Saturday, March 1, 2008

soooo, i think monday was uninteresting.

tuesday was not interesting also, @ work we didnt do much, but tuesday was a beautiful day so @ work tiff and i took a 45min break, we walked downtown then o visited willow @ the bean counter then tiff @ the slavation army
@ the billetes we didnt do much i just ran on the treadmill for a wile and we watched big brother..lamo, trashey tv.

wednesday in the morning we got dropped off so everyday, so we wandered around saveon, cuz its the ony ting open, then we went to flavors to meet up with emily, so we chatted a bit with her and tiff got a package that emily gave to her, then we went to the sally anne again to visit vic and saw antoine there too.
@ the billetes again we just chilled and watched tv. we were gonna go skiing but the hills were all melted so booo for that.

thursday in the morning we met up with tory @ the bean counter, it was cool chatting with him, it was a nic change of pace, we had a nice chat then he went offto TRU, he college here..that used ti be a highschool, yeah its a small building.
@ work we went to the long house to do some measurments then we went to the cariboo friendship center for lunch...really good food, but we didnt get to see zach, donno where he was, guess he was busy working.
thwn i work on the layout for the longhouse, so we can identify the vendors.
@ the billetes we got to make mosiacks out of old stained glass. i made a tree thing ppl says it looks cool but i ting its generic, and guy marvin around our age was here doin stained glass with jamie(the billet mom) and hes from toronto his fave band is protest, which is pretty cool.

today we met up with tory again @ the bean cunter, he was with some chick that work @ the lib @ TRU, she was nice but i think we freaked her out, it seemes that tory knows everyone in town but living in a small town like thins youll know everyone. so we chatted for a nice wile then again we went ot the sally anne to visit vic, but she want there today.
so when we got to work we left for alexis creek to accept some donation froma penny drive the school had there. we had to do a small pres, (tiff and i) about katimavik to a bunch of unintrested kids. thenwe got back and vic was in the shop, she stayed there for a wile while i worked on the outdoor longhouse thing, she left soon after and i told her that i would make her a t-shirt when i go the time. so i keot working on it till closing time.
then tiff, dave, antoine, and i all chilled after work, we went o saveon so that ppl could get some postcards then we chilled in the mall where we saw kayla again and she wasnt and we chilled some more.
then we walked to jammies car and drove home where we are now just chillin.

side note:
so im gonna miss billeting the tanises were really cool abd braden showed us a somewhat good time here.

so im feeling not myself here in katimavik, i am having tons of fun and havin a blast, but working all this time i think may take a tole on me, im not my ususal crazy self anf i dont seem to apprecate things like i used to, it may be cuz im still ajusting to the program or it could be cuz i have no time to think, but i dont really like not beig myself, like soin stupid random shit, or just plain having good old fun, i am ahving fun but if feels kinda forced if you know what i mean.

i donno, well see what happen but i have high hopes.

a-town down

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