Monday, April 28, 2008

in the morning we got ready to go do some work @ naturally superior adventures, but the weather was messed up so we decided to stay home in the morning to do work for our booths for may24.
so we did that..again facilated by steph then we had a quick meeting and we brok off to work again.

then we had a quick lunch and then we went to naturally superior where we say the others groups just as their about to leave, so we said our good byes an got stright to work.
so some of us broke appart a deck thing, and the rest raked the beach.
i broke appart the deck, it was really fun espically when i got to wield the sledge hammer, it was awesome.
so we did that for a wile then we stopped, and i suggested staying there for our free time, and some ppl didnt want to, so steph was gonna drive some ppl back home and a bunch went to get stuff and were gonna be back.
so zach and i stayed there alone cuz james went out kayacking in the sick waves, we saw him wipe out, it was funny.

so when he got back we asked where there were hiking trails ...he told us and zach and i were off.
we saw the van along the way, and then they apssed we oged a lot of the way so that ppl couldent catch up to us....we had to cook dinner but decided to keep goin cuz we could get away with it.
so we got to the trail and we went up a bit, then we scaled the rocks to get closer to the falls.
and we climbed down the rocks and accross a river so that we go to this place in the middle and we climbed this big island and we saw a we thought this is the farthest we could go so we trailed back to the lodge.
there were some fucking beautiful places there it sucked that my cam isnt working.

so when we got back the ppl still havent eaten, but instead had ordered pizza cuz our chilli tasted like propain ..apparently.
so when it got there we ate for a sec and david wells came and ate with us.
so we chatted wth him a bit, and i asked him abiout our 72, and he said that we might be able to strike a deal...hes freakin cool.
it was cool talking to him about katimavuk...he thinks were boxed in cuz of all the rules we have, and its true compared to back then, but i understand why their are rules...cuz teens are dumbasses.
so then we were about to watch accross the universe on the projector on the wall, but then james playes charlie the unicorn, it was fucking halarious.
then we watched accross the universe. all were there but cila, dave, josianne, and tiff.

after the movie we cleaned up our mess, then we started a bon fire on the beach, it was cool cahtting with james and we took some sick ass pics of the fire and us fire spinning.

after a wile we all went our ways and we thanked james for letting us stay and making the fire.

then i went to bed and passed out.

today was freezing @ wrok in the morning a got a bunch of shit done for atrinias headstart for grade one thing. and i also worked on paulines cric.
then @ lunch antoine got into a dumb debate over city ppl.
after lunch @ work, i watched some kids..oh and im billeting with
so we talked abit about that, and she talke about my earings...or lake there of..their paperclips now, and their both infected cuz im STUPID and wore safty pins in for 2 days, but im alergic to them so naturally they are swolen now.

th then i got home, dave and jo made dinner
antoine was rude @ dinner but he had a talk with steph...sooo here i am...sadiudhgsiuvdhrvuilsghluifgbaykgsbyksdkafbgjkgesfkjgakiguefiuagrgshrth

Saturday, April 26, 2008

thurs....., zach and i took it easy,
we watched garden state, which really reminded me of my time with willow...kindof.

so....then we played outside with all out shit, it was fun, all while i was making bread.
so then we had a french class, it was halarious, we got into talking about hard and soft...cheese, yeah.
and we found out tiif likes it was halarious.
so after than we went out more and played with it.
so we played for a long wile when one of the naighbour kids asked to playe with us, hes cool we passed around the football for a wile while talking to hime, hes cool.

then he got sent home then i went to the house and went to bed.

friday. zach and i did shit all.
we both slepted in.
then @ lunch dav and vic cane home from work, and a bunch of ppl stayed here.
then dave and vic went off for a wile to the food bank then they were back soon.
so then i showed steph "meet tour meat" and she was really disturbed, but she liked that i showed her it.

sooo then @ lunch a bunch of us wanted to do tons of things, so steph and a bunch of ppl left for the fish fry early (b4 dinner) so that they could go then chaprone the elementry school dance.
soo then a bunch of us stayed and ate, then a few of us got talking, and i asked max if she could pierce my ears, then we talked about remedies about not feeling the apin, so then someone brought up drinking rum, and i was like, why doe we go drinking we did.
it was raiaing but it stoped when we went out.
so we got the booze and some juice.
then we came back home where max pierced my ears, and we left the safty pins, i think they look cool.
so then we went on a long journey to a golf course to drink (zach, max, vic,em and i)
so when we get there we notice a car and max thought it belonged to karya or someone we knew, but we told her it didnt.
but as we were juat about to settle doen and drink we decided to not do it in the area cuz the geese were laying eggs, so as we walk from there we saw KARYA!! so we were all lucky to have taken just 5 min to not drink.
so we chatted with her and then we found a nice spot to drink so we satyed there for a long wile and drank, we didnt get drunk but we were all there and it was so much fun, we talked for so long about so much stuff, and about katimavik.
so then we started headin back and we decided to go to the timmies, and we saw vic work partner there, evlaine, i think she knew we were al a bit ..wooh...but we thought she was also.
so we chilled there for a wile, then i laughed for some reason, and they all looked @ me and laughed...guess they liked my laugh..oh
so then as she walked away she told us to laugh more, so we did.
then we went home and i passed out.

so this morning i woke up, and we all got ready to prime and paint the grandma doors, so we did that for a long time, the guys also got some old ass doors from the wawa motor way.
so we did that all mroning, while listedning to music and decorating out clothes with paint was fun.
then we got back home and we chilled for about an hour..or 2?
then we went off to naturally superior advetures where were havin the cluster meeting.
so we get there and we got a quick tour then we got some time to mingle witht he other groups, ezgi, akyla and i wanderded off on our own and talked about our houses and how too laied back the ppl are here and how ppl are doin what ever they want and its affecting the group.
so we cahtted for ONLY an hour.

so back @ the lodge we had a quick intro, then we playe a game were all the guys had to hold unto eachother while the girls had to pull su appary, it was down to tobeau and i and we stook it out they eventually they gave up..and we had to eat.
my desert ppl thought we ought, so i made it aware that i made it and ppl were impressed...i was happy.

then we got a prez by dave wells??? who did katimavik the 1st year...CRAZY!!!!!!
so he talked about it for a wile, and we asked him tons of questions..
he said back then they travled and stook toughter in groups of 30 but still had groups of 10
but they all worked toughter. he maid paths by cutting down trees with a chain saw, and he trained racing dogs...sooo cool
he said also back then there were tonly 3 rules.
no drugs
no hitchhiking
and no ...something allong the lines of exclusive relationships.

soo after intergoating him he did a slide show of his buizness and ti seems pretty cool, he hoes kayack and cannoe camping things.

then he did a quick thing about survival training cuz vic asked hom too, so he did that.

then we went home and here i am

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

after cleaning and cooking zach and i found the hammock and set it up, ppl were excited, it was a fucking beautiful day and i stayed out there on it most of the day.

i was readin my book and lits of the otesha book.

it was also earth day do we had a katima-black out day, so we didnt use electricity and minimal no showers.

so steph noticed that some ppl **coughantoinecough** didnt participate, we he did..better than he has anyways. so b4 our free time we had an activity where we all ran down the street and collected one handfull of snow to fill a bucket, so that took us a wile, but i thought it was a cool idea...i thought it was about how hard it was to obtain the perspective of a 3rd world country, but steph mad it more about the energy it took for us to do that and how it relates to appliances that we use.

so then we had a free evening, so vic, max, em and i went tot he librar then to mariettes then to maxs, then home, it was raining...lots of teens out when it wasnt tho

so @ home we played bulgurdash then i stayed up talking to tiff and antoine.

this morning i sleoed in, then zach and i got to work, we also did some shopping today it was cool.
then we went to a hue concert...@ the ladys house that did that cardio workout thing with us.
it was a really nice house, and they had 2 ppl wendell ferguson and katherine wheatley, they were soo good.
lots of ppl we knew in the community where there, it was kinds wierd.

so then we came home and here i am.. antoine had been getting on my nerves gets too emotional when hes out on the spot or when ppl make fun of him, hes fucking wierd...and acting wierd and i dont like it

....josianne is ating like her aquward self feeling negative more and more here, and i dont like it, sort of contepmlating goin home, but i doubt i will, its too good of an experience to pass up

i cant wait to have a cluster meeting and see ppl that i miss.

im really missing everyone in williams lake, but it seemes as tho they hav forgotten about me, or it seems to have faded, and that makes me sad, but i figured it would ahppen, 3 months isnt long enought to have a longterm relationship....well see.

Monday, April 21, 2008

sunday was a free morning, so i slep in a bit then i work up and chilled outside cus it was a nice day, i also spent lots of time on the comp, then i got shit started for a design im doin on my blazer.

we had a house meeting outside, it was cool, then we went in
then we had to work on may 24 shit, so steph planed most of it..if not all of it and delibrated tasks to everyone..even though leadership was suposted to

so we all got tasks to do and we all have to get shit donr but thurs.
so we had a long ass meeting then we had a free evening, so i workedtons more on my blazer outside.
then i went for a walk then i got home and went to bed.

so this morning zach and i are house managers, i woke up kinda early and i started to organize the living room.
then we went off to go grocery shopping, which we got done in an hour.
then we got back home where i fully organized the desk space and the living room, and i re-arranged the living room, i also did house laundry.

then zach and i started making bread, then we prepe stuff for todays dinner and for tomorrows dinner.
so we got all the shit done and i got tomorrow dinner done and ts frosen downstairs.
b4 starting odays dinner i wanted to have somr fun witht he others, so i went outside and sprayed vic wil cillas watter gun, i SOAKED her, and we ran after eachother gettin eacother wet, it was really fun,
then i got back to work makin tonights dinner. it took forever.

so we did that and i relaxed for a but while ppl did dishs, then we all went to the highschool soccerfield to play soccer, so we did that for a wile, then we played football.
when our time was up a few ppl left and a bunch of us stayed to lay longer, then more ppl left.
so then 2 guys (one of which tiff and antoine knows) came and we invityed them to play soccer, so weplayed with them for a long wile, it was really fun.
so then back home we played bulgardash, its a fungame i guess.
and i just took a show...tomorrow is black out no shower and electricity..cuz its really earth day.

so were gona go on an adventure.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

firdau i dodnt have work, it was a pd say @ my place.
soooo i got to sleep in, and in the morning i stayed @ the house and wrote a news article for billeting and about us, i tried to make it fun...hopefully the town thinks so.

so then i went for my tb skin test analysis, and the Dr. told me that i may have tb...yesssssssss
but she told me that if i had the vaxcine as i kid it may just be that.
so i check the record that my bro sent me, and i got it!, so i dont have tb...yessssssssss
i was told to call a nurse @ the sault, but she wasnt there..oh well.
but i think i still have to sort it out with the nurses.

so i had lunch @ the house, it was cool, got to see all the ppl that go through.

so then steph gave me a work placement @ the community centre painting a grandma door, it was ok, kinda boring, i had to re-do what the other ppl did to it, so i made it look lotz nicer than it my opinion, and i think i finished it, besides the head, but im not gonna do that cuz i hate making faces.

so the i got home and we ate, then vic and i danced in the rain, we said hi to cars goin by, i also mooned some ppl inside.
so the robin (the pso) came to to a conflect resolution. it was ok, but kinda broing.
robins cool, i thnk she lives in marathon.

so today...this morning i got up early..we all did , cuz we had to leave @ 7 for Sault St. Marie
so we did that, got breakfest then timmies and drove 2.5hrs to the soo, we got to a ladys house where we were to have a "personality dimensions" workshop, its where we doo stuff to figure out a colour that describes out personality, by doin that we can then figure out how we work with other colours.

so we satyed inside for a but then the soo group came and we met up with them, it was cool, thier really cool ppl (better than the mantouage group).
we did the workshop, and then we chilled witht hem for a wile afterwards, then another group from their cluster came and chatted with them as well.
then we left to the mall, where the bank was CLOSED so i couldent take out money, but i guess its betetr cuz i would ahev bought a lot fo things.
then i went to the bulk food store where steph and max were and i stayed with them for a bit.
then we lost jo-jo, more like she lost us
then zach, i, and steph went to the soo's house, and we chilled with them for a but, they liked us and wanted us to stay and sleep over (which was our oraginal intension) they had some stuff planned out for us to do in the evening, it really sicked that we couldent chill with them more.

so then we left theior house to pick up the other @ value village, where i got to get some cool blue pants.
thenwe set off.
half way home we passed by a wicked watterfall and decided to have dinner there, it was really nice.

OH it was such a beautiful day in the soo today..redicilious!, and the city is big...reminds me a lot of toronto and mississauga, they have tons of stuff to do...their lucky....but i like wawa too.

so now im home and really tired.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

so my hair is died and its pretty SICK.
this morning i was kinda bored, so i took a cardbord box and put a pan over it and wrote a note that said "i caught a mouse, do not remove"...i thought it was funny.

so i got to go to work @ 9 todsay cuz paunline said i could, and she was the only one working.
soooo @ work i didi a couple of chores. then the mess of kids came in, it was fun, but i was tired but the end of it.

so @ lunch onlt tiff and antoine were here, as well as steph and the pso...robin.
so as i walked in steph was like ...YOUR HAIR, and im like yeah...i think it looks fuckign sick...i donno if she did, but she said she like it, and i said hi to robin then she left, and steph has her day off today.

so @ work again pauliene had a really deep convo about her past, shes really strong.
then i work on her stuff that she asked me to do for her circulum, so i did the first thing while looking after some kids.

now im home, and thier cooking stuff, and antoine and i played with a mouse trap, i got a video if it but since the mouse trap suckes it wasnt all that fun.

later is the french/english lessons, whwere the frank-a-phones go to english class, ans the ang-la-phones stay and practice french...yay

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

@ work the mroning was really busy..tons of kids, but i had a lot of fun,
they busted out the bean stalk i drew up and we pasted tissue paper on it, it was cool
@ home @ lunch max had prepared a lunch, it was potato salad and deviled eggs, it was real good... so back @ work the teem mom ppl came, it was fun talking to them, they trid on the costumes and stuff.
back @ home i chilled abut b4 lunch
i called marathon (formally known as 100 mile).
so we tried to plan some stuff for when were goin up there, and our 72, hopefully it turns out. we wanna get timmons (formally known as Quesnel) in on it too, even though their a different cluster.
so then we planned the 30th anavearasy on May24, i kinda frustrated me cuz steph lead and directed the whole group, when the leadership commettiee should have done it, and they had only the stup small detials planed out, like what food were eating and games made out of recycled materials...and they also had no notes, nore were they taking any notes on the meeting, so when i got all my shit toughter on what i had to do i went to steph.

jo-jo is also really stressed about making a few phone calls...well i cant really blame her, id be kinda stressed too but not that bad.
and she took forever to re-write her notes (which i thought was a waste of time) and worked till midnight on the billeting poster..which was barely done, sometimes i think she has a condition that shes not telling us about, because she is slow doing everything..and i mean everything, and she always makes situations wierd.

anyways i just had to eant about that for a sec.

soooo, today steph is away all tay today and comes back tomorrow cuz shes @ a cluster meeting.
soo in the morning max and em made cinimon buns...they got up @ 5 to do them...CRAZY!
@ work i got a bit done that i had to, and i was given a bit of work...just cutting out some hads shapes with a print thing.

this morning was also crazy, but i think its cuz its such a nice day today (17 deg. FINALLY geeze) so many parents brought their kids.
lunch was cool, max made us mango, and cocanut smoothies, it was sooo fucking good!
in the afernoon i printed off a bunch of ceritifcates for marylen.
then i stayed on the floor...and here i am.

tooningt max and i plan to dye our hair, cuz its a free night and theirs no one @ home (its against the rules to dye your hair in a katima-house) so now that steph is gone, theior shoulent be a problem, but its such a nice day outside i think we shoud do it out there anyways...well see

so we had dinner,
then max died my hair, i think it looks SICK, and max did a great job.
so while it was bleaching my hair we watchedsome movie about a kid that takes up ballet, it was a really good movie...aparently em's favourite.

and that brought is to the night, so i washed out my hair and went to bed.

Monday, April 14, 2008

so today was cool @ work all i did was work on criculum stuff for katrinias thing, i liked it bit it was kinda boring.
lunch was hectic cuz so many ppl were there, kinda fingthing over use of the stove, but i got to eat...and it was gooood, lol

so @ work i worked on more circulum stiff then i got to watch kids.
now im @ work, and thier were skaters outside so then vic took cillas wattergun and ran outside to soak them, but then they all turned around and looked @ funny.

then we soaked ppl here @ home, then cilla and i chased eachother down the street soaking each other

so we had spaggetti...courtesy of max and em, it was really good.
so then we had comettie time, and vic and i planed a few things and made a few phone calls, and pretty much filled up the rest of our weekends, so now we have NO free weekends.

then we chilled for a bit and kept fooling arond with steph

then we had a cardio dance workout with some lady, she comes to my work sometime with her kid.
so we had the cardion workout, it was so much fun we had tons of fun toughter, and we tought her "my lil poney" (that we learned from the new group in out cluster). she was really amused by us and really liked our energy.

sooo..things in the house are really good now and the mood is chill again, i like it.

i really like it here in wawa, we keep ourselves busy, but it seems to be goin by so fucking fast, faster than in williams lake...i guess its cuz we know what to expect...but still its fucking crazy.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

sooo...only 4 ppl came to our open
then we had some free time.
steph and i played battel ship and antoine and david were stiring up tension then antoine had said something that made me so frustsrated. so then i decided @ the meeting i would bring it up.
so we ate dinner...nachos
then i went for a walk cuz what antoine said made me so angry.

so we got back and had a good meeting, then a feeling meeting where i said how i felt about antoine, then we argued it for a bit then we decided to talke about it later.
so later i asked him to go on a walk, then we said not now.

soon after he went for a quick walk we went out.
we got a lot of shit out and i got to understand his side of the story and how he felt, and i let him know how i felt.
and we resolved the situation and now we better understand the situation and things are all good.
im glad that we went out for a walk, cuz antoine wasnt goin to today, then he realized that if he didnt it would make it harder to aproach him the next time.

so all is good...for now...dun dun dun

-jo jo and i are closer now and she appreachates me trying to get to know her, so her and i are cool
--em let us know how shes feeling and that she IS closer to max, but that we can always aproach er
-steph is really good at understanding how others are feeling, but she dont seem to know how to deal woth some situations...but shes freakin great
we had pancakes then we had learnign plans with steph. so basically a free morning.
it was cillas BIRTHDAY!!!
so their were baloons and streamers
so david zach and i went to the post office, and i decided to go to northern.
there we bought a watter gun fir cillas b-day. so when we got back home we filled it up and snuck up on cilla and sprayed her with it, everyone thought it was awesome. so then we gave it to her and she got us back.
then ppl all gave her what they got for her. she really liked.
then we had yeah! then cilla got whiped cream in the face...courtesy of antoine.(btw he didnt clean it up) sooo, then we got her to sit @ the table and brought out the cake.
and we had a nice vegan desert, it was soo good.

then we got ready to go to lake superior.
it was SICK, the view @ this place was fucking was a good time for me to reflect, again alll i tought about was williams lake and that i shoulde not dwell in the past, but i felt like i didnt wanna forget cuz the it would feel like im abondining them.

soo it was great there, but i felt like i was in abad mood, but i donno why.
so @ home we ate supper, it was good.
then we played clue, and antoine got too into it, and i proved his rules wrong...simply by reading aloud the actual rules.
so then all of us went to the bowling alley to celebrate cillas b-day.
it was really fun there, we danced and partied there, i had a great time.
it seemed as though emilie had problems (with max)but i didnt wanna get involved.
so afterwards i walked ppl to the bank so they could take out money
then walkin back jo-jo wanted to cive cilla a hug, but she brushed it off, and jo got
then vic tried to kick a solid block of was really funny
so @ the bar all went in but em and i so i walked her home, we talked. then i went for a strole around town then got home a went to bed.

so this morning was a free morning,
i her about cilla being carried D-R-U-N-K! not really i heard.
so now ppl are cooking and cleaning cuz we have our open house today, i dont really like open houses cuz thier aquward. but @ least im with the group.
let get-er-done..(i cant believe i just wrote that)

Friday, April 11, 2008

wed @ work i think thier was a blizzard
so many ppl didnt come in, but the 5 kids came that always came

@ home english/french class was cancled, so we planed the stuff for the 30th anaverary on May 24
cuz leadership had to write a letter to the township so that we can get the park for the event, so that we can start advertizing.
then we had comettie time.i e-mailed the dude for survival training.

i also put some stars on my vest...i like it.

then i red my book.

in the morning i crooected the letter to the township....not formal @ all, so i had to re do like the whole thing, i wanted them to take us serously.

so i did that then max in french.

so @ work it was a freakin busy morning, lots of kids came..i think 13, so it was pretty crazy.
the afternoon was post-natial, so the mom with newborns came...then the teen moms came, their always fun to talk to.

@ home we had some free time to chill b4 seing an inconvient truth being presented.
so antoine told me that my shirt smelled like puke and that i shoudl wash it(not the one i was wearing). i thougnt this comment was really rude...all he had to say "clean your shirt" so i tossed it into the laundry.

then we saw a prez on an inconvient truth, bit was a dude who presented almos the same thing, but more catered to canadians. i liked it, but i fell worried that it didnt seem to have that much of an impact on me, but i guess its cuz ive been exposed to so much of that in WL cuz we were the enviro cluster.

so it went well, karya was there...our pc.
she introduced us to some important ppl for the mya 24 thing, that was cool
then we went home.

b4 i got to bed, antoine thanked me for moving my shirt, then i told him that the way he asked my to remove it was rude, but he didnt seem to think so, and started listing all the "rude" things that ive been doing (hanging my cloths on the side of the bed).
i thought it was really mature but i didnt argue further cuz i wanted to sleep, and i wanted to collect my thoughts.
lately antoine has been getting on a lot of peoples nerves with his rudeness and disrespect, well see what ahppens, ill confrunt him ersonally one more time, but if that dosnt help him understand then i will bring it up tot he group, we hates beign attaced @ group meetings, but it needs to be done, because of him im considering leaving the program, and others too, vic told me that if she left it would be cuz of him, and i know cill is frustrated with him after being house managers...espically cuz he never woke up b4 lunch and spit in her rice(it was bad aparently)but still that was so fuckign rude, and he didnt seem to think so...he kept laughing at it when i tried to explain to him tha it was a dick move.
well see hoe im gonna deal with the situation, cuz he is not goin to continue doin this for much longer if i can help it

so today @ work i watched tons of kids again
and their was ANOTHER blizzard today...yessssss.
i also got to do room change, so the place looks diferent and new, its cool.
and i got a bunch of craft things to do from katrina, SICK.
we have a free night, o think im gonna clean my room, and read, or do more cloths things, and laundry...cuz theres nowhere to go out espically during a

vic and i went to the embacy cuz we wanted out of the house
soo... we went, we saw tiff there, but left her alone, i also saw the 2 teen moms from my work, thier cool

se we talked about all the problems that we had in the house, i hadent even noticed what she said her problem was cuz i had my onw, ut its good that that was brought to my attenson, but i things are all good now.

se we talked for a long wile, it was good for both of us.
so ater that i stayed up for a wile, i tried to call

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

so monday:
@work i filled in some bag things for the opne house @ the "hub"
and i watched kids in the aftrnoon.

i was kinda mad @ ppl when i got back..i donno why, and i tried to stir up drama, when ppl were playing music on the comp...well the house managers(vic and tiff) when i went on cahnged the music, i said it was my time on the comp and that i shoudle be able to play the music i i did, and then atoine said play anything but system of a down, so i played horse the band, i guess ppl dont like my music but im craving it now, espically thinking about phobee leaving and bein able to rock out pretty much whenever, i cant wait for the day i rock out with her.

sooo. then we got to go to my work place to do a problem solving workshop.
it was cool, we had to play a game with these magic boots and get over "lava" it was really cool and we did it, while all the dudes carried 2 was funny.
we had fun and finished the workshop that night, instead of taking 2 days whjich was expected..but were awesome.

it was raining lots.
back home i tried to go to bed, but ppl talk to fucking loud...espically emilie.

b4 kids i filled watter bottles with oil and water for some science experiment
@ work i it was so buys, tons of kids were there.
it was insane, but it was cool.
i got to have pancakes...all of them, i pretty much eat the leftovers of the snack...ite like my, otherwise theyd force feed it to me.

in the afternoon i cut out some paper for another science experiment.
then i went to go photocopy things, then i ditched that to go downstairs and chill.
then it was time to leave.
pauline was nice enought to invite me to her place to watch tv, but i denied for today...abut i will another day.

@ home we had mushrooms, and i did dished with josianne, it was ok, we talked and it was really good.
then i made a design on a t-shirt which i thought was SICK and everyone thought it was SICK, i love it.
so then i went for a walk, i stayed @ the drill rig...thought of her
then some skaters came by and were palying on it, they said hi to me and asked what i was doin, but it was abvious i was just chillin, like theirs anything else to do in this town.
then i went to the park then i walked home.

i need to make friends like i did in williams lake, i miss williams lake, i think about it almost everyday, but i need to be in the now, and think about wawa.

ppl are plying rish, its taking them forever.
-max did excursion protocal, were goin to the soo in 3 weeks, yay, then i can get my bank card and go to thrift stores to get some shit.

Monday, April 7, 2008

we got to sleep in, bit i didnt do much of that,
we had!
then we went to the native reserve there the van couldent really handle the trail, it was slliping and sliding the whole way, it was really funny.
we got to the lake to go ice fishing, it was really cool. we made a few holes with the thing to make holes, then we made rods with some hooks, string and a stick.
so a bunch of us got into our holes. a we stayed patient, soon vics boss caught a fish...then another.
then i caught one, then another, then zach caught one, and antoine caught fucking 7 fish, and he talked to each one, it was funny.
josianne kept fideling with her hole, but antoine told her their was algie in her section of the lake, and that she would never catch fish, lol she wasted like 1hr tthere.

so afterwards i went to the fire and i had some tea.
then we went back home, where we had some dinner, i made a sandwhich and ate in the living room, cuz some ppl were being rude and i didnt wanna sit @ the table, so i ate...ppl wondered where i was.
i walked past, put my plate in the sink and went to my room.
cilla came down and suggested we all sit toughter...but i told her i didnt want to.
sooo, then i read my book, and we had a house meeting..lead by the house managers, steph brought out these cards which had random pics on them, it was cool, then we talked about the 30th anaversary thing.
leadership didnt do much planing, all they "planned" was the kind of food we would eat, and a tentative location. i have a feeling that the rest of the group will need to do a lot of planing, cuz the leadership commettie arent much like leaders. but i hop they prove me wrong, well see, i just hope we wont loose our 72 over it, cuz id be hella pissed

Saturday, April 5, 2008

friday @ work i wached kids, after lucnh @ the house i washed the windows of the sotre...inside and out, it was ok cuz it eas warm outside.
i also helped set up the curtains and watching the children on the floor while the parents were doin a workshop upstairs.
one kids always wanted to play with me. it was cool, i love the kids they make me laugh and smile everyday, their awesome.

so @ home we had some chicken thing.
and it was a free night...whoot.
so we dicked around for a wile. then some of us wanted to go the value mart...they only grocery store here. so we went offf, vic, em and i, @ the store cilla and tiff were there, so we all pretty much baught junk food.

walking home we went by the school where thy werehaving a dance, really young kids, and so many of them like my aht...the mo-hawlk hat.
sooooooo then we ate some junk food, made floats.
then em was making my hair into tons of poney ailes, and antoine was bein a dick about it.
then cilla and i went for a long walk, it was nice.

today, i woke up @ 9 when ppl were uposted to ahve their workshop, so i ate some waffels.
then we had the envronment work shop.
it went by realy quick.
so we had free time where i fixed my broken pants and my broken string bag.
i also took a shower...finally.
then i went for a walk alone to the drill rig, i read all the writings on the walls and underneath it.
then some young teens were there, and as i left i waved to was funny.

when i got back we walked to the rec-center where we went to play curling, it was so much fun.
darrel showed us how to play, and im pretty good @ it. it was really fun, i wann do it again, we stayed there pretty late. then we got back home, and @ the same school some kid said "thats a pimped out hat son" i just nodded cuz i was speachless by that comment.

so @ home dinner still isnt ready, not that i really care...more free time, but it is a free night soooo well see what we can do, espically cuz tomorrow is a free mornin and i wanna do something, so idd do a whole lot of NOTHING in this town.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

wed:got to finally play witht he kids, thier awesome.
made tons of play-dough.

filled in some craft things for books...yeah.
@ da is ouse we had the dinner the ppl left for us...uit kinda sucked...was really tasteless.
we also talked about organizing the open house as well as other calander stuff to do.

so we had some commettie time and we got to better plan some things.
i went to sleep super early.

@ work i made soem more play-dough
got to hang out on the floor (the day care place)
and i organised the entrance way, as well as the bulliten board. i like it but outhers may not...what ever.

we..well the kids aided im making upside down cake, so were gonna have that for snack time tomorrow...yay!.

today were suposted to have a sharing circle, i donno how well ppl will share, hopefully they will, but i donno if im ready to share how i feel, i think it way to soon in the trimester to get that shit commin out, espically cuz were not all that comfortable with steph as well as the house and the town,.

oh! @ lunch i went out with a lady i work with i got to meet her daughter and her parents, she baught me lunch it was goood.
and thats where the teens hang out in this town, in one of the 3 resturants.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

so to day i woke early.
and their was a snow sotrm outside, it wasnt too bad when i walked to work, but i knew noone would be there.
so @ work i chilled, and helped a lady with ther criciulam, and she read her stuff that she needed to do,a nd i was ahppy to hear cuz now i know what were expected to do.
i got to make play-do..yeah, MAKE it.
then i made cookies with the play-do
they thought i did such a good job with them...they said they looked etable.
@ home..for lunch it want very interesting, but vic and david didnt go to work cuz the buz couldent get them.
back @ work there were some ppl there, but it was really boring.

so sotay we had a free night.
so we lounged for a wile then vic, tiff, em and i went to timmys.
as we walked in everyone in the place steared us down HARDCORE, it was really aquward and uncomfortable. kinda rude...i thought, but what ever...small towns.

cilla, dave, zach, and antoine were @ the gym.