Saturday, August 16, 2008

so wednesday we ddint really drink, we had a french class so that took up most of our time, then after that most ppl went to bed.

thursday we had the new horizions workshop which took up our whole morning, so when we were done with that we were suposted to go back to work but a lot of us didnt, so we stayed home, i spent a lot of my time on the comp, people started the "big cleaning", which was cool, so then i went for a walk with cilla and tiff to the abandonded school that er found one day walking, so we got inside then wandered for a bit, we herd a beeping sound then got out, soon after there was a full out alarm, so we took this path to a lice lake river thng, it was super beautiful, then i was a water or sewage plant, it was cool, then we walked back and went back home. so back home the HMs bought a 40 of rum, we were gonna have coctails for dinner, bt antoine put the whole bottle in it and man was that shit strong, so i watered mine down and i must have had like 4 drinks, so i was pretty wasted, then our french teach showed up so that we could write our letters, so i did that, trying my best to write in good french, then em helped me out and corrected all my mistakes, then the french teach did the same and i got to leave super early, so i went on the comp for a long ass time, when i came back down the french teach was still here, so then he left and we chilled, we decied to make a fire outside then david was to come over, it was his last night in alms, he was going home tomorrow, so we chilled with him for a long time..playing the tam-tam, so then i wanted to go to bed so i said my good byes to him and i got his e-mail, then i went to bed.

fri work was ok i was sorting cloths then did other stuff all day, including painting the lib floor, it was davids last day so everyone said goodbye to him they gave us a $25 gift certificate for the store, that was pretty cool then a card so then we left. so back home antoine was upstared with his "friend" then he came down feriuos because of the shit i write on the walls, i was kinda blowing it off so i went to go paint over it so jolie wouldent see, and as i was doin that i realosed how stupid and disrespectful it was that did. sothen i ahd to thnnk of a physical activity because naturally josianne didnt know what she was doing, so cilla came up with this ropes thing, it was really fun, then we had dinner, personal pizzas for everyone, so we ate, then antoine was cleaning out eh room and i appoligized to him, he took it well, i felt like a dick. so then we chilled in the house, cilla and tiff cut zachs hair, then they danced in the living room, while i was on the comp, then cilla and i went on this long ass walk, we saw david and we told hom about tomorrow, then we saw antoine and his gf, i felt really bad but he said it was ok...then we kept waling we saw this indie video thing showing ontop of the garage thing so we watched it for a wile, we saw the next pl in alma there, he was in one of the vidoes. then we went back home to get sweaters and the "black bag" as ppl in the house klike to call it, it has sprayapint in it and i bring it whn cilla and i tag the town...anyways we walked to the pooll and jumped the frnce, then we decided to go back and go swimming, then we walked around some more, we saw david again, then we headed back home, then i went to bed.

this morning were having french toast, then were goin to jonquire to help them move, were seing the cluster, it will be fun, then we get to sleep over in chiticiumi and were all goin to the bar, it will be rediclious..and its a full moon toningt...WHO HOO!

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