Friday, August 22, 2008

so thursday was the last day if work, i finished the apinting early so i loafted, then i said good bye to everyone then we went homr, whwere i took a shower then we left for the farewell party, we get there set up and not many ppl show up, ony 2 billets and vics work..which was where we were at. so then we ate cookies chilled for a bit then we went back home, then a bunch of us went to doolies to play pool so we played also watching a retarded bee fondle our table, then we walked to metro to get shit for floats ans i also got some shit for the weekend just incase the hms dont pul through with something..which might be the then we came back home and chilled while having floats, then we talked for so long then some onld katimavik allumni came over to chat he was cool, stayed for like 5 min then left. then we chilled with julie and chatted with her then it was time for bed, i stayed on the comp for a wile b4 bed.

so this morning i woke at 10...sleeping in then i ate and chilled ont eh comp for a bit then vic and i got to work washing the walls in the living room we did that for a wile then we made lunch, we finished up later then chilled, i went on the comp for a wiole, cilla and zach took a dip in the pool, we chilled outside, its fucking hot today, so then we cleaned the van with out broken water hose then we ate dinner and now were all getting ready to leave for camping/ deebreafing, its gonna be sick!

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