Thursday, August 7, 2008

tuesday we went to tacos y salsa in st.gelidion then we went to the beach, it was fun. we took pics and chilled, then we went back home where i went for a long ass walk then i came back home and went to bed.

wed was a pretty chill day cuz we had dinner done from the day b4 cuz we went out so we preped dinner for the next day as well as some things for the weekend, mostly baking stuff, lots of stuff, tiff was there she helped out, then ppl came home, the shepards pir wasnt de-frosted to dinner was late, then we had french class where we learned a new verb then we wnet to the video store where david works and we did some activities there, it was cool. so then we went back home and cilla and i got ready to go to the bar to play gutar hero, and tag the town, so while cilla was getting ready i preped a stencil, then we went off, we went to the bar where gutar hero was suposted to be at and we didint see it, and it was packed, so then we kept waling and taged lots of place up town, it was cool, then we came back home and saw that antoine and hig girl thing were doin it in the other house thing, i was kinda pissed, also em and sazh went out to a motel and max went over to davids yet again, so all this seemed to piss me off, so i went for another walk and thought about a lot then i came back home and went to bed.

this morning i wasnt in the best mood, i saw that em was here as well as tiff again and maz, also jolie was here with phil (the jonquire pl) so i was kinda pissed that there were so many ppl in the house the day we had to do some hardcore cleaning for the open house. so em went away and so did max, tiff stayed with us and helped clean, it took us no time at all but we did have to work around the pls, which kinda pissed me off, then the pls ditched then we chilled and i preped dinner and made pao de queso the fabricio had given us. i was mad the em stayed home cuz she want here all night and was probly too tired to go to work the next day, but she had enough energy to go on a 2 hr bike ride...anyways, cilla tiff and i went for a walk to walmart got stuff for floats then back home we got dinner ready, ppl were home and i was in a shitty mood so i didnt talk much but was still asked a million times if i was was really anoying. so during dinner antoine asked if he could skip on the open house and play soccer, he got everyone to write an answer on a piece of paper and if one person opposed he wouldent go, he really wanted everyone to do it, i didnt but he was being a lil bitch as susal so i did it, i wrote that he should go even though i regrated it later, but he ended up not going. so i preped shit for the open house then i went for a nap cuz i was drined. then i woke for the open house where i chilled in the second kitchen for the whole time, no one showed up...david and maenu, i had a chat with cilla then after the open house i went for a walk to draw and do some graff, it was cool, now im back, still in a shitty mood.

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