Monday, August 11, 2008

so fri i was in a much better mood, cilla and i prepes shit for the weelend then we cooked the lazyana and then we chilled all day, we didnt have to clean because for the first time ever(serously) the house was clean in the morning...mabye it was cuz i was in a bad mood the other
so we chilled, we watched juno it was hella good, then we cooked dinner and got dressed for the formal tea aprty we were gonna have, so we got shit done like an hour early so we waited, i made cake then we ate, it was really good, i liked it tons, then we had tea in the dining room it was fun, then jholie came in and had a little discution about hoe gloomy it was when she showed up, and ppl said they they dont wanna end off bad, but by the looks of it it wont happen cuz ppl are becoming more selfish and anyways i think it was a free night so tiff, cilla, em and i went to a bar, it was quiet, i liked it, em didnt, so i had a large beer then we went to the studio 80, they played some good punk, gaian i had a large beer, then we wanted a poutine so we went ot he bar infront of the crapo and had a poutine and again another beer, so then we headed back home, ppl were there and so was david so we chated, i stayed up cuz i was to drunk to go to bed, but then ppl again brought me down, so i went to my spot on the river and chilled there till i was ready for bed, it must have been a wile cuz when i came back no one was around so i went o bed.

so saturday morning i woke and got shit ready for us to eat for the weekend as well as getting myself ready, cilla seemed to ask me a million questions instead of just doin something. so then we were all ready and we headed for l'ane st.jean, 2 hours away so i sleeped most of the way in the front seat so then we got to the hostel place in the middle of nowhere it was a dudes house as well as a farm, i really liked it there. so we were split up doin different tasks and i was left alone making a path tot he river, i fucking loved it, i spent all morning just clearing a path. the lady who had given me my job told me that i did a great job, then she sent me off for lunch. so then i busted out the potato salad..we all ate then chilled for a bit then after lunch we all were given different tasks, so i went off woth the owner of the place and i helped out with the garden, i talked to the dude hes really cool, then i went off to help the others peel garlic so we did that for the oongest time, but it was cool, we talked to the ladys there and we learned about woofing, where you go work on an organic farm and they pay you by giving you a place to stay and food, its really cool, and its a cool way to see the country. so then we continued to peel garlic for ever then cilla went off to make dinner, i went ofter her to check up the antoine was eating all the sandhwhich shit and i asked him not to but he did anyways. so then we ate dinner then we got time to chill, so a bunch of us went off to this lookoff point julie knew about so we didn that on a really bad road but it was super nice there, then i sneaked onto some place to get a better view then antoine did the then julie saw us and got kinda mad but ofcourse nothing happend. so then we went to a dock place to see the sunset, so i sat on a rock close to the water, so i stayed there for a wile then i was called to go, so then we went to this nce little bar on the river oin the back it was super nice i ordered ablueberry bear it was nice, so we chilled there for a wile, when we wnet in to pay i noticed the dude that owned the hostel working, it was cool so then we went back to the hostel where ppl were playing ina room then we were called to the fire to hear some myths and stories, so i went to practice my french so the lady told a sotrty shes a good sotry teller and i understood the jist of the story, then ppl were tlaing, i didnt really talk to ppl...saing as how i dont speak their language so i went in and aske ppl for a walk so i went on a walk with tiff and the bushy haired dude that also helped on the garden. we talked for a bit then we went back where i chilled wioth cilla and the lil grl from there then i went to bed.

so the next morning we had breakfeast @ the place then we headed out the soap making place so at a town called la baie we waited for the chotucutimi group where we had lunch toughter and chilled, then we went to see how they make soap, the guy that did the presentation was fucking ahlarious, his english was rally good, he really liked to pick on michella...and kept saying that all the girls loves his "white cream"...refering to soap of course, but we all had a good laugh on that one. to that was cool, then we went to this other place in chitotumi that was a free mesieum for us to go was ok, kinda boring then we coloured then cila found like this cool plase in the musieum, so we playe dthere for liike 2 seconds then i headed out where tebeau tried to get ezgi soaked but the splash pad dint work, so i got it to work then we picked her up and put her in i then i draged her in it, so she was pretty soaked so then we headed back to the vand where we said good bye to the other gorups, we wanted to chill with the other goprup but they had a french class on a sunday. so we wnet back home and we cleaned up a bit then later on the day the cluster showes up at our house and i get super stoked and i be social, lol. so they invited us to go to the outdoor movie theaters so a few of us piled into their wans where we were all rockin out, espically ezgi,s o then we stoped @ the couch-tard, where we started rocking the van, the teens there tought we were funny. then we got to the movies place and it was closed to we rocked out soem more then left to get wood for our fire and marshmellows, so we rocked out some more then went to out plase where we had a fire, ppl played the GEE-tar then we told dead baby jokes, that turned to chuck noris jokes then we ended the night with riddles, it was a good time, then the other house left and i went to bed.

monday work was calm, everyone was away helping clean at some other place for the fripie, so we worked all day it was good, then we wne thome where i spent lots of time reading, i went to the park beside the house to read as well, then we came house where i had dinner, it was...ok, then i went back to reading, we had a house meeting then i chilled for along time, read some more then i took a shower and went to bed early.

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