Friday, June 27, 2008

to wed @ work it was ok, the day went by fast we did the usual boring shit, then as we were waling home i noticed some trumpets palying, and i knew it was a ska band doin sound check for the concer that day...there are free concerts everynight this week here...sweet.
so the band was plaing all really good ska covers all of which i knew so i was staning..more like skaning in the rian while thay did sound check, they seemed to like it. so then they asked if i was commin that night, i asked a quelle heur, and thwy told me 10...i was SO there. so then we visited vic @ her work, i told her of the concert, she seemed down and she told us that she was goin home, cool. so we chilled @ her work till it was time for her to leave so then we went home, i borugnt goodied for ppl from my work, plus i had found a kick ass i chilled @ the house we ate and i dicked around on the comp, then it was soon time for the concert, i got david , cilla and tiff to come with me...cuz it was raining, but as soon as we steped ousied it wasnt raining, so we get there and the other band was getting off, then the ska band came on, it was sick i instantly started skanking with tiff and david, cilla just stood there, it was a SICK set they played, the other should have come it was loads of fun.
so back home i went stright to bed.
thurs @ work we did shit, sorted thorugh batteries..shitty, but david talked lots with that one guy that worked there, he hmade a friend, i spoke a lot with him as well. so waliking home we herd the band again but i went strignt home, again i dicked around on the coma for a long wile but i also read the book skinny bitch, its reallf fucking good, ppl shoud read it. i decided not to go to the concert cuz i was tired, so we chilled downstairs max and i had a good convo in french, she was teaching me lots, it was good. then i went to bed, but right b4 i had a shower.

so today work was ok, it was kinda boring, they didnt have much to bo but david and iw orked eprately in the afternoon so it was cool. then we left, and now im home, on the comp again i read skinny bitch more, im almost half done, max and cilla are house managers, they made good food today, so its a free night i did laundry, and were gonna got to the concert, then mabye to the bar, i wanna just chill...well see what happens.

so after waiting forever for the girls to et ready we left, as we got there the band was already playing, it sounded fimaillar but i dint quite get it, then i walked by the merch tent and it was social, so i listened and they played one song i knew...that was cool, then the next band i didnt know but ppl were moshing so i moshed lots to them with the other ppl who all seemed to know the lyrics, it was sick, and the dude from my work was in the pit as well, it was SICK, so after the show we wetn to the where we al;l got teliqulia shots then we went to dance, ti was alright, some fun, so we stayed till 1:30 then booked it home..oh i lost the cariboo cluster pit in the pit, im sad about that.

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