Wednesday, April 16, 2008

@ work the mroning was really busy..tons of kids, but i had a lot of fun,
they busted out the bean stalk i drew up and we pasted tissue paper on it, it was cool
@ home @ lunch max had prepared a lunch, it was potato salad and deviled eggs, it was real good... so back @ work the teem mom ppl came, it was fun talking to them, they trid on the costumes and stuff.
back @ home i chilled abut b4 lunch
i called marathon (formally known as 100 mile).
so we tried to plan some stuff for when were goin up there, and our 72, hopefully it turns out. we wanna get timmons (formally known as Quesnel) in on it too, even though their a different cluster.
so then we planned the 30th anavearasy on May24, i kinda frustrated me cuz steph lead and directed the whole group, when the leadership commettiee should have done it, and they had only the stup small detials planed out, like what food were eating and games made out of recycled materials...and they also had no notes, nore were they taking any notes on the meeting, so when i got all my shit toughter on what i had to do i went to steph.

jo-jo is also really stressed about making a few phone calls...well i cant really blame her, id be kinda stressed too but not that bad.
and she took forever to re-write her notes (which i thought was a waste of time) and worked till midnight on the billeting poster..which was barely done, sometimes i think she has a condition that shes not telling us about, because she is slow doing everything..and i mean everything, and she always makes situations wierd.

anyways i just had to eant about that for a sec.

soooo, today steph is away all tay today and comes back tomorrow cuz shes @ a cluster meeting.
soo in the morning max and em made cinimon buns...they got up @ 5 to do them...CRAZY!
@ work i got a bit done that i had to, and i was given a bit of work...just cutting out some hads shapes with a print thing.

this morning was also crazy, but i think its cuz its such a nice day today (17 deg. FINALLY geeze) so many parents brought their kids.
lunch was cool, max made us mango, and cocanut smoothies, it was sooo fucking good!
in the afernoon i printed off a bunch of ceritifcates for marylen.
then i stayed on the floor...and here i am.

tooningt max and i plan to dye our hair, cuz its a free night and theirs no one @ home (its against the rules to dye your hair in a katima-house) so now that steph is gone, theior shoulent be a problem, but its such a nice day outside i think we shoud do it out there anyways...well see

so we had dinner,
then max died my hair, i think it looks SICK, and max did a great job.
so while it was bleaching my hair we watchedsome movie about a kid that takes up ballet, it was a really good movie...aparently em's favourite.

and that brought is to the night, so i washed out my hair and went to bed.

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