Monday, April 28, 2008

in the morning we got ready to go do some work @ naturally superior adventures, but the weather was messed up so we decided to stay home in the morning to do work for our booths for may24.
so we did that..again facilated by steph then we had a quick meeting and we brok off to work again.

then we had a quick lunch and then we went to naturally superior where we say the others groups just as their about to leave, so we said our good byes an got stright to work.
so some of us broke appart a deck thing, and the rest raked the beach.
i broke appart the deck, it was really fun espically when i got to wield the sledge hammer, it was awesome.
so we did that for a wile then we stopped, and i suggested staying there for our free time, and some ppl didnt want to, so steph was gonna drive some ppl back home and a bunch went to get stuff and were gonna be back.
so zach and i stayed there alone cuz james went out kayacking in the sick waves, we saw him wipe out, it was funny.

so when he got back we asked where there were hiking trails ...he told us and zach and i were off.
we saw the van along the way, and then they apssed we oged a lot of the way so that ppl couldent catch up to us....we had to cook dinner but decided to keep goin cuz we could get away with it.
so we got to the trail and we went up a bit, then we scaled the rocks to get closer to the falls.
and we climbed down the rocks and accross a river so that we go to this place in the middle and we climbed this big island and we saw a we thought this is the farthest we could go so we trailed back to the lodge.
there were some fucking beautiful places there it sucked that my cam isnt working.

so when we got back the ppl still havent eaten, but instead had ordered pizza cuz our chilli tasted like propain ..apparently.
so when it got there we ate for a sec and david wells came and ate with us.
so we chatted wth him a bit, and i asked him abiout our 72, and he said that we might be able to strike a deal...hes freakin cool.
it was cool talking to him about katimavuk...he thinks were boxed in cuz of all the rules we have, and its true compared to back then, but i understand why their are rules...cuz teens are dumbasses.
so then we were about to watch accross the universe on the projector on the wall, but then james playes charlie the unicorn, it was fucking halarious.
then we watched accross the universe. all were there but cila, dave, josianne, and tiff.

after the movie we cleaned up our mess, then we started a bon fire on the beach, it was cool cahtting with james and we took some sick ass pics of the fire and us fire spinning.

after a wile we all went our ways and we thanked james for letting us stay and making the fire.

then i went to bed and passed out.

today was freezing @ wrok in the morning a got a bunch of shit done for atrinias headstart for grade one thing. and i also worked on paulines cric.
then @ lunch antoine got into a dumb debate over city ppl.
after lunch @ work, i watched some kids..oh and im billeting with
so we talked abit about that, and she talke about my earings...or lake there of..their paperclips now, and their both infected cuz im STUPID and wore safty pins in for 2 days, but im alergic to them so naturally they are swolen now.

th then i got home, dave and jo made dinner
antoine was rude @ dinner but he had a talk with steph...sooo here i am...sadiudhgsiuvdhrvuilsghluifgbaykgsbyksdkafbgjkgesfkjgakiguefiuagrgshrth

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