Tuesday, February 12, 2008

so sunday night we had a house meeting when we got back from 100mile and i kinda got really mad @ the group because they didnt let me know that their was a house meeting, but we resolved that problem then i called mae that night, but i took over the phone time max asked for so i feel bad about that but i needed it to make mee feel better, i awlays feel better when i talk to someone form home.
after the meeting tiff and i worked on the grocery list, that is because im house managers this week so ill will be cleaning and cooking for 10 ppl this week...along side tiff of course.

so this morning we decided not to go to save on foods and we went to whole sale where their was so much cheap shit..cuz everything came in bulk...so we got all the food we needed and had extra money for some Tupperware and a NEW non stick pan...which we so despritly needed, and which we made rules for so that it stays non-stick. today i organised the storage closet and the living rooms as well as the games shelf. and i made black bean soup with cheese and potatoes fajitas (which i stole from kelly @ gavin lake) OH, i saw mike from gavin lake @ whole sale..i wanted to talk to him more but we were busy. so ppl like my dinner...yay. it was a free night so we played freese, where durgs and sex seemed to be a re-occurring theme...and jess got kinda concerned...but she shouldent be cuz none of us are don anything...besides a couple ppl drinking.
then i worked on my jacket a lot (which is due on thurs) and some ppl watched a movie but i came upstairs to watch jess beat dave, and zach @ rish..it was cool.

thats about it...later days!

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