Monday, July 7, 2008

so friday night was the night of billeting, i finished work early and got some shit toughter. so em and i were the first to go, out billet mom dosnt own a car so we needed a ride there. so we got here and we notice that the house is a a large set of stairs, em being cripples will have some touble here. so we come in and they show em her room, then we sign some billeting papers then she showes me where ill be sleeping...on the fucking couch in the fucking living room, i was so discourages to billet here as soon as i herd that. wo we did the rounds of the appartment. so then as soon as gladys (our billet mom) left i immideatly called jolie naturally i was an asshole to her for outting me in a situation like this, cuz i had said tht last time i seped on a couch and it was the only thing i didnt want t go through again....thanks a lot. so she encouraged me to try it, and i was hella pisses so i was perstant in saying that i want out. i mostly think its cus she was lazy, she had freinds comming over and she was leaving soon, so she had to pack...anyways i hng up on her pissed off. then fabricio came in, i talked to him for a bit, then he invited us to the bar, we said wed go but the girls soon changed their minds cuz we just anted to chill....em, cilla and i, so we walked to cilas backyard where we chilled for a bit.
oh, cilla and tiff showed up to to chat for abit then we headed home and i went to bed.

saturday morning..its my birthday!!!
i woke up, acked up my bed..OR LACK THERE OF then i watched some tv, then fabricio came and wished me a happy birthday, it was cool, so we chilled, then em came and wished me a bonne fete....yay
so then fabricio asked us to go to the beach thing with him..apparently theres a beach party thing. do we go to st.gelidion...same place as st.jean au we et to the beach.oh vic came too. then we go to the beach and its 12$$ to go in, so we try to sneak in the place we learded t while we were there the first time, so we go, and surely enough its blocked of @ the beach too...damit, so i see how i would sneak in, but b4 i actually do it all i see is a eally crouded beach with a DJ and some stands selling shit, so i told the others it wasnt worth our moey, so we got into talking then weed came up and fabricio told us that he hd one, so we smoked it, it was pretty sweet then a dude ame and sat down, it was fabs friend, but it was also the friend of the girl that we saw @ st.jean and who had come to the house, so we sat and chilled with him for a bit, then he set out to find weed, then he seemed to make some friends.
so then we went to a small resturant and had some outine to eat for lunch, then we headed back home, so then we all chilled @ our place around some bears, then cilla walks in with ezgi and em for the 100 mile group...aka...marathon...aka...chiticoutie, it was sweet, they wished me happy birthday but that couldent stay for long so we chatted with them for a bit they they were on their way. so then a bunch of ppl came tot he house then we set off to the club, but then some pl wanted to see fi thy could get antoin and zach, vic, em and i waited for a bit but then we went to the bar, we chiled downstairs, then upstairs something was happening, they were giving away neclaces of some sort, and the ppl were beggin for them like dogs and acting for them, knds wierd to watch.
so then we chilled, ppl bought me some drinks, i got tipsy, we danced a bit then we went to the quececios bar, ti was chill there, a nice place t chat, and they played ldies rock while we were there, and cool place.
it got late and we all went home, i went stright to bed.

sunday we we up @ around 3...i watched tv lots of the time then fabricio asked if we wanted to go to theis peach place just outside of town, so we were down, em called up cila and FAB called up david then we went to the beach and got high, then cila ahd t go, so we droped her off, then we went to the oncer area to see if it was possible to sneak in, nope, it was a tight coliseum like ting...really small, so then we went to the super market b4 goin home then i waited for ppl to do their thing b4 goin to bed.

so today i woke we=hen ever theothers got up and made their breakfeast. then i got up and did my shit and went to work, it was a fun day @ work, i worked with the teens and we chilled for a bit, they tried to talk to me and they realisd thet when they talk slowly i understand a hell of a lot, so we chated, then i went tot he bok store and worked there alone for t longest time, then we went home. so @ home i ate...watching tv and now og FABRICIOS comp.

k ttyl
might go to the concert today thanks to cilla and apparently our frenh teach guy.

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