Friday, August 1, 2008

sooo, monday i really hated my job, i felt like they were making up jobs for us to keep us busy, i felt really wierd.
so back home we had a quick house meeting then it was a free night, i think everyone just chilled, it was calm in the house, i spent lots of time on the comp, then i think i went out for a bit, just to get out of the house.

tuesday was MAXINEs BIRTHDAY!!!!!
so work was ok...the usual.
then @ home it was hippie/rasta/colour day, so we all dressed up as hippies and rastas, i found a sick vest @ work to wear, then i borrowed vics white bandana, i wore white pants and a white dress shirt, ppl liked it oters dressed up good, we heleped out zach, antoine and david....zach was the only good one, and he borrowed most of my so max invited the other david and floriend they helped with dinner and pre-dishes, it was cool.
we had herd that cilla fell on hot tar and badly burned herslef, so she was at the hospital with em and jolie, so we waited till 7 for them, a bunch of went outside to sentd over good vibes and call on them, then they came around the corner, it was soo cool, we were excited.
we saw cilla come in and it wasnt pretty she wasa pretty wasted and went stright to bed.
so we had a good dinner, then we chilled for a bit, zach rang the doorbell then got max to sigh for a package from cilla, she really liked it. then we pretty much chilled in the living room for the rest of the night.
then bed....

wed. work was boring, the same, more stupid jobs. i went to the boite a bluet after lunch it was fun, some new chick was working there..shes nice.
@ home we ate, it was a free night...kelly was suposyted to come, bust she was taling forever so i took cilla to the back house thing and we practiced her greffiti. then kelly showed up, so we chilled in the living room for a long time a talked about pretty much katimavik, new, old, past experiences, then we went outside for all the jucy gossip, we found out a bit on our pls and other shit. then kelly had to leave and we said our goodbyes then we chilled for a wile, then we went to bed.

thursday @ work was ok, got to leave in the afternoon again to paint, as i said bye jean-sabistan gave me the dirtiest look, but then gave me the peace sign, i was kinda scared.
so @ the boite it was cool i finished early and chilled with vic and manu for a bit then i went home early, i was feeling down so i went out to my rock by the river and chilled there for a long ass time, i took a quick nap on it twas nice.
so then ic ame back and we ate, em realised i wasnt feeling down and gave me a hug, then we had french claass, kinda distruptive bu then we got to go to david(our french teach) house to wath a movie, it was a really funny movie, a fractured fary tale tye thing, really disturbing.

so then we got back and i wnt to bed, cuz it was late.

this morning i went to work, i want in the best mood, but work was so fun today...mostly cuz i made it that way, the i chatted with christopher and he found out i was a vegetarian today, then i played around, they said that i was acting crazy today, but it was cuz im bored. they had fun. so back home were having leftover...and theirs lots of leftover for a much curry in yesterdays soup...yay and were all getting ready for quebec city, kinda excited...g2g PEACE

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