the road cuz it was quicker. then tiff and cilla were waiting for us.
then we went on the hike and eventually caught up with the others, when we herd them i wnt down this sand thing it was so fucking fun i slid 1/2 way down it eas really fun.
so we kept goin with them steady for along wile, then we decided to turn back cuz it was getting darker, so we went back, then zach slipped in the river crossing place and got wet and almost lost his camera again..lmao,
se we got back then drove to the house
@ the house i worked on my project for a little wile, then i went to join the others for a bon fire. ray was there, it was cool, we chilled.
then i went to bed.

tuesday morning, this morning
i got up then went to work ..@ work we had new
and i was alonde when we opened for like 15 min, then pauline came and i didnt have to be alone....yesssss.
soo @ unch xantra invited me to lunch so we went to the viking where i ate lunch
back @ work i got to hold a
and the moms did was funy cuz maren(a baby) kept crawlng all over her mom while she was teaching, it was cute.

@ home we had a meting about the may24 weekend it was long but we got a lot of shit planned, and lots of complaining about karya, it was kinda funny.
then i went for a walk, when i got back i chilled for a little bit then vic, max, em and i went for a walk as well, it rained, when we got back i took down my cloths that were hanging, wet of then i went to bed.

Friday, May 9, 2008

wednesdau afternoon i met up with max @ the library, then vic showed up as well as ray and then karya,
max and i worked on the players...thats about it, then we chatted with ray for a wile and vic and him left while we worked for a bit

once we were done we encountered them again on the streets...where max was mad @ her for having a
so then we decided wed go to the bar later on, and that id try goin.

so i got to paulines, played some videogaes and ate dinner, then i went out later on@ 9, and we headed for the bar, we got there and no one carded me, so we stayed for a wile, we played pool then some of rays friends showed up and we chilled with them for a wile, it was fun
then ray got me a beer then we left @ 12 cuz we had to go to work. so @ home i went stright to bed.

@ work it wanst much i guess, did lots of photocopying and worked on the flyers for may24 weekend.

i had lunch with oauline @ the resturant beside here.

the afternoon was a work shop so i watched over some kids and got told buy a lil girl, they hae an attitude, its funny to see.

so afterwards i went to the house for a bit, and as i was walking and i see tiff driving a car with zach and cilla in it, i was like yo, they had gone for a beer run and were planning to drink and have a fire.

so they gave me a lift to the house where they stashed their shit and we chilled for a bit, then she drove me home. so i ate @ home and then i called vic to see what time volley ball was.

soooo i quickly left to hr billets, and tiff and cilla were there and so was she.
then vic got max and we left t meet ray.
on the way max twisted her ancle, it was kinda funny how it hapened, but yeah
then we made our was to the school. St.joseph, on the way we saw antoine and zach, and yelled @ them but didnt do anything..we just ket walking
so @ the gym their were tons of ppl there, some ppl from the bar the night b4, it was tons of fun, the ppl are so funny.
so we played for a wile then we left at 9:15 to the katima-house to join in the camp fire.
so there we met up with tiff, cilla zach and antoine.
they had drank a bit but no one was drunk.
so i had a bit to drink thanks to tiff and antine, and we kept the fire goin. ray cam with vic, max and i as well

so @ 10:30 we decided ot g home, so we walked ome, ray and i went in a diff direction and i cahtted with him for a bit.

so i went stright to

this morning i woke up on my own again
got ready and went to work
this morning i helped katrina with her kindergaden start off thing, it was cool, the kids seemed to like me...i guess.

so i got lunch off early so i went to the house and ate there.
back @ work ther gonna build new kitchen things sooo i emptyed the cubbards and helped wth room change.

then i did some final touches with the flyer and sent it to karya.

then i went to paulines then i played games then for lunch we went to so ladys house ..i knew her, and we had a pot luck thing with her , us and paulines parents.
they played dr.mario lots.

then i left early and ive been on the com on my may24 shit, and transfering as much music as i can from her comp, and chattin and wrting on my blog...which is where im @ now.

- so all this week almso every day i beans
-today i istened to k6 while @ the house and it made me really miss home and concerts, i really just wanna mosh my ass off and have some kick ass fun.
--zane kept walking in while i was writing on my blog, its fucking anoying when ppl read shit off your screne, hes a lil pest..but w/e
-ive been out almos everyday this week, its been realy fun, justc chillin, it remnds me of the comfort of home and how everything is goin well and is fin, im happy again...go billeting, opefully things are better when we get back it think it will.

later days hombres

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

yesterday tuesday

zane woke me, i got ready and played some videogames b4 leaving
@ work i did a bit for agthering of theings for marylen, then i played with the kids, i also cleaned up a but, for lunch we went to the viking again, zane was there and so was xandra and her freind, hes cool.
so back @ work i did some rearch for my booth thing then i cleaned up a but, the teen moms showed up again we chatted for a bit.

then i went to the lid to do some rearch then e had our was boring but i think it was needed to clarify things.
so then i went back hme and i played video games, then xantra took me to her work ...we had coffie with a friend of hers that was working there @ the was kinda boring.
then she drove me all over the place showing me around wawa. that was cool

then back home i played some games, took a sower then went to bed.

this mrning someone owrk me, i got ready and left for work
its raining lots today...kinda gloomy, i have a lot of photocopying to im off.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

so fri was billeting
after work ppl scrambled to pack their shit
we all started to leave one by one.
then pauline came and i was so ready to leave the house.
i work with pauline so it was cool.
sooo whense got me we frst went tot e supermarket and got some shit for me.
then @ her place her 2 kids seemed to be super ecited that i was comming over, they showed me my room in the macement...not really a room, just futon in thw bacement.

so then dexter...the youngert of the 2 kids (pauline had 3 kids, dex-7, zane i think hes around 12 and axandra..shes 19)
so we had dinner and dexter asked me a million and one questions
so after diner i kinda got my stuff toughter in my "room" then i went up stairs, i played some video games with the kids, who seemed to fight over who to play with.
so twe sis that then we watched irobot...dexters favourate movie at the time. and after that antoine called me to go to a party @ the bowling alley guys house (he was envited there through his billet-brother) so he called me up which i was surised aboput and said that he called vic, so i called vic and we made plans to go to the place, so when pauline got back home i asked her what my cerfew was and she said i had none...sweet!

so i went to vic and cillas bllet families house where everyone had a beer in the bacement, and they gave me one "pre-drinking" if you can call it that
so after we all finished our drinks we all walked off tot he appartment over the sears building.

so when we got there we were invited in even thought they didnt know us...excepth the dude from the bowling alley who somewhat knew who we were. so we chilled there for a wile then antoine showed up, he ditched the party cuz he met some ppl whom whe wanderedoff

so @ the party some one passed around a j so i took a hit, it was the first time since williams lake last time i felt good cuz this time i got high...i like it.

so then a few of us decided to buy some off a dude that was selling, so a bunch of us pitched and i bought it off the dude, he was cool about it, but a true dealder...with a scale and everything.

so we stayed there into the late ohours of the night...till 2, and we got to know some ppl.
then we left late and all went back to out billet was a cool night but the dude from the bowlong alley is SICK @ the while we left max said her pomme e citron
and her pomme is that some ppl have so much tallent and her citron is that their all coke heads......lmao

so the next morning...saturday
i sleped in and pauline had to work and exantra(her oldest..19) and dexter went to the soo, so i was home alone with zane..he has he was frwakin anoying....but we played video games and i watched tv for a long time. then pauline came back and we chilled for a bit then i went out for a long walk cuz i was feeling down and i rembered all my friends in williams lake and how i missed them.

so that day was pretty boring.

so on sunday...
they made was really good.
then we chilled for a bit, we watched accepted, it really good, i like that movie

we had dinner...i think @ the viking resturant (where paulines boyfriend works)
then she mad this good noodle tai thing.
we also drove around wawa and went off roading...not really, it was cool, i was glad to be out of the house. so then i read my book for a wile.

monday i was woken by pauline like i had asked, so i got ready for work, then i left b4 shift starts earlier.
so @ work it was typical.
after work i decided to go for a walk around town, i then saw tiff and zach and went with them into northern, then tiff ditched us so zach and i wandwered for a wile, then we visited the tattoo guys house/studio, i cahtted with him for a bit, then we wanted to see the house but we saw karyas car there so we decided not to go near it, then we saw vic and i wanted to meet up with her later on.

so i went home for dinner, and i got a call fromkarya that we were havin a meeting on tues for may 24 planning...booerns.
so then i met up with vic and cilla and we walked for a bit then decided to go to the house, cilla cralled through a small window that couldent be locked, cuz a wire goes through it.

soo then we wer ein da house and we unlocked the side door so we could go back, we also grabbed some stuff that we forgot. then we headed off.
then i walked them home then i went home, i watched house for a bit then i went to bed.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

@ work it was ok, the morning was usual.
@ lunch i ate lots cux the house managers bought tons of food.

in the afternoon their wasnt much

@ home we had the bilet mingle, so that was kinda fun, the billet families that came seem nice.

@ work it was pretty much just marlyen and i ..many ppl were off or in the soo.
also there was a fair thing @ the community centre..thats where lots of ppl were that day (or went to)..ppl with the schools.

so in the afternoon i got more shit for katrinias school thing. also in the afternoon i did some chores for marylen, i dropped off books for her.
i taled a bit @ the library lady who didnt recgonize

so @ the school i walked in and was walking towards the office then 2 teachers seemed to harrase me, i was really rude...kinda so i left the books with them and proceded to out up some posters for amanda.

back @ the store the teen moms came in and we chilled for a bit.

@ home we were suposted to practice our stomp thing but decided not to cu its on sun and we would just embaress our we decided not to, so instead a bunch of ppl walked to ppl house to watch hockey, then cilla and i ditched josianne and went for a verry verry log walk, we climded up a hill thing and traveld inside the forests AND PLAYED ON A MARRY GO ROUND, IT WAS TONS OF FUN.(whoops caps lock)

so back home ray was here...the guy ppl met on cillas b-day, he seems cool...reminds me a lot of on of my friends back home.

this morning was typical.
@ work i did lots of work behind the scenes, i also helped katrina set up for her kindagerdan thing, and when she left me for a sec and a teach harassed me, i guess i can understad it but im so sure that if i looked differently that i wouldent be treated so harshly.
so i did that then got more shit done for her thing.

in the afternoon i did some things then i spent most of it doin...invantory with all the shit that robin got, so i started that but i ran out of time and left the room a mess, ill get to it tomorrow.

so @ home i worked on my booth thing, actually painting the stencils on the recycled cloths fron the bacement.

...lately ive been dreading comming home, i really dont like my group
-im alyays quiet @ dinner and i am unmoviated to do anything, i cant wait for billeting, i need to get out of here
almost everydau since tues ive got home and went for a walk till it was dinner time, and when were done our activity i leave agai, i dont wanna be here in the house, but its not even that bad, i think its just me, or mabye im doin it for attension, but i doubt that cuz i like to be happy and myself but right now im not myself and i dont like ti, i also dont like that seph dosnt call ppl on anything and is letting a lot of thins slide, i sometimes feel that she only gave antoien a cti cuz we all were like wtf?

shes noticing that i feel down but i dont really wanna talk to her cuz she really good friends with antoine and is always with hi, and i think that why hes gatting away with so much, she needs to make sure that she is a pl FIRST and a friend SECOND, and i dont think she realises that, and it makeing me begin to resent her.

later on this day steph and i had a walk and we talked about the things that were goin on in my mnd and hers and we talked about shit in the house and how it bothered her that i was glum the whole week, i think the talke was good but it dosnt really change anything, it just out in the open now...kinda.