Monday, February 25, 2008

soooo friday night it took a wile for josh(josh is bradens best friend in town, hes super cool...belongs in the city) to get problems or something. so he came back then we went to "hamburger hill" to try to get weed, but it
then we drove off to get kim(bradon's ex) so we got her, shes nice, then drove back to town but got pulled over by a cop. so braden isnt allowed to have more tham 1 other person in the car, so we got ticketed but the cop was nice enough to "drive the other way" so that we didnt have to talk into town.

so we drove back to the billetes and swaped cares and piled into joshes car. so just as were about to leave he got stuck in some ice, so we got him out and drove to some guys house where there was a party. so we chilled there, i met a few people, ahd a couple beers and played gutar hero, the guys there seemed to be happy that we showed, they knew we were katimavik, it was cool, then we played asshole for a wile then went outside to smoke up, i obvously did, but i did not smoke enough to get high...thats a shame.

so we drove kim back to her place but b4 we stoped @ mc donnalds where the girl they knew gave us hookups, so i got a free sunday...nice girl, kinda pritty. so we drove kim back then drove home which took forever. then we all crashed @ the house. when i work us i had a small breakfeast then braden went off with his dad to try to fix his car, when they got back tiff, me and jamie(bradens mom) went skiing @ bull mountian, it was nice but i fell a bunch of times. when we got back braden was just leavin, so we ate lunch then tiff and i watched lots of tv..even crappy tv, it was sad, but oh well, then i read some of the book tory gave me then went to bed.

this morning i woke up 10 min b4 we had to leave so i rushed ready then jamie drove us to flavors, cuz we were 1/2hour early for work, so tiff and i chilled for a but then got back to the shop where we are cleaning the front of the shop some more, were almost done...yay

kk, g2g back to work ttyl

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