Sunday, August 31, 2008

its over, that day at the airport fucking sucked, we had to say good bye to EVERYONE it hit us all it seems when the frankaphons had to split from the group, the 3 groups were all crying, it was really sad, then we had to spend so much time in the airport saying goodbye to people as our groups got smaller and smaller, it wasnt fun.

so now im home...things are exactly the same, it makes katimavik feel like a dream.
my friends seem boring and the same, they seem to make thier own problems and if feels wierd not being sourounded by people who arent completely honest with you. but im back, i gotta deal, im staying in touch with some friends but many i hope to loose contact with.

as for my katimavik friends i do hope to stay in cintact with them, but even if we loose contack i hope that i can show up at their doorstep at any time and be gretted with open arms, i know that i would do the same for them, i miss them a lot, and i miss the lifestyle that we once had. things here are boring, but i hope to change all that.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

so after my nap i went back down and ate icecream, then we chilled for a bit then cilla and i went and hit up the town.

so monday morn, julie woke me and we soon had a meting about cleaning, so we had the meeting then we went off and cleaned what we needed to. so i finished cleaning the living room then i procedded to start packing so that i could clean my room, zach did the same, so then we cleaned our room, then we chilled for a bit, so then i had my one-on-one, it was cool julie and i had a good talk, then she let me know that we did weed, during this trimester and i wa

then i helped vic clean the dining room walls, so then cilla and i went for a walk to diliver her package, then as we were walking back we saw a sacond katimavik van, so we got so excited we ran accross the bridge, it was chit, so then thay stayed and we chilled for a long wiole there, then we wne toutside and played in the park a few rounds of grounders, and then we chilled for a bi8t out there, then we came back and they wnated to watch a movie but most of us didnt want to so we wenty out for a walk. so on thsi walk we tried to score some weed, not much luck. and then we walked on the train tracks and some ppl were scared when we walked over the bridge, it was scary but it was cool.
so then we came back to the house then max, t-bo, em, vic and i went to the park to score some, so we go there and the frank-a-phoned do their magic and they managed to get some. so then we smoked the roach the max found in the house, yeah the froup left a roach in the house, and we didnt find out till now when we cleaned the house. so we smoked then we came back to the other group and i chilled with them, the pl asked how our "happy" walk was, lmao, t-bo just said it was happiness, it was funny.

so this morning we all weemed to have woken up early and then i ahd some of julies yougert, then now we need to clean up the house and chill....and wait for toonight for the bus to pickus us and for all of us to part our ways, becuse today ..well tonight katimavik ends, and this time tomorrow we will all be home and away from our group and the life weve been living for the past 8 months, and begining the re-intergration into normal society, and i dont know if im ready, i scared to go home, and to go to college, but i knoe that im so used to so much change that ill be fine

well see what happens

Sunday, August 24, 2008

so fri we left anf got to ill du reapu soon, so we picked out spots and set up tent, we chilled there for a bit and pretty mcuh did what we wanted for a wile, we went swimming then we chilled, then i ate a bit then we made a camp fire where we had a group discution, it was cool, we had some shit to drink as well, thx to julie. so then vic, max and i took a walk into town to look for luck then we came back to catch the preformance from a side door that ws left open so we could see then preform, they were good, then i went to bed, so the floors were fucking hard as hell and david kept kicking me all night...stupid. so in the morning i woke and i chatted with zach, then we chilled for a bit and soon our while group was up, we again got to do pretty mcuh what we wanted so we chilled, then we took a quick dip in the river then we chilled some more, i wandered off for a bit, then we were called to write warm fuzzies to eachother, so i took my shit and walked through the river to get to a small island where i wanted to wriet my notes, i got 1/2 of them done b4 i got tired and went back, ppl were playing gutar on the beach, i said hi to them, so then i chilled on the bach, went swimming again then julies friend form monteral came to try and teach us prucutions, so he got all of his drums and instruments out and we tried to play in unisen, however it was really had cuz there are certain people in or group who dont have rythem, so then we were told to stop cuz they were gonna do sound check in the place thing, so we went back, ppl finished their letters and i loafted around for a bit, then julies friends came to suprise her then we chilled then we had some wile toughter at our tents, then we went to the resturant where we all ordered food and were so loud and half tipsy it was great, we got our food and ate so much, then we were to go to the shoe that was playing today..a blues band, so we loafter for a bit then we went to the show, it was good but for me it was kinda boring, so a few of us went outside and chatted while still listening to the band, then vic, max and i went into to town again...again no luck, so then we got back, then i went to the bach with tiff, zach and cilla and laied under the stairs and talked. afterwards i went to bed, in the morning i got up and just reted outside the place, everyone seemed kinda dead so then we ate then ppl did their own thing, i chilled by the river and naped lots, just enjoying our only taste of summer, so then we did the prechunist thing again, this time it was really good, a dude was goona jam with us but never showed up, but it was cool cuz we got to use his tam tam we jammed for a wile, then we packed up the van and left, and now we got home, i called mae and now im fucking dead tired and ill most likely go to bed ater writing in this blog...later

Friday, August 22, 2008

so thursday was the last day if work, i finished the apinting early so i loafted, then i said good bye to everyone then we went homr, whwere i took a shower then we left for the farewell party, we get there set up and not many ppl show up, ony 2 billets and vics work..which was where we were at. so then we ate cookies chilled for a bit then we went back home, then a bunch of us went to doolies to play pool so we played also watching a retarded bee fondle our table, then we walked to metro to get shit for floats ans i also got some shit for the weekend just incase the hms dont pul through with something..which might be the then we came back home and chilled while having floats, then we talked for so long then some onld katimavik allumni came over to chat he was cool, stayed for like 5 min then left. then we chilled with julie and chatted with her then it was time for bed, i stayed on the comp for a wile b4 bed.

so this morning i woke at 10...sleeping in then i ate and chilled ont eh comp for a bit then vic and i got to work washing the walls in the living room we did that for a wile then we made lunch, we finished up later then chilled, i went on the comp for a wiole, cilla and zach took a dip in the pool, we chilled outside, its fucking hot today, so then we cleaned the van with out broken water hose then we ate dinner and now were all getting ready to leave for camping/ deebreafing, its gonna be sick!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

sooo saturday we moved the jonquire house it was pretty chill, half stayed at their house and half in the new one, the ones that stayed packed and the the ones at the new place unloaded, so we went on doin thid for about 3 hrs..not as long as we had was cool we oiled their matresses and then we played on them and chilled on them, alas they were the first ones to go.
so then we had to move the big appliances...the washer, dryer, oven and fridge, so ihelped phil move the oven and oven, t-bo and jonathan go the washer and dryer, then i went with phil so help load the washer and dryer to his new place. so we did that as well as move in a couch that was really difficult, then we moved a table and everyone said was so heavy and hard but we managed to do it easily...easier than the couch, that couch was a bitch. so then we chilled at their place for a bit then we headed to chit with tieri group jonquire stayed behind to get ready, so they took for fucking ever and we were all starving so they ordered pizzas, but they made a mistake and everyone only got one slice of pizza, so then i ate some of chits food then they ordered more, then we ate and all started getting ready to go to the bar, then we were all deciding on how to go, then julie was soo cool and drove twice to the bar so drop us all off, their was 20 of us there, it was cool, so mich and i split a pitcher but then we her of the deal for guys so 4 bucks for a bracelet then we got free bears for the rest fo the night...but we have to tip, so we did that for a long ass time, then vic, em, max kayla and i went out for a puff, so that was cool, the place we were at had tons of graff, so then max ditxhed and we got back and went to the bar, i drank a hell of a lot more, then we took over the stage, then we partied tons, then i wanted to head back, so we waited for a group to go back and we watched the bad play, the same one from michs b-day they were real good, so then we started waling and t-bo pulls out a j so we smoked it on the street and on the way there i had a nice chat with mitch, then back at the hosue i got my bed ready then geome comes out and asked if we wated a amoke, so we went to the downstairs bathroom and i rolled one, then we waled to a aplace that he thought was cool, we had a nice chat there and then we got back and i sleeped like a baby, then i was woken up by jonathan, which pissd me off, so then we got our shit packed toughter then we left for a show that was goin on in town so we went there then ezgi and i went of on our own then we wmt up with mich ans kayla then ezgi went off and kayla and mich wanted to smoke up so we asked t-bo but he didnt have any so i pilled one out, they pitched for it then we went for a walk by the river and smoked up, it was cool, we chilled there talking tillwe had to go ..we got a text for emilie, thier em, then we headed back, we drove home and back home we ate then eveyone went to bed, we were all pretty pooped for last night so we sleped, then we had a meeting then we sleped more, we were suposted to meet with the youth congress thing but didnt cuz we were too tired.
mondaymorning i went to work they got me to paint shit downstairs it was cool, i took some records to turn into bowls, when i was leaving they tolf me that i had records in my bag, it looked bad cuz they thougt i was stealing them..apparently collectible records...why they were in the throw out pile..i donno, so i explained to then why i had them, they seemed fine, but i was pissed that they went thorugh my shit to find it. so then back home we chilled then we watched into the wild, it was hella good, then i went to bed,
the next dat at work i did the same timg, apint all day, then back home we were gonna go to the youth congress thing and chill with them, so we went, even though julie wasnt here, so the layd there was sup^rised when we shoewd up...being the last pl she told the kids that cuz our pl wasnt here we wouldent come. so we chilled with them but it was only for that time, they would leave just before we did, so then we went back home, i made some cake then went to bed.

today i painted on the wall all day..again, i chated with the teens at my work, they seem to come down a lot to see what ive apinted and to chat, its pretty cool, then i went home and now im on the

Saturday, August 16, 2008

so wednesday we ddint really drink, we had a french class so that took up most of our time, then after that most ppl went to bed.

thursday we had the new horizions workshop which took up our whole morning, so when we were done with that we were suposted to go back to work but a lot of us didnt, so we stayed home, i spent a lot of my time on the comp, people started the "big cleaning", which was cool, so then i went for a walk with cilla and tiff to the abandonded school that er found one day walking, so we got inside then wandered for a bit, we herd a beeping sound then got out, soon after there was a full out alarm, so we took this path to a lice lake river thng, it was super beautiful, then i was a water or sewage plant, it was cool, then we walked back and went back home. so back home the HMs bought a 40 of rum, we were gonna have coctails for dinner, bt antoine put the whole bottle in it and man was that shit strong, so i watered mine down and i must have had like 4 drinks, so i was pretty wasted, then our french teach showed up so that we could write our letters, so i did that, trying my best to write in good french, then em helped me out and corrected all my mistakes, then the french teach did the same and i got to leave super early, so i went on the comp for a long ass time, when i came back down the french teach was still here, so then he left and we chilled, we decied to make a fire outside then david was to come over, it was his last night in alms, he was going home tomorrow, so we chilled with him for a long time..playing the tam-tam, so then i wanted to go to bed so i said my good byes to him and i got his e-mail, then i went to bed.

fri work was ok i was sorting cloths then did other stuff all day, including painting the lib floor, it was davids last day so everyone said goodbye to him they gave us a $25 gift certificate for the store, that was pretty cool then a card so then we left. so back home antoine was upstared with his "friend" then he came down feriuos because of the shit i write on the walls, i was kinda blowing it off so i went to go paint over it so jolie wouldent see, and as i was doin that i realosed how stupid and disrespectful it was that did. sothen i ahd to thnnk of a physical activity because naturally josianne didnt know what she was doing, so cilla came up with this ropes thing, it was really fun, then we had dinner, personal pizzas for everyone, so we ate, then antoine was cleaning out eh room and i appoligized to him, he took it well, i felt like a dick. so then we chilled in the house, cilla and tiff cut zachs hair, then they danced in the living room, while i was on the comp, then cilla and i went on this long ass walk, we saw david and we told hom about tomorrow, then we saw antoine and his gf, i felt really bad but he said it was ok...then we kept waling we saw this indie video thing showing ontop of the garage thing so we watched it for a wile, we saw the next pl in alma there, he was in one of the vidoes. then we went back home to get sweaters and the "black bag" as ppl in the house klike to call it, it has sprayapint in it and i bring it whn cilla and i tag the town...anyways we walked to the pooll and jumped the frnce, then we decided to go back and go swimming, then we walked around some more, we saw david again, then we headed back home, then i went to bed.

this morning were having french toast, then were goin to jonquire to help them move, were seing the cluster, it will be fun, then we get to sleep over in chiticiumi and were all goin to the bar, it will be rediclious..and its a full moon toningt...WHO HOO!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

tuesday at work was pretty good, kinda hectic, but i got to do what i wanted so it made me happy. then back at home i was my ususal talkitive self and tiff thougt that i was being scarastic or something was up, and i had told her no, so she assumed that i got over that it was that was bothering me, na di told her that it wasnt somethign for ME to get over but i had stoped letting it bother me, so i guess i did get over it. so then we ate dinner, then had some chocolate covered blueberrys it was really good, then it was a free night so i read a bit, chilled at the house then i made some chese cake, then we watched the breakfeast club, ive never seen the movie and i really liked it, it was really effin good, then i finished my cheese cake then i went to bed.

this morning work was ok, although all i did was tag cloths...real boring but i had a nice lady to work with and was patient when i asked her many questions about what is what.
so at home i ass vic..alone cooking again, and it appears that antoine hasnt done much and when i ask her of this it appeared to be true, so it seems that antoine dosnt undeerstand and will never understand housemanagers, or katimavik in general..oh well, so we have a french class today, it is our second last..last being tomorrow, well see how this goes, julie is leavin for her 48, so we wanna have maragritas today, hopefully it will be a good time.

Monday, August 11, 2008

so fri i was in a much better mood, cilla and i prepes shit for the weelend then we cooked the lazyana and then we chilled all day, we didnt have to clean because for the first time ever(serously) the house was clean in the morning...mabye it was cuz i was in a bad mood the other
so we chilled, we watched juno it was hella good, then we cooked dinner and got dressed for the formal tea aprty we were gonna have, so we got shit done like an hour early so we waited, i made cake then we ate, it was really good, i liked it tons, then we had tea in the dining room it was fun, then jholie came in and had a little discution about hoe gloomy it was when she showed up, and ppl said they they dont wanna end off bad, but by the looks of it it wont happen cuz ppl are becoming more selfish and anyways i think it was a free night so tiff, cilla, em and i went to a bar, it was quiet, i liked it, em didnt, so i had a large beer then we went to the studio 80, they played some good punk, gaian i had a large beer, then we wanted a poutine so we went ot he bar infront of the crapo and had a poutine and again another beer, so then we headed back home, ppl were there and so was david so we chated, i stayed up cuz i was to drunk to go to bed, but then ppl again brought me down, so i went to my spot on the river and chilled there till i was ready for bed, it must have been a wile cuz when i came back no one was around so i went o bed.

so saturday morning i woke and got shit ready for us to eat for the weekend as well as getting myself ready, cilla seemed to ask me a million questions instead of just doin something. so then we were all ready and we headed for l'ane st.jean, 2 hours away so i sleeped most of the way in the front seat so then we got to the hostel place in the middle of nowhere it was a dudes house as well as a farm, i really liked it there. so we were split up doin different tasks and i was left alone making a path tot he river, i fucking loved it, i spent all morning just clearing a path. the lady who had given me my job told me that i did a great job, then she sent me off for lunch. so then i busted out the potato salad..we all ate then chilled for a bit then after lunch we all were given different tasks, so i went off woth the owner of the place and i helped out with the garden, i talked to the dude hes really cool, then i went off to help the others peel garlic so we did that for the oongest time, but it was cool, we talked to the ladys there and we learned about woofing, where you go work on an organic farm and they pay you by giving you a place to stay and food, its really cool, and its a cool way to see the country. so then we continued to peel garlic for ever then cilla went off to make dinner, i went ofter her to check up the antoine was eating all the sandhwhich shit and i asked him not to but he did anyways. so then we ate dinner then we got time to chill, so a bunch of us went off to this lookoff point julie knew about so we didn that on a really bad road but it was super nice there, then i sneaked onto some place to get a better view then antoine did the then julie saw us and got kinda mad but ofcourse nothing happend. so then we went to a dock place to see the sunset, so i sat on a rock close to the water, so i stayed there for a wile then i was called to go, so then we went to this nce little bar on the river oin the back it was super nice i ordered ablueberry bear it was nice, so we chilled there for a wile, when we wnet in to pay i noticed the dude that owned the hostel working, it was cool so then we went back to the hostel where ppl were playing ina room then we were called to the fire to hear some myths and stories, so i went to practice my french so the lady told a sotrty shes a good sotry teller and i understood the jist of the story, then ppl were tlaing, i didnt really talk to ppl...saing as how i dont speak their language so i went in and aske ppl for a walk so i went on a walk with tiff and the bushy haired dude that also helped on the garden. we talked for a bit then we went back where i chilled wioth cilla and the lil grl from there then i went to bed.

so the next morning we had breakfeast @ the place then we headed out the soap making place so at a town called la baie we waited for the chotucutimi group where we had lunch toughter and chilled, then we went to see how they make soap, the guy that did the presentation was fucking ahlarious, his english was rally good, he really liked to pick on michella...and kept saying that all the girls loves his "white cream"...refering to soap of course, but we all had a good laugh on that one. to that was cool, then we went to this other place in chitotumi that was a free mesieum for us to go was ok, kinda boring then we coloured then cila found like this cool plase in the musieum, so we playe dthere for liike 2 seconds then i headed out where tebeau tried to get ezgi soaked but the splash pad dint work, so i got it to work then we picked her up and put her in i then i draged her in it, so she was pretty soaked so then we headed back to the vand where we said good bye to the other gorups, we wanted to chill with the other goprup but they had a french class on a sunday. so we wnet back home and we cleaned up a bit then later on the day the cluster showes up at our house and i get super stoked and i be social, lol. so they invited us to go to the outdoor movie theaters so a few of us piled into their wans where we were all rockin out, espically ezgi,s o then we stoped @ the couch-tard, where we started rocking the van, the teens there tought we were funny. then we got to the movies place and it was closed to we rocked out soem more then left to get wood for our fire and marshmellows, so we rocked out some more then went to out plase where we had a fire, ppl played the GEE-tar then we told dead baby jokes, that turned to chuck noris jokes then we ended the night with riddles, it was a good time, then the other house left and i went to bed.

monday work was calm, everyone was away helping clean at some other place for the fripie, so we worked all day it was good, then we wne thome where i spent lots of time reading, i went to the park beside the house to read as well, then we came house where i had dinner, it was...ok, then i went back to reading, we had a house meeting then i chilled for along time, read some more then i took a shower and went to bed early.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

tuesday we went to tacos y salsa in st.gelidion then we went to the beach, it was fun. we took pics and chilled, then we went back home where i went for a long ass walk then i came back home and went to bed.

wed was a pretty chill day cuz we had dinner done from the day b4 cuz we went out so we preped dinner for the next day as well as some things for the weekend, mostly baking stuff, lots of stuff, tiff was there she helped out, then ppl came home, the shepards pir wasnt de-frosted to dinner was late, then we had french class where we learned a new verb then we wnet to the video store where david works and we did some activities there, it was cool. so then we went back home and cilla and i got ready to go to the bar to play gutar hero, and tag the town, so while cilla was getting ready i preped a stencil, then we went off, we went to the bar where gutar hero was suposted to be at and we didint see it, and it was packed, so then we kept waling and taged lots of place up town, it was cool, then we came back home and saw that antoine and hig girl thing were doin it in the other house thing, i was kinda pissed, also em and sazh went out to a motel and max went over to davids yet again, so all this seemed to piss me off, so i went for another walk and thought about a lot then i came back home and went to bed.

this morning i wasnt in the best mood, i saw that em was here as well as tiff again and maz, also jolie was here with phil (the jonquire pl) so i was kinda pissed that there were so many ppl in the house the day we had to do some hardcore cleaning for the open house. so em went away and so did max, tiff stayed with us and helped clean, it took us no time at all but we did have to work around the pls, which kinda pissed me off, then the pls ditched then we chilled and i preped dinner and made pao de queso the fabricio had given us. i was mad the em stayed home cuz she want here all night and was probly too tired to go to work the next day, but she had enough energy to go on a 2 hr bike ride...anyways, cilla tiff and i went for a walk to walmart got stuff for floats then back home we got dinner ready, ppl were home and i was in a shitty mood so i didnt talk much but was still asked a million times if i was was really anoying. so during dinner antoine asked if he could skip on the open house and play soccer, he got everyone to write an answer on a piece of paper and if one person opposed he wouldent go, he really wanted everyone to do it, i didnt but he was being a lil bitch as susal so i did it, i wrote that he should go even though i regrated it later, but he ended up not going. so i preped shit for the open house then i went for a nap cuz i was drined. then i woke for the open house where i chilled in the second kitchen for the whole time, no one showed up...david and maenu, i had a chat with cilla then after the open house i went for a walk to draw and do some graff, it was cool, now im back, still in a shitty mood.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

so fri night we went to quebec city, i was feeling a bit down but meeting the other group kinda settled that, so we parked @ the red cross and took a long walk to the activity that the pls planed we watched this crazy art images thing that was displayes on a bunch of syloes beside eachother, it was really cool, it told the history of quebec city, it was really good, i liked it tons. so then we walked back so the vans and drove to the levi house where we were gonna stay the weekend, when we got there there was a party goin on between 2 housed over, it was kinda crazy they all kinda stalked us, so everyone rushed into the house and i stayed behiond to watch the 2 vans that everyone had lft open, and i knew that being this responsible and NOT SELFISH was gonna ensure that i wasnt gonna get a bed to sleep on that night, so ppl finally came back after a long wile to get there stuff, max had commented that i was smart...duha, so ppl brough their shit up then i did and then i went to the guys room...right by the kitchen...and long behold i got a spot on the floor, but at least i got a matress to sleep on, had i not i would have raised a fit. so when ppl got settled in i went for a walk around the town, kinda a wierd town, i sat anf thinked for a wile, then i came back to the house where only antoine was awake., then i went to bed. so we alll got to sleep in the next mroning, which i didnt expect it was nice, so i got up in time to beat the ruch of ppl that would have woken me up. so we all ate then the jonquire grup had left early cuz they planned to go to the water park, we didnt go cuz we didnt have enough in our budget, so we went to quebec city where we got some free tiem, i went off with vic and antoine and we saw some art thing int he part, artists painting and showing off their paintings, it was really nice, so then we got back so that we could eat, then we headed off to the louve a quebec and we got there and i spent lots of time in there, i was cool to see things that i learned about and have only seen before in textbooks. so i spent lots of time looking and analyzing all the shit, it was cool, then i saw some quebecer art, twas nice, so we were finished there, some ppl didnt have a good a time as i ir tiff did, so then we headed off, and we got more free time, so cilla tiff and i wandered the streets goin window shopping all over the place, then they had to go tot he washroom and it took them forever to find one, we found zach and david along the way then the girls went pee in the bush station, then we headed to the dock where some shit was goin on, a concert that we couldent get int to, so david left us then we headed to the bar where we all drank and remonised about katimavik, and bitched about the other parts, we talked to the bartender whos roomate in college did katimavik so then we drank some more then it was tim to head back to the meting spot, we left and got there early so we went to mcdonalds to eat some fries, then we headed back where everyone was on time. then we headed back to the van, we were loud then we drove home, again loud, back home the other group wasnt there(we were soupoted to meet up with them but they decided to do their own thing) so everyone went to bed expt vic who felt to sick for bed so i stayed up with her till she went to bed, thne i fell asleep.

the next morning we were suposted to do a cluster thing toughter and go to some nice island place but it wasnt a nice day wo our group decided to spend the day in town and the other group wanted to go to the mall, so in town i split from the group and spent the day alone, it was really nice i walked around all over the place and i saw some sick graffiti. so we saw the other group was in town (what the hell) so it was time to go so i wernt back to the meting place where everyone came cept for antoine and zach who got lost, so we left with the other group and stopped off at the place we always do where that crazy lady was. so we ate there then we were off home, back home we helped the HMs clean up then i stayed up for a bit on the com then i went to bed.

monday morning i sleped in cilla and i made the grocery list we cleanded, went grocery shopping then cooked, it was pretty chill, we are having theme meals yesterdays theme was whore night, so ppl dressed up like whores, and i was the pimp it was so fun, the best dinner ever, cracking so many jokes, it was awsome. then we had a house meeting and then i went for a long ass walk all over town, when i got back david was here and we chiled we smoked a j with some ppl then we went off, then cilla and i ­"improved" the city, but we only taged one place so then we got back home then i called willow then i went to bed.... it was a long day

this morning i sleped ins o much we got up and made bread then we cleand and started cooking, then jolie had a suprise for the group to go out to eat so the meal we made os for tomorrow prety sick so tomorrow we coudl prep for the weekend and other shit, so todays theme is twins so a bunch of ppl are dressing alike, its pretty sick, its fun, were gonna leave soon, LATER!

Friday, August 1, 2008

sooo, monday i really hated my job, i felt like they were making up jobs for us to keep us busy, i felt really wierd.
so back home we had a quick house meeting then it was a free night, i think everyone just chilled, it was calm in the house, i spent lots of time on the comp, then i think i went out for a bit, just to get out of the house.

tuesday was MAXINEs BIRTHDAY!!!!!
so work was ok...the usual.
then @ home it was hippie/rasta/colour day, so we all dressed up as hippies and rastas, i found a sick vest @ work to wear, then i borrowed vics white bandana, i wore white pants and a white dress shirt, ppl liked it oters dressed up good, we heleped out zach, antoine and david....zach was the only good one, and he borrowed most of my so max invited the other david and floriend they helped with dinner and pre-dishes, it was cool.
we had herd that cilla fell on hot tar and badly burned herslef, so she was at the hospital with em and jolie, so we waited till 7 for them, a bunch of went outside to sentd over good vibes and call on them, then they came around the corner, it was soo cool, we were excited.
we saw cilla come in and it wasnt pretty she wasa pretty wasted and went stright to bed.
so we had a good dinner, then we chilled for a bit, zach rang the doorbell then got max to sigh for a package from cilla, she really liked it. then we pretty much chilled in the living room for the rest of the night.
then bed....

wed. work was boring, the same, more stupid jobs. i went to the boite a bluet after lunch it was fun, some new chick was working there..shes nice.
@ home we ate, it was a free night...kelly was suposyted to come, bust she was taling forever so i took cilla to the back house thing and we practiced her greffiti. then kelly showed up, so we chilled in the living room for a long time a talked about pretty much katimavik, new, old, past experiences, then we went outside for all the jucy gossip, we found out a bit on our pls and other shit. then kelly had to leave and we said our goodbyes then we chilled for a wile, then we went to bed.

thursday @ work was ok, got to leave in the afternoon again to paint, as i said bye jean-sabistan gave me the dirtiest look, but then gave me the peace sign, i was kinda scared.
so @ the boite it was cool i finished early and chilled with vic and manu for a bit then i went home early, i was feeling down so i went out to my rock by the river and chilled there for a long ass time, i took a quick nap on it twas nice.
so then ic ame back and we ate, em realised i wasnt feeling down and gave me a hug, then we had french claass, kinda distruptive bu then we got to go to david(our french teach) house to wath a movie, it was a really funny movie, a fractured fary tale tye thing, really disturbing.

so then we got back and i wnt to bed, cuz it was late.

this morning i went to work, i want in the best mood, but work was so fun today...mostly cuz i made it that way, the i chatted with christopher and he found out i was a vegetarian today, then i played around, they said that i was acting crazy today, but it was cuz im bored. they had fun. so back home were having leftover...and theirs lots of leftover for a much curry in yesterdays soup...yay and were all getting ready for quebec city, kinda excited...g2g PEACE

Monday, July 28, 2008

so thurs we ddint do anything exciting but i did get to leave work early to go to vics work and i cleaned the windows and drew up something to paint on them, then @ home we were suposted to have a physical activity but josianne didnt do shit all day...even though she spent it on the comp and didnt have to go to work.....

fri was the same thing, i started the painting and almost finished it then we went home where we chilled with david, tiff cilla david and i went out to chill, we played on the parks, we saw a band playing ontop of the parking lot, and then another on @ the car show, then we went off to do...nothing, it was cool then we went to bed cuz we had to wake up earl;y in the morning.

so in the morning i was waken by tiff then i got dressed, packed my shit them ate something, we were on our way, we were goin to the town where vic stayed @ during billeting, it was vics bikllet dad that organized katimavik to show up. so we got there and we got stares, so we flashed the peace sign, real funny. so then we stat around for a bit then 4 of us were calle dup to bring some cold bears to the vending tent, then we put some bears in the fridge to get cold...then tiff and i tok a seat and watched the lawn mower races, kinda cool, but it got boring really soon, so tiff and i went to see what others were doin but it wasnt much then tiff and i decided to go into to town, once out of the carnival place we quickly realised it was another wawa, so we chilled in a garden for a bit then once we got back it was lunch time so we got inline for lunch...i got a pizza, kinda sucked...microwave kind....i had to help david order his shit, also funny. so then we all chilled then it was time to change al the garbage bins in the tent area, between al of us it took like 4 sec. then we chilled and watched the reaces for a long ass time, then chearleaders then we headed home.
jolie wanted to go to the beach so we chilled at home for a bit them we headed to the beach, it was just me, em, vic, max and the other david, so we chilled at a beach where we got in for free (the same beach we went to with fabricio to smoke up) so it was cool there...cold water, then we fould clay near by and drew on ourselves with it, then it was time to go and i took some clay so on my free time i couls make a cup or
so then we came back home but quickly left for the show jolie wanted to go to, so a few of us went, we were @ st.gelidion, tiff cilla and i went to the beach and it was so calm and we saw a lighting storm accross the lake, it was really fucking nice.
then we came back and the band was only doin sound check, so then i chilled with the group and jolies friends, then the band played, they were really good¸we danced and shit, it weas fun, so cilla and em went to the van early cuz the bugs were real bad, so we started heading back and i thought id scare them so i banged on the window, so i guess i scared em cuz she procedded to kick the window and smash it....yeah, i was fucking scared, so was she, so we all kinda just stood tere, she kinds had a panic attack, then johnathan drove up and kinda helped, it was an aquward time to show up, so em was ok, we took pictures and made jokes about it all the way home, but quietly so em didnt hear, it was too funny tho.
then back home we went to bed.

so the next day we went to arbe en arbe (tree to tree) so we got up early and headded for st.ficliean so we got there and had to sign some forem then we had a quick walk to the place, then we got harnesses then a quick tutorial on how and what to do, then we had to try it out on the kiddiest climbs ever, then we got started, the first two cources were sooo easy, but then we hit the big one, it was so long and some of the things were hard, but the zip line over the river was FUCKING AMAZING, so we finished in like 3 hrs, then we tooka lunch break and we went to the the only zipline course, so we got another tutorial then we were off, the first fucking zip line was FUCKING unbelieveable, wow, i wanna do it again, then it had a binch of lives goin everywhere, really fun, it was a great day, then we were done we went back home where msot ppl sleped till dinner, had dinner then sleped again

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

sooo this weekend...fuck!
so we met up with the other group who were ready to go when we came, then we stopped off @ timmies and had a snack, then we went on for the long ass ride to tadousac, sharing some laughs along the way.
so we stop at this bar looking place, they tell us that someone is playing here at night, i thought we were gonna stay here b4 camping, i was wrong, we were camping here, their were camp sites behind the place, the place was right by a hostel, a really nice one, with a boat climbing thing @ the back...and a kinda big hill to climb. so we all pitched tents, then we chilled for a bit, a abunch of us decided to go into town, i bought a bottle of wine, then we went walking around the fiver...the st.laurance, so we were waling along the beach when i wanted to start drinking, so we were there when i saw that i needed a bottle opener, so i asked mitch to ask some ppl on the beach for one, then they spoke english to us, really cool. so then i shared some with mitch, then we wandered for a bit then we went back to camp, turns out we missed the preformance...i didnt really care, so a bunch of us wandered for a bit in the place, i kinda talked to some ppl, who could barely speak english, and me who could barely speak french, bu the people were really cool.
so then we took a seat by some benches there, and i talked a lot to gieome, who is really cool, he has a lot of insight to the french culture. so we talked for a long wile, then i went to bed, i was drunk, i sleped in cillas ans ems tent cuz the guys tent was kinda cramped and they had space. so we sleped, in the morning jolie woke us,, so then we packed our tent, we dne t have to but wed thank ourselves later. so then we ate breakfest on the lodge then i seemed as though everyone had laft, it was crouded the night before. so we chilled for a bit then we had to go to the whale mesieum, so we headed to there, it was cool, i kinda explored the place then we were called in, we watched a quick 30min then we chilled in the place displays and shit, then we kinda hiked to some rocks a the end of the place we were at, we stayed there, it was a good wale watching place, and we got to see some whales!!!, so cool, it was form a distance but it was really cool, vic sliped and dirtied her bum, FUNNIE! so then we headed back so the camp place where we had to cook lunch so vic and i cooked veggie dogs, and naturally antoine freaked so we sent him to jolie where he argued with her for 15min, oh well, things never change. so then we ate, and ppl had to take down their tent, so we did they did that and we chilled on the boat thing for a long time, ppl were geting wrestless, but the vibe there was really cool, we got to talk to a past participant he was cool. so then we lwft for the ferrie, so we drove a bit then we got to ride a ferrie accross the river to get to quebec, it was cool, we saw a seal, une fuck. so we got over the bridge then after a long ass ride we got t o the place where velerium was suposted to be. we stoped there for a sec then we headed to our camp site place where we got this big room to ourselves, a lady was there too, a photographer...also volounteer, i believe, she was nice. so their were sick things to play with there, there was a playground thing and an obsticle course...hella fun..OH and a tramp-o-lean, so we played there for a long ass time, we played witht he other group and their pl on the spinny thing, so much fucking fun. then ppl took showers and got changed, then a bunch of us headed to quebe city (45min drive) to see some fireworks going on, so we got there and the fireworks had aleady started so we watched from the van as we looked for a parking spot, finally we found a sick one then we watched the fireworks from a bridge, it was really crazy, way better than any ive ever seen. so we stayed there for a long wile watching the fireworks. then we all wanted to avoid traffic so we stayed wher we were and cheared on all the cars that went by it was really fun, then we saw securiety gurds come by so we started headin back, then as we walked by the security guards we cheared them on, they liked it, then we piled in the van and as we drove by we cheared @ the same securiety gurds again, then one told us that they had done katimavik....this katimavik workd is small. so then we drove home and as soon as we got to our camp place we droped to bed.

the next morning we had to get up at 6 to work @ the velirum place, so we ate breakfeast then we headed off, we get there and get soem teeshirts to put o, their biggest didnt fit me and i wasnt gonna wear it, we also go some free shit, so then the dude told us what to french, so we got some frenchies to translate to us what to do. so then we went outside to watch the kid race, they were cool then we were poated in our places, we all got split up, giome and i were in a forest patch with aome other dude, we talked as the riders came by it was nice.
then it was over and then i was split up again i was put alone in the spot just after us, so i wated there, i got a lunch with some nasty tasting meat then i got an extra one veggie, sool, so the rest of the afternoon was pretty boring, just wisteling so all the time(our job to warn others of bikers) and i talked to almost everyone that walked by.

so it was over then we all piled in our vans, but b4 that they gave us each a crate of bananas, lol, so we were driving and decided to stop at a convience store/ mcdonalds, and we saw the other group there..chiticiumie...we were all super escited to see them, so this one short stop ended up being half an hour just catching up with the other group, it was pretty cool, then we all went back home where i went stright to bed.

so in the morning i went to work, it was an ok day, did our shit and chilled.
i the afternoon we...well a bunch of us got root bear floats, and had a pretty funtrip to wall mart, then we had a saonce in the house cuz ppl have been feeling things, so we did it our way, i thougt it was pretty cool.
tuesday work was normal..boring as ususal, but we got to leave early cus we had a meeting wioth vero, shes really cool, she herd about billeting and ...well shes really cool, and we talked about karya..and she told us she wanted to meet her...espically hearing about her for the second time after chiticoumie told vero about her. so then we kinda had a free day, we chilled i ent for a walk wiorh cilla, took her to the fishing place, we saw her work partners there they were nice then we satyed @ the house and chilled. was boring as usual, then we had a cool french class and we went to resto roberto for desert to practice our french it was nice.

Friday, July 18, 2008

so tuesday
um vic and i just lounged around the house, we cleaned a bit but we did all the house manager shit early, so we did our thing then started bean soup...yum
so the in the afternoon we had a physical activity so i decided wed play manhunt in the park beside the house, so we started and while i was hiding i found a trail in the forest, there were lots plus this sick spot by the river.
so we played then ppl decided to do thier own physical activity and tsalking back to me about it, so i told em to shut up and we played another quick game
then we went back to the house where we ate then some ppl went to the pool and vic and i went for a long walk.
then we came back and we talked abtou lots pf things....mostly of em and zach in the house behind the house...grose.
so then we went to bed.

wed, we cleaned up the place and tried to plan for the weekend then we cooked and i preped a few things for dinner, then i left and chilled @ the spot i found the day b4 for a long as time just thing about katimavik and home and lots of things so then i came back for us to have dinner, antoine was out with his girlfriend so he came late and wondered why we didnt wait for him..LOL
so then we chilled and soon our french teacher came and told us to get dressed cuz were leavin the house, it was SICK we were excited so we got dressed and headed for the place festialma.
so there we had to look for questions that david left around the place we had to answer them, i thought it was an easy activity so we did that and i skanked on the stage while i wated for the others to finish...the energies in there were crazy, mabye that why i like concerts, cuz of the energy.
so then we finished then we went home, where we corrected them, then we did the music lyrics thing again, then we had to make storied from flash cards he had, we had lots of fun doing that. then i was gettin ready fro bed when fabricio came with david, so we chilled outside for a wiel then we went to the park right by the hosue and smoked a small one, we were kinda paranoid caz it was stupid, but
then we went to bed.

so yeasterday...thursday, vic and i chilled, we planned what were gonna get shoppin tomorrow for the weekend. then vic cooked dinner and i made some meals for the weekend, then we ate dinner, then it was a free night, david had invited us over to where hes staying for dinner, so we headed for there we got there and he was still cooking, so we chilled and had some wine, we mets lots of ppl that were over the house. so we waited for dinner when the band dudes called us outside, the sunset was FUCKING AMAZING so then we chilled outside talking for a wile then we went inside where we had dinner, it was good then we talked and it was really nice, the dude david lives with is really cool, so we chatted, i knew enoguh french to be a part of the conversation, he though we were funny and had lots of energy. so then he brough our this fruit thing, it was cool then we had chocolate fondu, soo good, so we talked for a bit...fabricio came and we chatted there for a long wile b4 goin to the bar, so @ the bar we danced then fabricio bought everyone a shot, then we went outside and had a joint, then we chilled there for a long wile, thenwe all parted out ways and we said good bye to fabricio, cuz we leave after work and wouldent get to see him again b4 we left. hes goin back to brazil tomorrow.
so then we came back home really quietly and went to bed.

so this morning we went grocery shopping and now were chilling, imma prep some things for the weekend then were gonna leave soon, so yeah
we cooked and preped everything, i just
fabricio came by and gave me the pao de queso so that i could make it for the group, then we said bye to him.
the landlord gave us a lawn mower and vic broke it..lmao

Monday, July 14, 2008

fri night we had a bon fore " maxes so we chilled for a bit then em, vic, max and i smoked up, then soon ppl came back and we split to go walking everywhere so i went with cilla and tiff, we walked and chilled for a bit, then tiff drove me home, but then antoine showed up, tiff drove him home and i spent the night " the house, i called my billets to tell them i would sleep here, em picked up and told me that gladys was sleepin on the counh next to me with her boyfriend....aquward, how did she expect me to sleep like that!?
so the night @ the house was cool, i woke, ate abit then i went tot he billets to meet up with max and fabricio to go tot he beach, we picked up cilla and david, then we got there we told them we were katimavik and got in for free, then we chilled @ the beach for a wile, we went swimming then we smoked up a bit there.
so then we headed back and decided to make some poutine, then we went to the katima house where we made some, then we all headed back to our billets.then i told gladys that i wouldent be sleepin there cuz of the kids, and the fact that i didnt have a room.
so i spent yet another night @ the katima house, the last night of billeting, david was at the house on his comp. i wanted to go for a walk so i walked to the festirame grounds and listened to the end of the concert, then i walked around and went back home.
in the morning em called me so i went to the billets and got our shit toughter and got fabricio to drive us and our shit to cillas place, where joli can pick us up. so we did that and we said good bye to gladys, she seemed sad, like nothing was wrong...what ever, so we went to cillas then cilla and i went to maxes to see if we could dye cillas hair we went for a long walk but no luck, then we went back to our places, @ cillas place we watched s.w.a.t. on the comp, it was cool, then i went to maxes to eat dinner, vic was there, so we chilled till dinner was ready, then i chilled @ theri p;ace for along wile, then we contemplated smokin a joint, we we fliped a coun then we decided not to, sure enough jolie came soon enough and we had to pack out shit, i went to cillas where my stuff was. so i got picked up, said bye to cillas billet (who ive seen more of than my own) then we picked up the others, then we went back to the house where i said how bad my billeting arrangements were. then we were gonna have a meeting about billeting but antoine was out...again, so we had a free night, so lots of ppl went out, so i went out do hit up the town, so i went all over the place tagging, when i came back i felt better, then i went to bed.

this morning, vic and i woek, and quickly went to clean the fridge, then we planed our meals, cleaned a shit more, then we went grocery shopping, and proced to cook for everyone. all that it seemed like a pretty chill day. so we had a meeting about billeting in the evening, it went by quick, i had my rant session with the group...for the last time. then i went out for a walk, i was gonna dropp off the key to gladyess, but fabricio was there so i cahtted wth him a bit, then we played on his PS3 then we went for a drive and we smoked a joint, it was pretty sweet, then he showed me tthis sick spot in town of the river. then i came back where i chilled for a bit downstairs and now im here on the computer...yeah

Friday, July 11, 2008

so yesterday we ate @ maxes, it was pretty good, then we were just bout to leave for festram but cillas billet mom told us that we couldent grt in for free cuz their werent enough tickets left.
so we walked around determined to find weed, they asked some ppl b some stairs and the lead us to the bleachers, where some dudes approached max, but she thought they were narks so we decided not to.
so then we walked around looking to se if we could grab, no such lucn, so then we called david..for the explore thing then we chilled with him, we smoked a j with him then we bought some off him, cuz we anted some for tomorrow night. so then we chilled for a long wile, some girl cops asked us to leave, the were really cool cuz it was kinda obvious we smoked up. so then we went back to the festiram place where em used th washroom, we briefly talked to someone from my work, then we walked vic to her work where someone there were gonna drive her home. they were gonna be a wile, we checked out the band next door....the one night band, they were monteral regge, it was really kick ass, bought a cd, the dude @ the door said hed make the show cheaper for us but it was late and we all had t work in the morning, so vic left then we walked home.

this morning got up, work was chill, i id the chute on my own cuz davids leg is acting up. then i was testing shit, i played some bob marley but ppl didnt like it and asked me to tur it off, so i put it low enoguth for me to hear the other lady seems really strick always asking us to get back to work and not to goof off to much, but its liek she dont want us having fun @ work...boring.

so then home for linch then bck to work where i worked in the books...alone..aai, but it was cool, then we eft for home, and now im beans

Thursday, July 10, 2008

so tues i woke up with cilla waking me up
work was chill i tried to have some fun.
lunch @ home and i cleaned up my mess.
work again then back home.
em got fabricio to drive us to vics plce, thrn we watched batma begins.had some bronies..realy good. then we got a ride back, after fabricio dropped everyone off @ their place he lit up a joint and passed it around as we drove arond, it was cool.
so we came home and went to bed.

so wed morning i work, cilla and em didnt have work so she was sleeping in.
so work again was chill, i tried to have as much fun as i could...david kept complaining and folowing me around, kinda yeah, back @ home no one was there for the logest time, then i watched tv..forever, then cilla called me over to her place, so i go there to chill for a bit, it was fun, then we wne toto max ans davids place and talked to them for a wile, then somehow ranted about josianne, i fell bad when ppl do it, cuz it fees like im back in highschool and i feel like im over that.
so then it got late and we went back home where i went to bed.

this morning was cool, i had time to chil.
@ work it was again chill, lunch @ the house was nice, then back @ work whee i was sent down to work on the books...alone, so i worked on it but mostly dicked around for a long wile, then i talked with chris for a long tim, we came down to get paints. so we chatted for a long time, tried @ least, but hes trying and so am i, it was pretty cool.
so now im home, i think imma go to illas to chill, then max invited us to her place for dinner, then were gonin to festiamla(festrame). so yeah...good times. whooooo

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

yesterday @ work it was fun the ppl talked to us and interacted with.well at least moi, so ppl are starting to have fun..a new girl came in to replace claudie, she seemes pretty strick, but well loosen her
sooooo lunch @ home was good, went back to work..worked alone downstairs with the books, it was cool then i went home.
@ home cilla called me and asked if i wanted to go to festialma today, so i was like hellz we went, got a ticket from david...our french teacher SICK ASS, so we got in, we were standing around for a bit and we see the dude ..tony from the bike workshop, so we chill with him the night. it was hip hop night, so lots of skeets, but not really. so we came back home @ 12, where i fell asleep.
this morning i sleeped in, cilla woke me
then i ate and ran out the door, made it to work, got started, again the pl were cool and we had fun...lunch @ home made a mess, fabrcio came by as well, then back to work, quickly finished up then i went home...i think im gonna go to the katima house today just to ger some shit done, but well see...

Monday, July 7, 2008

so friday night was the night of billeting, i finished work early and got some shit toughter. so em and i were the first to go, out billet mom dosnt own a car so we needed a ride there. so we got here and we notice that the house is a a large set of stairs, em being cripples will have some touble here. so we come in and they show em her room, then we sign some billeting papers then she showes me where ill be sleeping...on the fucking couch in the fucking living room, i was so discourages to billet here as soon as i herd that. wo we did the rounds of the appartment. so then as soon as gladys (our billet mom) left i immideatly called jolie naturally i was an asshole to her for outting me in a situation like this, cuz i had said tht last time i seped on a couch and it was the only thing i didnt want t go through again....thanks a lot. so she encouraged me to try it, and i was hella pisses so i was perstant in saying that i want out. i mostly think its cus she was lazy, she had freinds comming over and she was leaving soon, so she had to pack...anyways i hng up on her pissed off. then fabricio came in, i talked to him for a bit, then he invited us to the bar, we said wed go but the girls soon changed their minds cuz we just anted to chill....em, cilla and i, so we walked to cilas backyard where we chilled for a bit.
oh, cilla and tiff showed up to to chat for abit then we headed home and i went to bed.

saturday morning..its my birthday!!!
i woke up, acked up my bed..OR LACK THERE OF then i watched some tv, then fabricio came and wished me a happy birthday, it was cool, so we chilled, then em came and wished me a bonne fete....yay
so then fabricio asked us to go to the beach thing with him..apparently theres a beach party thing. do we go to st.gelidion...same place as st.jean au we et to the beach.oh vic came too. then we go to the beach and its 12$$ to go in, so we try to sneak in the place we learded t while we were there the first time, so we go, and surely enough its blocked of @ the beach too...damit, so i see how i would sneak in, but b4 i actually do it all i see is a eally crouded beach with a DJ and some stands selling shit, so i told the others it wasnt worth our moey, so we got into talking then weed came up and fabricio told us that he hd one, so we smoked it, it was pretty sweet then a dude ame and sat down, it was fabs friend, but it was also the friend of the girl that we saw @ st.jean and who had come to the house, so we sat and chilled with him for a bit, then he set out to find weed, then he seemed to make some friends.
so then we went to a small resturant and had some outine to eat for lunch, then we headed back home, so then we all chilled @ our place around some bears, then cilla walks in with ezgi and em for the 100 mile group...aka...marathon...aka...chiticoutie, it was sweet, they wished me happy birthday but that couldent stay for long so we chatted with them for a bit they they were on their way. so then a bunch of ppl came tot he house then we set off to the club, but then some pl wanted to see fi thy could get antoin and zach, vic, em and i waited for a bit but then we went to the bar, we chiled downstairs, then upstairs something was happening, they were giving away neclaces of some sort, and the ppl were beggin for them like dogs and acting for them, knds wierd to watch.
so then we chilled, ppl bought me some drinks, i got tipsy, we danced a bit then we went to the quececios bar, ti was chill there, a nice place t chat, and they played ldies rock while we were there, and cool place.
it got late and we all went home, i went stright to bed.

sunday we we up @ around 3...i watched tv lots of the time then fabricio asked if we wanted to go to theis peach place just outside of town, so we were down, em called up cila and FAB called up david then we went to the beach and got high, then cila ahd t go, so we droped her off, then we went to the oncer area to see if it was possible to sneak in, nope, it was a tight coliseum like ting...really small, so then we went to the super market b4 goin home then i waited for ppl to do their thing b4 goin to bed.

so today i woke we=hen ever theothers got up and made their breakfeast. then i got up and did my shit and went to work, it was a fun day @ work, i worked with the teens and we chilled for a bit, they tried to talk to me and they realisd thet when they talk slowly i understand a hell of a lot, so we chated, then i went tot he bok store and worked there alone for t longest time, then we went home. so @ home i ate...watching tv and now og FABRICIOS comp.

k ttyl
might go to the concert today thanks to cilla and apparently our frenh teach guy.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

so today i dint havr to go to work so i sleped in and got read yofr the bike workshop, so cilla was comming and antoine. so then we were there and sat around for pretty much the whoole day.

we went to subway for lunch..antoine owes me 20bucks. their was a exchange student from toronto there @ the bike shop so ENGLISH they were cool ppl.

then we got jolie to pick us up early then we picked up the composter. back @ home we chilled, it was decorated cuz its josiannes b-day, and as soon as she got home she took the oppurnaty to get all touchey feely with everyone, most of wich blew her off.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

sooo monday was katimaviks day off...i think its cuz of canada day, but its on tues so i dotn get it, but i dont work canada day so i get 2 freakin days off..sweet.
sooo sisnce noone was woorkin on mon we decided to go to da zoo, whoot.
so its like a 2 hr drive, we got there and then we waited a lil bit for the jonquire group, so they arrived and we all waited to get our tix, we got ours but jolie got 1 extra for vic, but she was home for the weekend lol.
so the zoo was fun, we went on an hour long fide thing which was like a guided tour of our own back yard, it was pretty cool, the zoo is jinamornus...its big. its was really cool, we got really close to bears and was nice.
then we wandered, had lunch then we went to watch a ­sensory vid, it was nice a quick vid of the animals from canada, pretty cool, then had wind and smells and snow, kinda neat. then we wandered off and saw presentations the rest of the day, seals, monkeys, wolverines and the polar bears.
so we did al that then we went home, after saying goodbye to the other group. we got home and i ate some more, cuz tiff and david..the HMs didnt really do anyshoping, they blame it on lack of zoo planing and that they didnt havr time to adjust to it,...we had a free weekend..pretty much, i think they were lazy.
so back home jolie did like 3 one-on-ones, then i went to bed.

tuesday i got to ssleep in seeing as how i didint havr to go to work, i dicked on the the comp for a bit, but we had no internet, so i worked on max and cillas thing. then i spent lots fo tiem reading on my book i read it outsied, it was so nice. then when max was home we ate lunch outside and we chilled and talked for a wiel. then afterwards i went tot he park to read then i had a quick ride around. i wanted to got o the bach tuesday but jolie scraped that idea. so i ahd to come up with something. after din din jo and i were cleaning, so it gave us some time to plan but i decided to look something up online, so i decided to to a kinda scavanger hunt, so i went tout while jolie ahd more one-on-ones and i took the bike and went around town and took 10 pics, of 5 different spots.
when it was time for the physical activity i split up the group into 2 teams, then i showed them eacha pic and told them that they had to take a pic of the thing with someone in it, so it went on or a long wile, i stayed on our street riding the bike. then soon the ppl were done getting all the pics done waling back and fourth to and fromt the house, it was awseome, they really seemed to like it. so then we chilled out i read a bit then i went to bed.

wed i went to work, it was ok, i had went ourside during break where the ppl chill and smpke, i just stood one spoke to be, guess i wont be headin outthere anymore. so @ lunch i talked to the girl that worked in the books, she speaks tons of english, so i spoke to her for a long time @ lunch....she thinks the job is lonely but is staying there cuz its better than nothing, i agreeded with her and that the job is fucking boring. so she said that she might be able to get me to work in the book section later on, so when i finished testing shit then i was sent downstairs where i worked till it was time to go home.
" home we ate dinner, it was good then we had french class, i really didnt wanan do it, but it was fun, we talked to the teach about the last group and we played was MONDE DU PONY!!!!!! fucking awseome.
so then i found the book katima-what and i read it till bed.

Sunday, June 29, 2008

so sat was a pretty chill day we got to sleep in, so of course i didnt so i got up early and went on the comp and spent some time on it, then i went downstairs where cilla and max..hms made good. then i made toast then i proceded to finish reading skinny bitch, its a really good book, ppl should read it, then i continued to read no logo. then i got my shit that i left outside to dry overnight..opps.
so we had lunch, twas good, then we had commettie meetings, we had a quick big meeting with everyone to see our budgets and other shit, then we went off and did out thing, jo and i (healthy lifestyles) tried our best to plan some things...but really all the really good things we want to do were left on julie, i knida didnt like doin that but she knows ppl, which is good.

so then we spent all afternoon reading or on the comp or doin other shit. so thennnn we ate din din, then tiff, cilla and i got ready to go to the concert so we left, we saw 2 again the 2ed band was anglaphone..well at least the lyrics were so by the third band max and em showed up, they were a really good band...alfa rococo, they were fun, i liked their energy.
so then we came home when it was done and their wasnt much to do so i went to bed.

this morning i tried to sleep in again, but again i didnt really. so i woke, read a lil then i helped out the HMs with lunch andOR DINNER..LOL so now im on the comp...the other groups were suposted to come to the bach today but the weather is shitty so well see what happens,,,,yet again.............................................................

sooo none of the groups came, but we wnet ot thebeach anyways, we fent for a 3 klick walk it was nice, i stayed in the back most of the time just thinking, it was cool. then max, em and i decided to walk back..the bugs were bad, the whole way back they spoke in french, i felt left out so i pluged myself in and walked ahead, when i turned around to see them they were gone, so when i got back to the chalet place i went outside to chill till the others got back.
so then we went to the supermarket to buy shit for tomorrow @ the zoo!
then back @ home we had a free for al din-din. house meeting, it was pretty quick, then we chilled for a long wile while jolie had on-on-ones with max, cilla, and i read most of the time and we chatted for a wile, everyone who was downstairs.
then cilla and i went for a walk it rained, but it was a good walk, and now were back, its kinda late but whatever...gonna g to bed...later

Friday, June 27, 2008

to wed @ work it was ok, the day went by fast we did the usual boring shit, then as we were waling home i noticed some trumpets palying, and i knew it was a ska band doin sound check for the concer that day...there are free concerts everynight this week here...sweet.
so the band was plaing all really good ska covers all of which i knew so i was staning..more like skaning in the rian while thay did sound check, they seemed to like it. so then they asked if i was commin that night, i asked a quelle heur, and thwy told me 10...i was SO there. so then we visited vic @ her work, i told her of the concert, she seemed down and she told us that she was goin home, cool. so we chilled @ her work till it was time for her to leave so then we went home, i borugnt goodied for ppl from my work, plus i had found a kick ass i chilled @ the house we ate and i dicked around on the comp, then it was soon time for the concert, i got david , cilla and tiff to come with me...cuz it was raining, but as soon as we steped ousied it wasnt raining, so we get there and the other band was getting off, then the ska band came on, it was sick i instantly started skanking with tiff and david, cilla just stood there, it was a SICK set they played, the other should have come it was loads of fun.
so back home i went stright to bed.
thurs @ work we did shit, sorted thorugh batteries..shitty, but david talked lots with that one guy that worked there, he hmade a friend, i spoke a lot with him as well. so waliking home we herd the band again but i went strignt home, again i dicked around on the coma for a long wile but i also read the book skinny bitch, its reallf fucking good, ppl shoud read it. i decided not to go to the concert cuz i was tired, so we chilled downstairs max and i had a good convo in french, she was teaching me lots, it was good. then i went to bed, but right b4 i had a shower.

so today work was ok, it was kinda boring, they didnt have much to bo but david and iw orked eprately in the afternoon so it was cool. then we left, and now im home, on the comp again i read skinny bitch more, im almost half done, max and cilla are house managers, they made good food today, so its a free night i did laundry, and were gonna got to the concert, then mabye to the bar, i wanna just chill...well see what happens.

so after waiting forever for the girls to et ready we left, as we got there the band was already playing, it sounded fimaillar but i dint quite get it, then i walked by the merch tent and it was social, so i listened and they played one song i knew...that was cool, then the next band i didnt know but ppl were moshing so i moshed lots to them with the other ppl who all seemed to know the lyrics, it was sick, and the dude from my work was in the pit as well, it was SICK, so after the show we wetn to the where we al;l got teliqulia shots then we went to dance, ti was alright, some fun, so we stayed till 1:30 then booked it home..oh i lost the cariboo cluster pit in the pit, im sad about that.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

so jolie drove us to ourcamp site sat evening, so we set up tent and got ourselves organised we got our shit in the tent out then we paied the camp owners the rest of the money, it was nice there it was a small patch of land by the docks, except it wasnt meant to be a camp ground...verry makeshift, everyone there were "camping" in their perminant rv there...and the ppl were snobs...but some were nice...espically the ppl who owned the place.
so we did all that then we decided we go to the get some beer, so we walked over there and zach, antoine and i split a 24 it was cool, so we did that, brought it back to our harrassed by ppl for a wrist band we were suposted to have but didnt. so then we decided to go to eat, have some beer then head to the concert grounds, we go paied the 40$ to get there and we chilled in there for a wile, we saw that girl that came to the katima-house a few days b4, so we tsalked to her for a wile then we checked out the ppl playing, they were ok...too bad i didnt understand anything. so then we danced in the dance tent for a wiel, the dj was pretty good. then we went back again arrassed for wrist bands we didnt have. then to bed.
during the night the train was so fucking loud i thought we were gonna die...fuck man.
the next morning we ate the cheros, and chilled @ camp till lunch, we ate, had some beer then we checked out the town, and we also tred the beach, we had to pay to go to the beach, so we wanted to go back to get more shit if we had to we took a bus back...they had busses running for free all the time, so we took it back...zach and antoine we got back and it started pouring so we thought we could catch the bus and still catch up with zacha nd antoine but it started raining cats and dogs, so we stayed under a tent for a bit then went back to our tent and chilled there till the rain let up. so then we ate, had some to drink then we went to the concert was cool the ppl that played were ok..again i dint understand a thing. we saw that girl again and we chilled with her for a bit, then we wanderded off soo the concert was kinda lame so some went to bed but antoine, jo, vic and i went to the beach, we werent allowed to go cuz it was past cerfew but we found a way to get in just down the street so we got there and walked for a bit, then we saw ppl with a fire and they invited us to sit, it was sick cuz a few of them spoke english, so we talked with them they were form monteral, they were nice. so then apparently they stole the fire wook for a campsit they were infront so they paied for it then made friends with the ppl, but then the same securiety guard came to tell us that we couldent bere on the beach so we all left, took the bus back ...we said by then we went to bed.

so the next day was the big day.. the day b4 st.jean
we woke early, again and chilled @ the tent for a long wile. we ate lunch then we headed for the beach, we spent some time @ the beach, we had sneaked in the way we came in the night b4 it was sweet, the other ppl on the bus thee didnt know they had to pay guess we shoudle had told them, but whatever. we got to the bach and chilled for a bit, antoine and i snatched a soccer ball form the house and we played for a bit, then we went swimming then chilled in the sun. we saw our friends form the night b4, we said hi, then we left to the tent, but stopping off @ the dep to get more booze some ppl got food cuz we had none, so we camped out @ the tent ...ate and drank and waited for max, tiff ans cilla to come, to the show had started but we waited for them to come, finally they arrived and as soon as they got thier shit toughter we were off to the show.
@ the show we went to the front and a pretty good crountry type band was playing...max started dancing and soon many of us were, then we noticed the johnquier pl in the corud, after a wile i waved him over...he came and said, im not here and your not here, so i was like ok lets so we danced he left to tget a beer, once he came back he joined us dancing till the group was done, it was a blast. then we were wandering around and some kid came to ma and said "bonne St.JEan, tu es cool" i was so shocked someone was taling to me that all that came out was"merci" but that made my day, that someone french thought i was cool, and i didnt have to
so then we went back to the tent to drink up, again we were harrased for wrist bands that were never given to us. so we got drunk and i went to the dep with a bunch of ppl so get more beer, when we got back cilla was smashed, the ppl i went to the dep went tot he conceert. so cilla..yeah em, zach, tiff and i had to look over her, shes crazy, so we managed to get her to sleep in the tnt, em and zach ditched us, then cilla woke and we went to the concert, i saw max and vic in the bango thing tent then i saw em and zach and we watched this rocker guys concert..he sucked. then i was looking gor ppl, em was being a bitch...shes a real bitch when shes drunk. so we went back to the tent, where this time 4 guys form the cam harrissed us, but we went through. and everyone was here, so we chilled there for a long wile then we went back where this other band was playing, i wanted to see the pit and their was one, but as soon as i got it the song was over and it was thier last song, i was soo fucking pissed off. so their was a fire and other shit goin on, many ppl left and soon it was vic and i, we danced in the dance tent but the music sucked so @ arounf 2am we left for bed.
then next morning it was windy like crazy we all woke so ealy and then we packed our shit called julie to pick us up early, we got the tent ready then we left when julie came pacing the tent in the wind was really funny, we made it into an extrieme sport, it was halarious, we got back home, we gave the tent back and thanked the guy, we chilled the day, it was really quiet...ppl just ate and chilled the day, i read and did some laundry, we had pancaked for dinner it was really good, then i went tobed early...other watched accross the universe.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

today @ work it was cool, we didi a bunch of shit, and the ppl seem to be gettin used to us, so they try to mingle.

then we were told that we were only working till 11am cuz they didnt have enough work for us, it was i came home and i began cooking for the weekend while we were to go camping. so i did that for a wile, tiff and jo were home as well. jo made cookies they were really good. so i did that and i cahilled @ the house for a wile. then we had dinner then afterwards jolie offered to drive up to st.gelion to see the place and camp site. so we drove up there while listening to music in the van we danced in the was really fun then we finally got to the town and its a pretty small town, it remides me of cutting edge, so we checked out all these camping places..there were tons, we checked out a couple that were expensive, then we checked out the actual camp site em and i looked up, 15 bucks for the weekend but no one wanted that one.(losers) so we went off to another place where we got a spot of grass by the water in the private place for cheap, so were gonna go there. then we drove back home where we stoped @ the super market to get some more food then we went home. @ the hosue cilla and max finished off their was actng stupid and craving attension by wearing underwear on her head.

so after they did that we went to go dye my hair blue n the house behind the katima-house. max died my hair, it was cool, then i dyed hers.

after that we went over to the neighbours to sit by the fire....em had bothered us earlier to so we got over there anc hilled a bit, max left early then vic did, then it was em and i, the uys there were pretty cool, they tried to communicate with me, and i understood a lot of what they were saying which was pretty cool. so then it started to rain so we came back home, there i washed out my hair in the uptairs sink, then it was stained all blue, so i panicked and tried my best to clean it off, and luckly i did so then i bohered jo to go ont he comp..and here i am

its been really stressfull and frustrating with all he french that goes on here bu the frank-a-phones tell me that my french has improved and that ill be fine...but when it come to talking ot them im fine, but in real life situations i seem to chike, but i guess it will get bette...i hope.

im excited to go camping and go to the concert, its gonna be hella cool, and hopefully well get to meet maxs parents, it will be cool



Thursday, June 19, 2008

yesterday @ work it wasnt that bad, we did everyhting we had to do with out being asked, we prettymuch knew what to do, and some ppl tried to interact with us, the guy that works..the only older one, hes cool it was an ok day @ work, b4 we left the lady that knew english started a convo with everyone with us about katimavik and she explained to everyone our situation it was cool.
@ home we had offical languages things to do, em planned to watch a movie with everyone but the frank-a-phones had to do somethihng too, so tiff got them to write a story, em wasnt to happy and wrote a stupid ph..lame, but whatever so we watched this movie, which we didnt understand anything..barely...

@ work it wa sok, pl tried was a good day it passed really fast
@ home we had a quick meeting about learnig pans and shit, then we ahd to plan what we were gonna do this weekend for st. jean so em and i loked it up and w eplanned our means and what we were gonna do, camping and all
then it was a free night max and cilla were videotaping themselves altering too big shirts for threadbangers..cuz i introduced it to max andshe really liked it so they did that, it was funny
em wne tot he neighbours to a fire thing....yeah

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

saturday we wokr up reletavily early to help out with this fish derby like 45 min away from where we live, it was to be a cluster activity cuz our cluster was gonna be there. so we go there last, of course cuz we live the furthest, then we chilled for a liong while while the ppl in the house were havin a info thing, the ppl form the joenquier group were leading trafic. so i chilled witht he group and talked to their pl, we is so cool while talking we had said a few thing @ the same time..he even has a tattoo of a question mark on his arm, hes really cool.
so then ppl came out and were given fishing rods...including 5 for each house, so i set mine up and left for the river witha few others nthen we were told to collect river water to put into the ginormous fish tank they the fish can adjust, then we proceded to put in i thnk it was 3000 fish into this river so it was easier for ppl to catch fish so we did that then relaxed and watched as ppl caught fish, i cought a fish but the lour was too far in the fish so we had to kill it, so antoine smacked it against the bench, blood grose...lmao the they had hotdogs for everyone, then i had em help me ask for just buns...cuz of all the french and all. so then i had to track so much just to get my egg salad so finally i og t it, and everyone chilled, it was cool. then we were gonna go home bu then the chutimie house invited u to their place which was only 15 min away, so we wanted to but ppl wanted to go home, but we went, so we chilled there, we played soccer, then a bunch of us went into town were we chilled for a but, went into theis "rocker" store then we went along the river side where we herd a band playing, their was this even thing goin on for kids or something, so we watched this band play from monteral, i liked it they were ok...even though i dint understand a thing. then we had to leave but as we were some of got talking to their merch guy about katimavik..and he spoke english, which was cool, then we left for dinner. after dinner ppl got all dressed up in other ppls cloths then we headed for the bar, as we were goin there we bunped into the guys we talked oto and the guy from the band, they were really cool, they invited us to their hotel room to drink but we decided to go to the bar cuz we were waiting for ppl. so @ the bar a bunch of u got t-bo to order us pitchers, so we were all drinking and thier was thins band playing and they spoke some english, so we chilled with them for a wile, they were really funny, we had a good time with them.
then the culb part of the bar was open so we went there and started dancing, the some guys took our spot, but i guess thats how it is @ a bar, so we kept dancing, and it was just us for the longest time. michella and i danced for a wile and t-bo dance dowht vic for a long as, then it was time for uis t leave so we were all half wasted walking home to meet our pl so we got there and chilled there for a wile then juli came and drove us home ...when i got home i slamed on my bed

sunday we had kinda a free day we got to sleep in the afternoon we had to write our group cntracts so we did that then we had a free evening so vic, em, amx and i went biking around town, it was cool, we checked out the place, its a really nice town, we also went to the thrift store and checked out the place.

so monday it was the first day of work, david and i went there for 8:30 but it was too early, were suposted to start @ 9 so we chilled in the emploie room till 9, then @ 9 we got a tour of the place and then we got to work, we pretty much were told what to do by this lady, who didcated everything to me and hoped i knew what she was tlaking about, and luckly i did...somewhat, too bad david didnt. so david followed me around the store the whole day, it was kinda anoying. so the ppl that work there a re kinda creapy, there their ciz they have social problems or something and are to be intergrated into society though the thrift its kinda shady
@ linch david told them he had no linch and they sent him home to get lunch...cuz we NEED a linch there cuz we do suck physically demanding work...somewhat.
so we wandered during our lunch hour and i bought food @ max then we went back to work, they sent us home early so we left and i chilled @ home, i really didnt like the job and i didnt wanna go the next day, but i was gonna give it a wile, it was a free night and jolie asnt expecte back till tomorrow morning so we went out and got soem bears and coolers for the girls, and we had a few to drink IN THE HOUSE..DUN DUN
then we went to bed.

Tues morn..this morning
we went to work, it was ok we did work, they tought us how to do some things and we did it, it was kinda aquward with ppl during lunch but i tried to start a conversation with michel..the mousish looking guy there...hes nice so we were let off early again and they told us that from now on we got to go home @ 3 cuz we do hard work and dont get paied..SWEET.
back @ home i still didnt wannago to work.nobody talked with us or interacted with us. and the french thihng is really frustrating. in the evening it was my comettie...healthy lifestyles..with josianne and we decided that we would play ultimate frizbee with the group right by our house so we played for a wile, and the other group kept fouling, so we played till vic lost the frizbee in the river

then bed

Thursday, June 12, 2008

sooo our final prez wnt well...ui guess....but i thought it fucking sucked, the farewell party was cool, petes son...angus was there....hes had just finished katimavik 3 days b4...CRAZY

it was cool taling to him and about his experience.

sunday cleaned cleaned and cleaned some seemed like everyone was doin some was awseome
we cleaned EVERYTHING it was crasy, espically the downstairs, i started with the storage room on my own then a bunch of us cleaned out the downstairs and it was the cleaniest iid ever seen it, cleaner than the other group had left it. and i cleaned and organised the kitchen...with tiffs help as well as josiannes.

so then we had to do some debriefing, so zach and i had a quick fire made, then we did an activity around the fire, it was nice except for all the bugs.
so after wards steph had told us that he had a small gift for us to share, but we had to be so secretative about it, and she pulled out a bottle of wine...a few ppl were suprised..but not really, so we all took a glass and poured some then we had a toast to wawa and drank up, their was another bottle for us but we decided to have it inside uz the bugs were too bad, so inside i took the bottle but i also brought out the icecream...whixh their was way to much of...even for david.
so we ate and ate and drank, and we had a really cool chat with steph and her last group and a bunch of shit..lots to do with katimavik..but lots came out.
then i was just foolin with em and pretending to put caremel in her hair, but some actuall fell into her hair so then she put tones in my hair, then some in stephs and then a few ppl were in on a caramel fight thing, it was kinda funny but it stoped the party cuz ppl had to shower to get it all out of their hair...myself included, but it was cool.

so i showered then i went out to finish the last of our weed. and i took a quick strol

so we did all this cleaning then we had some free time, so a few of us went to the drill rig were we signed our katimavik and yeah, it was cool, and we chilled on the dock for a wile, i guess just to say good bye.

so monday some of us had woken up early to go weigh out luggage @ mariettes which turned out to be quick and extriemly helpful.
back @ the house we had to do some last minute cleaning and take apart our most of us cleaned...except antoine, who the day b4 also didnt do much cleaning.
so we ddi that then dave, max and i went out and we went to my work place to drop off paulines letter, then we went ot value mart to get some plane food.
then we went to the house where we did some last minute cleaning, ray came over and cooked some prickel for us, it was really good, tasted like chicken. so we ate icecream and ate fish and waited in the living room amongst our luggage waiting for the bus.
the manatuage pl came by a few time looking for us and the bus, then it finally showed up, so we loaded up onto it, then we saud good bye to ray then to steph then i gave her a letter then we went onto the bus and i sat near the back with ezgi and em (form 100mile) so we chilled for a wile amongst ourselves then we stoped by @ a provincial park, we went to see the paintings on the walls, so we chilled @ the center for a bit then we took a quick ride to the place, and it was a short hike to the bottom of the clif where the wall paininings were, so we all took turns in groups of 10 looking @ the painitngs, they were really cool, we were on the rock ledge where the earth and water met, it was realy nice, we went barefoot. so i was the first group and while waiting for the other groups i walked along the rocks on the other side of the clifs, then ezgi and i went off pretty far, but then we got caught and we were told to get we did.
so then we all finished then we went back to the centre were we went tot he display thing @ the back then tiff and i went off to the beach area, where we saw antoine all wet...he had jumped into lake superior. so then we were all called back onto the bus then we went to some of the parks staff housing where we were to have dinner, so i preped it then em served it.
the guys that lived in the house came by so i chilled with them outside for a wile with some otgher, they were really cool, they were park naturalists, so they lived there, got paied minimum wage and serbved the park...and they dot need any edu. for it, so i asked how to do it and they told me to visit, the ministry of natural resources web page and sign up, sounds really cool.
so then it was our time to leave so i helped clean up a bit, which the guys really apprechated. so we left the place to our rotation was a long ride there but we finally got there, it was kinda late, we did a quick intro to ourselves and the leaders there then we had free time to do whaatever, so a bunch of ppl went for walks alll over the place, but the bugs were so bad that eventually everyone ended up inside, where we snacked on stuff, and played games, a few of us played the wolf game, it was fun while it lasted, then megan, kaya and i stayed up really late talking about our houses and the problems, or lack there of when compared to it was cool, then we went to bed.

so we had a great day planned for us the next day
so we were woken up by robin...the coodernator for the weekend, then we went up ot the main cabin for there were 2 ppl assigned to set up from each group, so when i walked in therough the kitchen i saw 4 ppl gettin shit ready, vic, david, megan, and the french one from wadge thern i sat @ the table where only 9 places were set and all of marathons stuff was in a pile where the places were set, so i asked t-bo, and simon(who were to set up) and they said that it was up to out group so set up for themselves, i thouught it was really childish to think of themselves like that...weve always brought enough for everyone and shared..but whatever, wadge and u shared our stuff and many ppl blew off marathon...
so after breakfeat we were to do some de-briefing. so we got started, doin some geo-cashing thing with the old pl that also came to help us so it was pretty cool, we set off with these gadgets to find pices of a quote which were hidden in jars spread out. so we did it, but my group only got 3 and gave up soon cuz of all the bugs...they were bad.
so then we did a canoe foe steph and we eash made a paddle and wrote our names and something that we learned this trimester. then we made a poster for our new pl, and it was all just random stuff about us., then we had lunch courtest fo the manatuage group, it was tacos, it was really good, espically the re-fried good, so we did than then we had a little bit of free time, so i helped clean up.
after free time we did an activity...i cant rember what we did but then we had tons of free time, so most ppl chilled in their cabins cuz it was raining like crazy i went on a short hike, then michella and i played yatzee with that pl, and we talked tons about katimavik, and our experiences and hers, it was really cool. then t-bo came and michella, i and t-bo talked for a long wile, then ezgi joined then kayla, then we went off to bed, we only were gttin 4 hours of sleep, so i tried to go to bed, but the other guys in the next room were loud and anoying but eventually i fell asleep.

so we were all woken up @ 3am, and everyone was pretty tired and on edge cuz of lack of sleep, and we got all our shit ready and when the bus finally came we saw that it was a school bus, so were were kinda freaking cuz all of us and our luggage wouldent fint in it, so mat, t-bo, blake and i all helped in loading up the bus, it took a wile and some fine tetris work but we all managed to be cramed on that bus.
so lotys of ppl were a sleep and the other were listening to mp3 players, we stoped @ max where i got some food, then we headed to the airport, i was one of the first in line, and my liggage was 52lbs, and 48lbs, i was super stoked that we didnt have to go throuh the complication of last time, so i got my shit done then it was time for us to bord, so all that were to bord got on, that is 6 of my group and all of the manatuage house, so we went on the place (vic, cilla, zach, max, em and i...couldent have picked a better group) so it was cool, we got to T.O. and we said good bye to ad, then we found some other groups that were goin to the bc clsuter we were in, they seemed cool, then we found our gate and i headed over to see my mom, vic and em came as well, so i saw mae and she wanted to give me so much stuff to bring onto the place, but i was, i have to many cloths already, and i knida got mad that she bought new things fro me...when all that i asked for but anyways she gave me my b-day present, it was a new nice i was pretty stoked.
so then we borded our plane, and we headed for monteral, once there em and i went for a long walk around the it, then we went back chilled then got on the place for quebec city. so in quebec city we didnt get out luggage right away so we fille dout some shit then the next plane our shit came...cept for cillas but we lft our stuff there with theis really nice security guard guy in this room, then we all took a taxi to quebec city and we chilled there for a wile, it was so fucking nice there, then we had a bear @ a resturant and ate some food. so then after a long tour of the town we got on another taxi back where EVERYONE was there including another cluster, it was neat meating everyone, too bad all the hippie ppl were in the other cluster. so we had a long ass bus ride where ezgi, michella zach, antoine and i played cards @ the back.
then we dropped off chutumi then the st. jean hubert (ithink) then us, when we got here we looked @ the house and it was really fucking nice, and the river is RIGHT ACCROSS THE STREET. zach and i have a ucking hudge room and it is super nice here.
we sleped

thursdaywe had our job visits, theris really nice then we had luinch then we visited more work partners then we had a free night where we walked around town and checked theings out, also we unpacked and glorified the house.

fri we had job interviews it was cool i guess, they all said my french was good, and out of the analgaphones it is, but not really. then we had a lunch thing but they didnt have anything veggie so we ordered for the menu and they ahd such good shit there @ the cafe thing. then that afternoon we had off so we dicked around again..cant really rember what we did

Sunday, June 8, 2008

on wed
em and i made sish-ca-bobs...i think and we roasted them over the fire,if not then we had nachos, it was another pretty chill day.
we had de-briefing @ my work, so we went there, i said hi to judy and we did some reflection activities and then we were off.
after that i was a free night so i had gone for a quick walk the get stoned then i came back home and went to bed.

em and i didnt have to cook cuz we were havin dinner @ mitchopen first nations, so we cooked for rotation camp.
@ the native reserv they had started a fire and we all ate the good food. we tought the kids how to do my little pony, but they obviously thought it was dumb but then zach did it infront of them all out, it was so funny, i think they were uncomfortable. then the little kid got inot an accident and hit a tree with his bike and lost a tooth, that sucks.
then thay started to sing and drum, it was awseome then they gave us all t0shirts, i really wanted a pink one but they didnt have it in my size, so i got a blue one, then vic and david showed us then island rock thing, it was really nice there, a native girl came with us and we talked for a bit, shes cool.
then antoine went over to the other island, so he took off his socks and shoes and went, then we took his shoes and moved them farther up the rock
so we got back and said our thankyous then we left...saying good bye to evland...for a long time.
so back home i stayed up late then as i went to bed i noticed i light on in the downstairs

we dint have to cook as well cuz we were goin to tiff billet for dinner
so again em and i cooked for rotation camp
so @ tiffs billet family they got me to cook the vegie burgers then we had hamburgers wile everyone else had chicken off the grill, smelled so good, so then we ate so fuckin much then they came out with desert and i had 2 servings, it was sooooo good.
then we had a quick meeting in the house then they took our picture, as we walked away we saw some people all dressed up and vic got so excited cuz it was prom night here, so she was like HAVE FUN!
then we all deciced to smoke our shit on the rock the we went to a wile ago, so we went to the rocks, then i herd ppl hoeling so then i howled back and it went back and fourth for a wile, so then we did our deed ans chilled there for a wile then we went down when it got dark then we went to the dock and talked about em and zach in the room yesterday then we watched the lightng storm for far away.
then we came home and i went to bed.

so yesterday i got up really early to make oatmeal for the group, the i wnt back to sleep, then i woke up had something to eat then we started cleaning the house, espically downstairs, it was sick, we got a lot done, so then we borrowed a lawn mower form ray and it was a manual one so vic mowed the front lawn and i mowed the back, it was kinda hard, espically all the weeds and stuff.
so then i took a long ass break and it seed as though ppl were packing so then ppl just packed till it was time to go to karens cottage, so we were gonna leave but b4 then we got maxes apprisal letter, the we got mine then we dropped off rays lawn mower.
so then b4 goin to karens cottage they shoed us the bump road, and it was bad but max said it was a lot worse.
so then we headed to karens cottage, it was a wile into the middle of nowhere, but it was really really nice there.
she had 2 dogs and was right on the beach, so we ate her really good food...sooo good, i was so full, then a bunch of us decided to go into the sauna and we then jumped into the lake, it was really cold but not too cold, so you could enjoy yourself.
then we did it a bunch of timees, then back @ the house i had some ATTACKED by bugs then em and i went on the paddle boat, we went round the island there, it was super nice, then we stayed outside and played for a bit, then we took a group photo then we left to go see the beaver damn.
so we got lost on the way there and decided to just come back home.
so we were waiting for the soo group but then i had to order pizza and get a bninch of groceries so em tiff and i went to do that then steph picked us up, then i went to max to get milk wile they went to the columbia rest. to get our pizzas, so i ran there with my milk then we drove home, and we all bet on wather they would be there or not, so just as we were about to turn the corner steph stoped the van then went and we saw that they were there. so we got in i put my shit away then we chiolled with them for a wile, zach started the fire, and we chilled outhere for a long time by the fire, even though it was spritically raining.
àso then the pls left o go have some fun @ the motor in, we were suposted to go bowling but it was closed for renivations.
so then the pls left and some of us decided to go for a walk and get high, like 6 of us smoked up and the others were there just to be social, so it was cool, we came back i chilled by the fire with a few ppl, then we tried to build a tent thing, in which lana tried to take all the credit for and jordan wouldent let her, so i pretty much chilled out there for the longest time, then they had to leave, so we saw them off, and it sucks cuz were not gonna see them for a long ass time, if ever...proving again thet the worst thing about katimavik ios seeing all the people youve met leave. but its ok
so they left then i wrote my warm fuzzies, ray was here as well, then abunch if us went to the beach to drink, then the of ages ppl went to the bar and i came back home, i set up breakfeast and went to bed.

this mornig we had to do our recordings for the filal prez, but its almost time to go and their not done...suprise suprise.
so im just on the comp and im dicking around.