Wednesday, July 23, 2008

sooo this weekend...fuck!
so we met up with the other group who were ready to go when we came, then we stopped off @ timmies and had a snack, then we went on for the long ass ride to tadousac, sharing some laughs along the way.
so we stop at this bar looking place, they tell us that someone is playing here at night, i thought we were gonna stay here b4 camping, i was wrong, we were camping here, their were camp sites behind the place, the place was right by a hostel, a really nice one, with a boat climbing thing @ the back...and a kinda big hill to climb. so we all pitched tents, then we chilled for a bit, a abunch of us decided to go into town, i bought a bottle of wine, then we went walking around the fiver...the st.laurance, so we were waling along the beach when i wanted to start drinking, so we were there when i saw that i needed a bottle opener, so i asked mitch to ask some ppl on the beach for one, then they spoke english to us, really cool. so then i shared some with mitch, then we wandered for a bit then we went back to camp, turns out we missed the preformance...i didnt really care, so a bunch of us wandered for a bit in the place, i kinda talked to some ppl, who could barely speak english, and me who could barely speak french, bu the people were really cool.
so then we took a seat by some benches there, and i talked a lot to gieome, who is really cool, he has a lot of insight to the french culture. so we talked for a long wile, then i went to bed, i was drunk, i sleped in cillas ans ems tent cuz the guys tent was kinda cramped and they had space. so we sleped, in the morning jolie woke us,, so then we packed our tent, we dne t have to but wed thank ourselves later. so then we ate breakfest on the lodge then i seemed as though everyone had laft, it was crouded the night before. so we chilled for a bit then we had to go to the whale mesieum, so we headed to there, it was cool, i kinda explored the place then we were called in, we watched a quick 30min then we chilled in the place displays and shit, then we kinda hiked to some rocks a the end of the place we were at, we stayed there, it was a good wale watching place, and we got to see some whales!!!, so cool, it was form a distance but it was really cool, vic sliped and dirtied her bum, FUNNIE! so then we headed back so the camp place where we had to cook lunch so vic and i cooked veggie dogs, and naturally antoine freaked so we sent him to jolie where he argued with her for 15min, oh well, things never change. so then we ate, and ppl had to take down their tent, so we did they did that and we chilled on the boat thing for a long time, ppl were geting wrestless, but the vibe there was really cool, we got to talk to a past participant he was cool. so then we lwft for the ferrie, so we drove a bit then we got to ride a ferrie accross the river to get to quebec, it was cool, we saw a seal, une fuck. so we got over the bridge then after a long ass ride we got t o the place where velerium was suposted to be. we stoped there for a sec then we headed to our camp site place where we got this big room to ourselves, a lady was there too, a photographer...also volounteer, i believe, she was nice. so their were sick things to play with there, there was a playground thing and an obsticle course...hella fun..OH and a tramp-o-lean, so we played there for a long ass time, we played witht he other group and their pl on the spinny thing, so much fucking fun. then ppl took showers and got changed, then a bunch of us headed to quebe city (45min drive) to see some fireworks going on, so we got there and the fireworks had aleady started so we watched from the van as we looked for a parking spot, finally we found a sick one then we watched the fireworks from a bridge, it was really crazy, way better than any ive ever seen. so we stayed there for a long wile watching the fireworks. then we all wanted to avoid traffic so we stayed wher we were and cheared on all the cars that went by it was really fun, then we saw securiety gurds come by so we started headin back, then as we walked by the security guards we cheared them on, they liked it, then we piled in the van and as we drove by we cheared @ the same securiety gurds again, then one told us that they had done katimavik....this katimavik workd is small. so then we drove home and as soon as we got to our camp place we droped to bed.

the next morning we had to get up at 6 to work @ the velirum place, so we ate breakfeast then we headed off, we get there and get soem teeshirts to put o, their biggest didnt fit me and i wasnt gonna wear it, we also go some free shit, so then the dude told us what to french, so we got some frenchies to translate to us what to do. so then we went outside to watch the kid race, they were cool then we were poated in our places, we all got split up, giome and i were in a forest patch with aome other dude, we talked as the riders came by it was nice.
then it was over and then i was split up again i was put alone in the spot just after us, so i wated there, i got a lunch with some nasty tasting meat then i got an extra one veggie, sool, so the rest of the afternoon was pretty boring, just wisteling so all the time(our job to warn others of bikers) and i talked to almost everyone that walked by.

so it was over then we all piled in our vans, but b4 that they gave us each a crate of bananas, lol, so we were driving and decided to stop at a convience store/ mcdonalds, and we saw the other group there..chiticiumie...we were all super escited to see them, so this one short stop ended up being half an hour just catching up with the other group, it was pretty cool, then we all went back home where i went stright to bed.

so in the morning i went to work, it was an ok day, did our shit and chilled.
i the afternoon we...well a bunch of us got root bear floats, and had a pretty funtrip to wall mart, then we had a saonce in the house cuz ppl have been feeling things, so we did it our way, i thougt it was pretty cool.
tuesday work was normal..boring as ususal, but we got to leave early cus we had a meeting wioth vero, shes really cool, she herd about billeting and ...well shes really cool, and we talked about karya..and she told us she wanted to meet her...espically hearing about her for the second time after chiticoumie told vero about her. so then we kinda had a free day, we chilled i ent for a walk wiorh cilla, took her to the fishing place, we saw her work partners there they were nice then we satyed @ the house and chilled. was boring as usual, then we had a cool french class and we went to resto roberto for desert to practice our french it was nice.

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