Saturday, January 12, 2008

so last night we went out for the first time, we shot pool and then went to boston pizza, where the new guy decided he would drink, hes 18 but they didnt ask for ID, i didnt was just him and victoria (from oshwa) but victoria allowed to drink. he had like a pitcher of bear to himself and got pretty drunk, then he started to get mad @ the anglaphoins( English speakers) but more specifically me. He had thought that i spoke to the others in slang so that he wouldent understand what i was saying about him...however that is not the case. When we came home he appoligized....but i didnt believe it because i still believed that he was drunk, also he was laughing through it. but we did learn a lesson...not to drink with him again. it was stupid and ruined the evening, and could have also costed him a cti.

so iunno what else to say, it been pretty chill @ the house
OH, but last nights group meeting was pretty stressful. we were talking about objectives and some of the group got distrcted because someone decided to make food late. the i had suggested we all come back to the circle, and brought up the fact that Anotne(the new guy from quebec) had left in the middle of dinner and wanted to get his own food. i saw that jess(our project leader) was stressed and felt that it had to be said, im glad we did because we resolved the problem and realized as a group that there was some miscommunication @ the table and that it was not antoine's fault.

soo..... i should tell you whos in my house, it would help since i ta;lk about them a lot.
maxiene, shes from suton, quebec. Shes completely bilingual and very mature...shes the oldest in the group..shes 20
david is from winnipeg, manitoba. hes ok, he had an issue of him being smelly, but i feel that it isnt that bad anymore...however others dont seem to think so. hes 18
Zach is from a town of 600 in Saskatchewan, hes quiet but is opening up to the group. he dosnt say much but when he does it halarious...hes 18 as well
Tiff is from woodstock ontario..and is now working of some assignmest given to her from fanchaw...yes jacob she want to go to ur college...for art. shes cool and really nice but has a troubled past. shes 18 too
Emile is the one i met on myspoace b4 we traveled. shes from montreal, Quebec. she showbords. Shes nice ans also 18. she gotten close to antone..and bic and i bug her for it. she speakes pretty well english
victoria is from oshawa, ontario. she super cool and funny. shes break dances..mostly poping and is a pretty devoted christan. shes 19 so unlike the rest of us she can drink.
josienne is from somewhere in quebec. shes nice and likes to talk about herself a lot. she can speak english but not as well as the other frankaphones(french speakers). she likes ot dance and draw. shes 18 too
persilla is from St.Johns newfoundland, she really sweet. she was born in hongcong abut moven here when she was little, she 18..i think
antoine is the new guy from someplace in quebec. hes cool but not so much when hes drunk. i dont think he fully understand the program and does his own thing most of the time.

...and our project leader jess. Shes from totonto and is super cool. she was a rude girl as well as a raver back in the day. im glad we got such a cool PL our first time around..its also her first time being a PL. and yes she does live with us. shes here to facilate the group and stuff but we have to do everything ourselves...thats mostly what theprogram is all about..working toughter as a by the end of the program wew wont need a pl..they,ll just hadout the money.
jess is 25..i think


Anonymous said...

sounds like your havin a groovy time over there, im a bit envious. lmao @ the fact how you directly addressed me in that story, as if you knew id be reading it. its not the same around here without you bro lol, im back in shitty old london aswell. keep us posted yo. peace.

Angelika said...

I enspecially enjoyed the write up about your group mates. =]