Monday, July 28, 2008

so thurs we ddint do anything exciting but i did get to leave work early to go to vics work and i cleaned the windows and drew up something to paint on them, then @ home we were suposted to have a physical activity but josianne didnt do shit all day...even though she spent it on the comp and didnt have to go to work.....

fri was the same thing, i started the painting and almost finished it then we went home where we chilled with david, tiff cilla david and i went out to chill, we played on the parks, we saw a band playing ontop of the parking lot, and then another on @ the car show, then we went off to do...nothing, it was cool then we went to bed cuz we had to wake up earl;y in the morning.

so in the morning i was waken by tiff then i got dressed, packed my shit them ate something, we were on our way, we were goin to the town where vic stayed @ during billeting, it was vics bikllet dad that organized katimavik to show up. so we got there and we got stares, so we flashed the peace sign, real funny. so then we stat around for a bit then 4 of us were calle dup to bring some cold bears to the vending tent, then we put some bears in the fridge to get cold...then tiff and i tok a seat and watched the lawn mower races, kinda cool, but it got boring really soon, so tiff and i went to see what others were doin but it wasnt much then tiff and i decided to go into to town, once out of the carnival place we quickly realised it was another wawa, so we chilled in a garden for a bit then once we got back it was lunch time so we got inline for lunch...i got a pizza, kinda sucked...microwave kind....i had to help david order his shit, also funny. so then we all chilled then it was time to change al the garbage bins in the tent area, between al of us it took like 4 sec. then we chilled and watched the reaces for a long ass time, then chearleaders then we headed home.
jolie wanted to go to the beach so we chilled at home for a bit them we headed to the beach, it was just me, em, vic, max and the other david, so we chilled at a beach where we got in for free (the same beach we went to with fabricio to smoke up) so it was cool there...cold water, then we fould clay near by and drew on ourselves with it, then it was time to go and i took some clay so on my free time i couls make a cup or
so then we came back home but quickly left for the show jolie wanted to go to, so a few of us went, we were @ st.gelidion, tiff cilla and i went to the beach and it was so calm and we saw a lighting storm accross the lake, it was really fucking nice.
then we came back and the band was only doin sound check, so then i chilled with the group and jolies friends, then the band played, they were really good¸we danced and shit, it weas fun, so cilla and em went to the van early cuz the bugs were real bad, so we started heading back and i thought id scare them so i banged on the window, so i guess i scared em cuz she procedded to kick the window and smash it....yeah, i was fucking scared, so was she, so we all kinda just stood tere, she kinds had a panic attack, then johnathan drove up and kinda helped, it was an aquward time to show up, so em was ok, we took pictures and made jokes about it all the way home, but quietly so em didnt hear, it was too funny tho.
then back home we went to bed.

so the next day we went to arbe en arbe (tree to tree) so we got up early and headded for st.ficliean so we got there and had to sign some forem then we had a quick walk to the place, then we got harnesses then a quick tutorial on how and what to do, then we had to try it out on the kiddiest climbs ever, then we got started, the first two cources were sooo easy, but then we hit the big one, it was so long and some of the things were hard, but the zip line over the river was FUCKING AMAZING, so we finished in like 3 hrs, then we tooka lunch break and we went to the the only zipline course, so we got another tutorial then we were off, the first fucking zip line was FUCKING unbelieveable, wow, i wanna do it again, then it had a binch of lives goin everywhere, really fun, it was a great day, then we were done we went back home where msot ppl sleped till dinner, had dinner then sleped again

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