Sunday, February 10, 2008

shit its been almost a week since i wrote on this thing so ill try to sum up whats been goin on.

Tuesday it was typical @ work and afterwards it was super en Francis and then we went to the scared heart school to use their gym for our healthy lifestyle activity. we played basket ball, which was kinda coool and fun, priscella was a monster out there. then we played dodge ball and it was fun, espically when we played antoines version of it.

Wednesday @ work we got shit done for the auction @ horsefly and i made the horsefly t-shirts. it was a free night so i decided to stay @ home and i worked more on my jacket..its almost done, i also did a bunch of shit that i needed to get done here @ home.

Thursday we went to horsefly to drop off a bunch of things that we needed to drop off, then we got stuff done for the anaham lake auction. it was another free night and it was chinise newyear, so we made a dragon mask thing out of a box and got ppl under a red blanket and we went up and down our street as a dragon, it was tons of fun, all the neighbors liked to watch us, we also had splarkers. priscilla made us all little red bags things and wel all write nice things about eachother in thim, it was really cool and really nice what some of the people wrote. it was a FUN day.

Friday @ work we went to the loonie auction it was cool i had fun, and bid on a few things. then we got the rest of the horsefly shit packed and done. again it was a free night. em, vic and i decided to go tobogining/showboarding...that didnt last very long. then all but max came down the street, cilla was on crack . we all (but vic and em..who went back to the house)went to the mall, and willow was there...she works @ the cd store, i was so happy to talk to her cuz she told me when the next concert here would be, and she gave me her number so that we can chill. then josianne and zach when to the movies to see swenny todd and pris, tiff and i went on our way to dennys, we were stoped by some drunk guys but kep walking, then antoine showed up and stoped to take a swag from the drunk guys. we got mad @ him cuz it was a stupid thing to do. then we went to dennys and chilled. later that night tiff, antoine and i stayed up till 3 talking in the downstairs bacement. it was a good chat.

this moring was a free morining, i saw that the prank we left for jess didnt work cuz she steped over the toilet paper. a couple ppl went swiming, i got a bucnh of things done was well as listening to the nes streetlight cd i go yesterday @ the mall. then we went to the station house galary and some some little kids was ok, then we met up with greg, donna and jen @ the shop and we picked up 2 ppl on or way to horsefly, it was a nice auction and man was the food fucking good, but we comitted to doing all of the dishes, and between like 7 of us it took 3 hours to do all those fucking dishes, soo many FUCKING dishes, but it saves an old lady a whole day of dishes, and now were home and im tired, tomorrow were goin to 100 mile to ch9ill there and hopefully prank them.

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