Thursday, July 10, 2008

so tues i woke up with cilla waking me up
work was chill i tried to have some fun.
lunch @ home and i cleaned up my mess.
work again then back home.
em got fabricio to drive us to vics plce, thrn we watched batma begins.had some bronies..realy good. then we got a ride back, after fabricio dropped everyone off @ their place he lit up a joint and passed it around as we drove arond, it was cool.
so we came home and went to bed.

so wed morning i work, cilla and em didnt have work so she was sleeping in.
so work again was chill, i tried to have as much fun as i could...david kept complaining and folowing me around, kinda yeah, back @ home no one was there for the logest time, then i watched tv..forever, then cilla called me over to her place, so i go there to chill for a bit, it was fun, then we wne toto max ans davids place and talked to them for a wile, then somehow ranted about josianne, i fell bad when ppl do it, cuz it fees like im back in highschool and i feel like im over that.
so then it got late and we went back home where i went to bed.

this morning was cool, i had time to chil.
@ work it was again chill, lunch @ the house was nice, then back @ work whee i was sent down to work on the books...alone, so i worked on it but mostly dicked around for a long wile, then i talked with chris for a long tim, we came down to get paints. so we chatted for a long time, tried @ least, but hes trying and so am i, it was pretty cool.
so now im home, i think imma go to illas to chill, then max invited us to her place for dinner, then were gonin to festiamla(festrame). so yeah...good times. whooooo

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