Sunday, August 24, 2008

so fri we left anf got to ill du reapu soon, so we picked out spots and set up tent, we chilled there for a bit and pretty mcuh did what we wanted for a wile, we went swimming then we chilled, then i ate a bit then we made a camp fire where we had a group discution, it was cool, we had some shit to drink as well, thx to julie. so then vic, max and i took a walk into town to look for luck then we came back to catch the preformance from a side door that ws left open so we could see then preform, they were good, then i went to bed, so the floors were fucking hard as hell and david kept kicking me all night...stupid. so in the morning i woke and i chatted with zach, then we chilled for a bit and soon our while group was up, we again got to do pretty mcuh what we wanted so we chilled, then we took a quick dip in the river then we chilled some more, i wandered off for a bit, then we were called to write warm fuzzies to eachother, so i took my shit and walked through the river to get to a small island where i wanted to wriet my notes, i got 1/2 of them done b4 i got tired and went back, ppl were playing gutar on the beach, i said hi to them, so then i chilled on the bach, went swimming again then julies friend form monteral came to try and teach us prucutions, so he got all of his drums and instruments out and we tried to play in unisen, however it was really had cuz there are certain people in or group who dont have rythem, so then we were told to stop cuz they were gonna do sound check in the place thing, so we went back, ppl finished their letters and i loafted around for a bit, then julies friends came to suprise her then we chilled then we had some wile toughter at our tents, then we went to the resturant where we all ordered food and were so loud and half tipsy it was great, we got our food and ate so much, then we were to go to the shoe that was playing today..a blues band, so we loafter for a bit then we went to the show, it was good but for me it was kinda boring, so a few of us went outside and chatted while still listening to the band, then vic, max and i went into to town again...again no luck, so then we got back, then i went to the bach with tiff, zach and cilla and laied under the stairs and talked. afterwards i went to bed, in the morning i got up and just reted outside the place, everyone seemed kinda dead so then we ate then ppl did their own thing, i chilled by the river and naped lots, just enjoying our only taste of summer, so then we did the prechunist thing again, this time it was really good, a dude was goona jam with us but never showed up, but it was cool cuz we got to use his tam tam we jammed for a wile, then we packed up the van and left, and now we got home, i called mae and now im fucking dead tired and ill most likely go to bed ater writing in this blog...later

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