Wednesday, August 13, 2008

tuesday at work was pretty good, kinda hectic, but i got to do what i wanted so it made me happy. then back at home i was my ususal talkitive self and tiff thougt that i was being scarastic or something was up, and i had told her no, so she assumed that i got over that it was that was bothering me, na di told her that it wasnt somethign for ME to get over but i had stoped letting it bother me, so i guess i did get over it. so then we ate dinner, then had some chocolate covered blueberrys it was really good, then it was a free night so i read a bit, chilled at the house then i made some chese cake, then we watched the breakfeast club, ive never seen the movie and i really liked it, it was really effin good, then i finished my cheese cake then i went to bed.

this morning work was ok, although all i did was tag cloths...real boring but i had a nice lady to work with and was patient when i asked her many questions about what is what.
so at home i ass vic..alone cooking again, and it appears that antoine hasnt done much and when i ask her of this it appeared to be true, so it seems that antoine dosnt undeerstand and will never understand housemanagers, or katimavik in general..oh well, so we have a french class today, it is our second last..last being tomorrow, well see how this goes, julie is leavin for her 48, so we wanna have maragritas today, hopefully it will be a good time.

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