Saturday, April 26, 2008

thurs....., zach and i took it easy,
we watched garden state, which really reminded me of my time with willow...kindof.

so....then we played outside with all out shit, it was fun, all while i was making bread.
so then we had a french class, it was halarious, we got into talking about hard and soft...cheese, yeah.
and we found out tiif likes it was halarious.
so after than we went out more and played with it.
so we played for a long wile when one of the naighbour kids asked to playe with us, hes cool we passed around the football for a wile while talking to hime, hes cool.

then he got sent home then i went to the house and went to bed.

friday. zach and i did shit all.
we both slepted in.
then @ lunch dav and vic cane home from work, and a bunch of ppl stayed here.
then dave and vic went off for a wile to the food bank then they were back soon.
so then i showed steph "meet tour meat" and she was really disturbed, but she liked that i showed her it.

sooo then @ lunch a bunch of us wanted to do tons of things, so steph and a bunch of ppl left for the fish fry early (b4 dinner) so that they could go then chaprone the elementry school dance.
soo then a bunch of us stayed and ate, then a few of us got talking, and i asked max if she could pierce my ears, then we talked about remedies about not feeling the apin, so then someone brought up drinking rum, and i was like, why doe we go drinking we did.
it was raiaing but it stoped when we went out.
so we got the booze and some juice.
then we came back home where max pierced my ears, and we left the safty pins, i think they look cool.
so then we went on a long journey to a golf course to drink (zach, max, vic,em and i)
so when we get there we notice a car and max thought it belonged to karya or someone we knew, but we told her it didnt.
but as we were juat about to settle doen and drink we decided to not do it in the area cuz the geese were laying eggs, so as we walk from there we saw KARYA!! so we were all lucky to have taken just 5 min to not drink.
so we chatted with her and then we found a nice spot to drink so we satyed there for a long wile and drank, we didnt get drunk but we were all there and it was so much fun, we talked for so long about so much stuff, and about katimavik.
so then we started headin back and we decided to go to the timmies, and we saw vic work partner there, evlaine, i think she knew we were al a bit ..wooh...but we thought she was also.
so we chilled there for a wile, then i laughed for some reason, and they all looked @ me and laughed...guess they liked my laugh..oh
so then as she walked away she told us to laugh more, so we did.
then we went home and i passed out.

so this morning i woke up, and we all got ready to prime and paint the grandma doors, so we did that for a long time, the guys also got some old ass doors from the wawa motor way.
so we did that all mroning, while listedning to music and decorating out clothes with paint was fun.
then we got back home and we chilled for about an hour..or 2?
then we went off to naturally superior advetures where were havin the cluster meeting.
so we get there and we got a quick tour then we got some time to mingle witht he other groups, ezgi, akyla and i wanderded off on our own and talked about our houses and how too laied back the ppl are here and how ppl are doin what ever they want and its affecting the group.
so we cahtted for ONLY an hour.

so back @ the lodge we had a quick intro, then we playe a game were all the guys had to hold unto eachother while the girls had to pull su appary, it was down to tobeau and i and we stook it out they eventually they gave up..and we had to eat.
my desert ppl thought we ought, so i made it aware that i made it and ppl were impressed...i was happy.

then we got a prez by dave wells??? who did katimavik the 1st year...CRAZY!!!!!!
so he talked about it for a wile, and we asked him tons of questions..
he said back then they travled and stook toughter in groups of 30 but still had groups of 10
but they all worked toughter. he maid paths by cutting down trees with a chain saw, and he trained racing dogs...sooo cool
he said also back then there were tonly 3 rules.
no drugs
no hitchhiking
and no ...something allong the lines of exclusive relationships.

soo after intergoating him he did a slide show of his buizness and ti seems pretty cool, he hoes kayack and cannoe camping things.

then he did a quick thing about survival training cuz vic asked hom too, so he did that.

then we went home and here i am

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