Thursday, January 31, 2008

tuesday we all went ot the costume shop and tried on costumes for childrens hour for the 139Children's telethon. it was tons of fun espically when antoine came out in a chearleaders outfit.
ppl are as follows:
me-captain hook
antoine-peter pan
max- some green bug thing
priscella- lil red riding hood
jess(pl)- cruella daville
vic-the green M&M
Tiff- snow white
emilie- dopy
Zac - doc

(we got a new van that day for some reason, it seated more ppl but i dont think were keeping it)

after the costume shop tiff and i did a workshop about how to act in public and with the media, this is because no matter where we go were always repin katimavik, ive been stoped and acked so many times here if im "katimavik" while having no logo on me, its sureal.
we also talked about how to do an interview and how not to act.

wed @ work we dropped off most of the childrens program books.
it was suposted to be our free night but beau (our pc-project co-ordidnator) wanted to do a workshop about excersion protocal, it took forever, and i dont think ill be able to finish my jacket in time for the contest thing. oh well theres one next month.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

yesterday we had our first french lesson as taught by maxine, se got stressed cuz were not good learners and overwhelmed her. but i was a really good lesson. @ work i went and picke up more stuff for the auction then dave and i went to greg and donnas place to dropp off a tv. then we went to the monkey barrel (coolest place ever) and helped clean up a bit.

anyways, after the french lesson i punched the bag a bit, worked out (antoine got some weights from work) then i went to bed early. i donno why but i was peved about something yesterday..probly cuz i couldent call my mom. ill try to call her today but its gonna be a busy day.

peace out

Monday, January 28, 2008

Sat we watched "stomp the yard" it was an ok movie, we all chilled @ homw that day, then i went for a really long walk up pigon rd. and i workked more on my jacket.

yesterday we had a free was pretty chill, i started on a jacket im making forom a musterd yellow fabric.
we had commettie time where tiff and i made up a workshop about how to act in public and with the media...this is because like it or not were always repin katimavik..EVERYWHERE we go.
then we had dinner then we had our house meeting, and we played a craked out game called minature tanks..some cracked out pl made up ina random.
then i worked more on my jacket.
it was a dull day but it was a chill day in the katima-house

Saturday, January 26, 2008

woah nelly a lot of shit went down last night
it was out night off and torys bro dion invited us to go bowling
so a bunch of us (all but david, max and cella) went to the mall so we chilled in the mall and made some more friends along ith kayla whom was our first friend in williams she gave us her phone number so we can chill later on. the mall was fun
then we went to kfc...boring, then we went to bowling.
we waited there for like 20min for dion, his girlfriend showed up b4 he did...she was cool. when dion showed up he brought tons of friends...a few of them seemed sketchy but still cool. OH and sara from karokie was there...shes cool. bowling was was cosmic bowling, and they actually played decent music there.
afterwardds we got invited to a party and dion and his friend paid for a cab for us..that was nice. a bunch of us thought it wasnt a good idea but we still went cuz we were a big group. i turned out to be wasnt bad of sketchy. the people who lived there are cool and we made a few friends...yay! Josianne and antoine were drinking, we walked home and it took us like 20min from where the house was. then @ home josianne told jess(our pl) that she was drinking...and we were all like WTF..STUPID, but just as long as she dosnt rat others out she wont be a problem...@ least now we now to avoid gettin drink with her

g2g brerakfeast is ready

Friday, January 25, 2008

Wednesday was fun, it was jess's day off so most of the group wanted to go out, we ended up playing pool @ was cool cuz we were like a gan and walked in like we owned the place...i had a we played pool...badly, but it was fun.
when we got home he herd jess was out for the night so we had like a dance was halarious.
we tried to scare maxine in her room but it didnt work..we waited for like 1/2 hour; but it was worth it, we waited in the dark and the music was playing and some funny shit came on which made us all burst out laughing (it was a spoof of "what if god was one of us"), the girlfriend was playing and we danced in the dark...lmao

@ work on thurs tiff and i collected tons of shit for the auction and input it into the computer and stored it...lots of nice stuff. After work the group went square dancing...when we got to the place it was full of old people, but they were cool and it was so much fun (really hick but FUN!) i was about to dance with victoria when an old lady stole me from was so funny...we were encouraged to dance with ppl more experienced than us. i think were gonna do it again next

@ home i got a package from my mommy, she gave me candy, lip balm and

- i also wanna comment that i went to curves while picking up donations for the auction and an old lady asked if we were katimavik (tiff and i) and she went on about how her granddaughter did it and how it was the best think it could happen to her and that hes so happy that were doing it anf hope we finish the program
-it seems as though ppl here know were katimavik and everyone is really supportive
-Also we met one of our neighbours @ his chinise resturant and he says were all welcome in the community but hates how our yard is unkept..and were like..not our fault...but w/e hes cool

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

so today @ work it was fun i cleaned the shop and did some random jobs...tiff designed a poster/shirt for the bankers show...but were gonna miss it cuz its in april. then her and i went around town picking up stuff for the auction, i kinda implied that a girl was a bitch...but as a joke so i had to do one of the consequences...which was acting like james bond all day, and i have to hum the theme as i walk into every room..its pretty funny.
today was super en for dinner we all had to speak as u may assume half of us didnt talk all dinner...but my French is getting better..way better, i havent used so much french in cool AND today were gonna watch a french movie ( french) @ the contach womens assoiation..where josianna works.

tiff-139 childrens/bia
dave-139 childrens/salvation army
emilie-the hot spot(youth for christ)
maxine-shout island
josianne-womens contact society
priscella-@ the cariboo friendship society
zach work @ the cariboo friendship society but @ the shelter
antoine- salvation army
vic-salvation army
et je suis dans le 139 childrens fundraising society
weve all been working there for a week and 2 days...everyone seems to like their job or @ least not hate it.
late saturday night we all wnated to go out...epically cuz there was some tension in the air...i donno why but we all felt it...i guess its cuz we spent the whole day tougher and we all wanted OUT!
then antoine threw a lit match into the couch downstairs....yes it was FUCKING STUPID. And i think thats what set ppl off, tiff snaped on him outside.
pricella and i decided to go for a walk..we left just after vic and tiff decided to go for a walk.
so cella and i talked about the house and shit that was goin on....mabyt i can help a bit...espically cuz shes quiet and i can speak out for her...anyways we later met up with tiff ans vic and all seemed good with we joined up and still went walking, it was good...we shared the same thoughts.
then we were heddin to the park and cella wanted her hat...we saw antoine dave and josienne. antoine wanted to talk to vic and tiff...i guess he didnt want them to hate him. then antoine followed cella tiff and i to the park...he stayed for a wile but no one really talked to him(because we really didnt want him there) so after that tiff cella and i chatted it up for a was cool.

when we came back home we had a group meeting and resolved the issues that we had with eachother...then we played hide-and-go-seek in the dark(again) was really fun.

monday @ work was cool..i had tons of random jobs and thats what i like so i had fun @ work. @ zach and dave were house managers for the week..i was scared as to weather thay could do it but they did and they can...i shouldent have doubted them, the dinner was gooooood.
dawn(a past katima-victem) came to the house ans she was our group activity...she had just finished katimavik and had tons of stories and insight to tell, it was good and we needed it. she gave us her cell so we could chill with her afterwards if we wnated too. and she to us whats to do in town...and theirs nothing!...even less for me cuz i cant drink. but oh well.
its good for now...later days

Saturday, January 19, 2008

so thurs we finally finished canvising the town, but at least now i know where everything is.
yesterday we organized shit around the shop then david and i played pool for 2 hours then we left early....our group activity for yesterday was karaoke, we all walked in and thought it would be lame cuz we made up more than half the ppl there, but it turned out to be awesome and we had tons of fun embarrassing ourselves.
rigt now maxiene is making pancakes..they smell like their burning but im sure theyll turn out sooo hungry.

Oh! jess had her day off on thurs and was away all day and didnt come back til the morning. we were suposted to do a group activity...and guess what...we did, i think were the only group in our cluster who whould actually get shit done w/o the pl, jess said that that the other pls said their groups whould never do it.
so after our meeting we played hide-and-go-seek in the dark for like 1 hr, it was so fun.

so that about it so far...ttyl

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

today @ work was pretty boring but it was funner tha the last days
i got a t-shirt but i think thats cuz greg(my boss)put the logo on upside down...oh well..i think imma make a bag out of it. it has their logo on it.

so i think were goin to the mall today...soon, cuz we have free time..and fri were gonna do karokie!!! excited for that

it all good here for now, it pretty chill. hopefully im not anoying anyone.
g2g ttyl peace...
so @ work all weve done is go door to door to EVERY buizness in town asking for donations for an auction were gonna have in abotu a month
its pretty boring but i do get to see A LOT of the city, its ok i guess but i hate saying the same over an dover again...but i did expect some ppl to be rude..and NO ONE was its like everyone is nice...but also many ppl expect us....theyve been doin this for a it pretty eays to do..and ppl here are shit for the auction too.
also, they reall apprechate the help...its been emily, david and i (emilie just hit her head on the corner of the desk and is oin the floor now...its pretty funny.)

we just came back from an ecological footprint workshop...she made us realise a lot of things about the environment and what we do to it...i really liked it. (it was sue from scout island...thats where max works)

i start work @ 10:00...its sweeeeet, AND its the closest work placement

p.s. antoine and i are cool...he got over being gay
- the van is so ghetto!! the ice freezes on the inside, and no its gettin so effin cold.
- ...what else...i donno so ill talt to yall later


Saturday, January 12, 2008

so last night we went out for the first time, we shot pool and then went to boston pizza, where the new guy decided he would drink, hes 18 but they didnt ask for ID, i didnt was just him and victoria (from oshwa) but victoria allowed to drink. he had like a pitcher of bear to himself and got pretty drunk, then he started to get mad @ the anglaphoins( English speakers) but more specifically me. He had thought that i spoke to the others in slang so that he wouldent understand what i was saying about him...however that is not the case. When we came home he appoligized....but i didnt believe it because i still believed that he was drunk, also he was laughing through it. but we did learn a lesson...not to drink with him again. it was stupid and ruined the evening, and could have also costed him a cti.

so iunno what else to say, it been pretty chill @ the house
OH, but last nights group meeting was pretty stressful. we were talking about objectives and some of the group got distrcted because someone decided to make food late. the i had suggested we all come back to the circle, and brought up the fact that Anotne(the new guy from quebec) had left in the middle of dinner and wanted to get his own food. i saw that jess(our project leader) was stressed and felt that it had to be said, im glad we did because we resolved the problem and realized as a group that there was some miscommunication @ the table and that it was not antoine's fault.

soo..... i should tell you whos in my house, it would help since i ta;lk about them a lot.
maxiene, shes from suton, quebec. Shes completely bilingual and very mature...shes the oldest in the group..shes 20
david is from winnipeg, manitoba. hes ok, he had an issue of him being smelly, but i feel that it isnt that bad anymore...however others dont seem to think so. hes 18
Zach is from a town of 600 in Saskatchewan, hes quiet but is opening up to the group. he dosnt say much but when he does it halarious...hes 18 as well
Tiff is from woodstock ontario..and is now working of some assignmest given to her from fanchaw...yes jacob she want to go to ur college...for art. shes cool and really nice but has a troubled past. shes 18 too
Emile is the one i met on myspoace b4 we traveled. shes from montreal, Quebec. she showbords. Shes nice ans also 18. she gotten close to antone..and bic and i bug her for it. she speakes pretty well english
victoria is from oshawa, ontario. she super cool and funny. shes break dances..mostly poping and is a pretty devoted christan. shes 19 so unlike the rest of us she can drink.
josienne is from somewhere in quebec. shes nice and likes to talk about herself a lot. she can speak english but not as well as the other frankaphones(french speakers). she likes ot dance and draw. shes 18 too
persilla is from St.Johns newfoundland, she really sweet. she was born in hongcong abut moven here when she was little, she 18..i think
antoine is the new guy from someplace in quebec. hes cool but not so much when hes drunk. i dont think he fully understand the program and does his own thing most of the time.

...and our project leader jess. Shes from totonto and is super cool. she was a rude girl as well as a raver back in the day. im glad we got such a cool PL our first time around..its also her first time being a PL. and yes she does live with us. shes here to facilate the group and stuff but we have to do everything ourselves...thats mostly what theprogram is all about..working toughter as a by the end of the program wew wont need a pl..they,ll just hadout the money.
jess is 25..i think

Friday, January 11, 2008

finally i get free time on the comp, imma type as fast as i can so ignore the errors.

so our first week in Williams lake is a community orientation, so basically i get no time to myself... we do tons of workshops and get accustomed with the community. WE did a scavenger hunt around town, and kelly came over..for the camp, shes super cool..and gave me tons of lowdown about the program and what she did during the program.

um so its been really boring abut at the same time really fun. im still gettin to know ppl in my house. The past few days we went to the community partners, their cool..except the shelter..cuz that place freakes me out. we had our intiveriews and we all got out jobs..YAY!!, im just glad that i gpot my first choice! which is **drum roll** the 139 chi8ldren.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

so...gavin lake
it was fucking awesome, its a beautiful space in the middle of nowhere. we had 2 other groups with our there...were a cluster of 3, all we did there were workshops about katimavik, things like the rules, respect, leadership, basically boring stuff, yet very necessary...

theiiir are pictures of gavin lake on my facebook, we had mass-o there
mass orientation is where my cluster gets toughter and we have orientation about the program.
a cluster has 3 groups in it each in a different house, theres the quenel house, williams lake house, and the 100 mile house. And we are part of the cariboo cluster...thats because this is the cariboo region.

to be continued (breakfast is ready!)...

Monday, January 7, 2008

its early and only zach is awake, hes from skatchawan if im not mistaken. i cant see the letters on the bear with me.

so the traveling here was ok, i guess
i first saw elizabeth in the terminal b4 i checked in. once i checked in i saw her again, she was on my flight, then victoria from oshwa came (she was on my ticket), then kayla from newfound land jpoin our group. then we borded.
on the plane i sat beside a woman who was goin to mauie with her husband, then to hawai...she was really nice. There was also a younger guy, he was really nice too (im sad i didnt get their names).
once we got off the flight out small group got toughter and chilled @ the airport...we had timmies. once they called our place to bord to prince george we realized that 1/2 the plane was katimavil ppl. on the plane i sat beside victoria, it was fun but i felt sick on the plane.
@ prince george we met our pl's(project leader) for the first time. We chilled there and played some games with the ppl, it was fun. Once everyone showed up we took our big purple goach bus to Gavin lake. A camp in the middle of nowhere. Its beautiful there, a guy named mike ownes the place. hes really cool, and took us cross counrty skiing, it was tons of fun.
ill get more into detail about mass-o later, but ya it was lots of fun.
i just got to the house now, ill put up more about the camp and traveling later...ppl need to use the comp..its been fun so far, csthc u later

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

so today ive been packing..and re-thinking what im bringing to confident that im not bring too much shit, and that i will have space for stuff i may need in the future.

i depart the day after tomorrow and i hella nervious, yesterday was newyears..and it was the last time im gonna see many people for 8 months! im sad to be leaving them, but i wouldent pass this up for almost anything.

even though the excitment ive had for the program has now turned to nerviosness i still dont have any doubts abut the experience as a whole..and am still looking foward to it..but still..very