Sunday, June 8, 2008

on wed
em and i made sish-ca-bobs...i think and we roasted them over the fire,if not then we had nachos, it was another pretty chill day.
we had de-briefing @ my work, so we went there, i said hi to judy and we did some reflection activities and then we were off.
after that i was a free night so i had gone for a quick walk the get stoned then i came back home and went to bed.

em and i didnt have to cook cuz we were havin dinner @ mitchopen first nations, so we cooked for rotation camp.
@ the native reserv they had started a fire and we all ate the good food. we tought the kids how to do my little pony, but they obviously thought it was dumb but then zach did it infront of them all out, it was so funny, i think they were uncomfortable. then the little kid got inot an accident and hit a tree with his bike and lost a tooth, that sucks.
then thay started to sing and drum, it was awseome then they gave us all t0shirts, i really wanted a pink one but they didnt have it in my size, so i got a blue one, then vic and david showed us then island rock thing, it was really nice there, a native girl came with us and we talked for a bit, shes cool.
then antoine went over to the other island, so he took off his socks and shoes and went, then we took his shoes and moved them farther up the rock
so we got back and said our thankyous then we left...saying good bye to evland...for a long time.
so back home i stayed up late then as i went to bed i noticed i light on in the downstairs

we dint have to cook as well cuz we were goin to tiff billet for dinner
so again em and i cooked for rotation camp
so @ tiffs billet family they got me to cook the vegie burgers then we had hamburgers wile everyone else had chicken off the grill, smelled so good, so then we ate so fuckin much then they came out with desert and i had 2 servings, it was sooooo good.
then we had a quick meeting in the house then they took our picture, as we walked away we saw some people all dressed up and vic got so excited cuz it was prom night here, so she was like HAVE FUN!
then we all deciced to smoke our shit on the rock the we went to a wile ago, so we went to the rocks, then i herd ppl hoeling so then i howled back and it went back and fourth for a wile, so then we did our deed ans chilled there for a wile then we went down when it got dark then we went to the dock and talked about em and zach in the room yesterday then we watched the lightng storm for far away.
then we came home and i went to bed.

so yesterday i got up really early to make oatmeal for the group, the i wnt back to sleep, then i woke up had something to eat then we started cleaning the house, espically downstairs, it was sick, we got a lot done, so then we borrowed a lawn mower form ray and it was a manual one so vic mowed the front lawn and i mowed the back, it was kinda hard, espically all the weeds and stuff.
so then i took a long ass break and it seed as though ppl were packing so then ppl just packed till it was time to go to karens cottage, so we were gonna leave but b4 then we got maxes apprisal letter, the we got mine then we dropped off rays lawn mower.
so then b4 goin to karens cottage they shoed us the bump road, and it was bad but max said it was a lot worse.
so then we headed to karens cottage, it was a wile into the middle of nowhere, but it was really really nice there.
she had 2 dogs and was right on the beach, so we ate her really good food...sooo good, i was so full, then a bunch of us decided to go into the sauna and we then jumped into the lake, it was really cold but not too cold, so you could enjoy yourself.
then we did it a bunch of timees, then back @ the house i had some ATTACKED by bugs then em and i went on the paddle boat, we went round the island there, it was super nice, then we stayed outside and played for a bit, then we took a group photo then we left to go see the beaver damn.
so we got lost on the way there and decided to just come back home.
so we were waiting for the soo group but then i had to order pizza and get a bninch of groceries so em tiff and i went to do that then steph picked us up, then i went to max to get milk wile they went to the columbia rest. to get our pizzas, so i ran there with my milk then we drove home, and we all bet on wather they would be there or not, so just as we were about to turn the corner steph stoped the van then went and we saw that they were there. so we got in i put my shit away then we chiolled with them for a wile, zach started the fire, and we chilled outhere for a long time by the fire, even though it was spritically raining.
àso then the pls left o go have some fun @ the motor in, we were suposted to go bowling but it was closed for renivations.
so then the pls left and some of us decided to go for a walk and get high, like 6 of us smoked up and the others were there just to be social, so it was cool, we came back i chilled by the fire with a few ppl, then we tried to build a tent thing, in which lana tried to take all the credit for and jordan wouldent let her, so i pretty much chilled out there for the longest time, then they had to leave, so we saw them off, and it sucks cuz were not gonna see them for a long ass time, if ever...proving again thet the worst thing about katimavik ios seeing all the people youve met leave. but its ok
so they left then i wrote my warm fuzzies, ray was here as well, then abunch if us went to the beach to drink, then the of ages ppl went to the bar and i came back home, i set up breakfeast and went to bed.

this mornig we had to do our recordings for the filal prez, but its almost time to go and their not done...suprise suprise.
so im just on the comp and im dicking around.

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