Sunday, April 13, 2008

we had pancakes then we had learnign plans with steph. so basically a free morning.
it was cillas BIRTHDAY!!!
so their were baloons and streamers
so david zach and i went to the post office, and i decided to go to northern.
there we bought a watter gun fir cillas b-day. so when we got back home we filled it up and snuck up on cilla and sprayed her with it, everyone thought it was awesome. so then we gave it to her and she got us back.
then ppl all gave her what they got for her. she really liked.
then we had yeah! then cilla got whiped cream in the face...courtesy of antoine.(btw he didnt clean it up) sooo, then we got her to sit @ the table and brought out the cake.
and we had a nice vegan desert, it was soo good.

then we got ready to go to lake superior.
it was SICK, the view @ this place was fucking was a good time for me to reflect, again alll i tought about was williams lake and that i shoulde not dwell in the past, but i felt like i didnt wanna forget cuz the it would feel like im abondining them.

soo it was great there, but i felt like i was in abad mood, but i donno why.
so @ home we ate supper, it was good.
then we played clue, and antoine got too into it, and i proved his rules wrong...simply by reading aloud the actual rules.
so then all of us went to the bowling alley to celebrate cillas b-day.
it was really fun there, we danced and partied there, i had a great time.
it seemed as though emilie had problems (with max)but i didnt wanna get involved.
so afterwards i walked ppl to the bank so they could take out money
then walkin back jo-jo wanted to cive cilla a hug, but she brushed it off, and jo got
then vic tried to kick a solid block of was really funny
so @ the bar all went in but em and i so i walked her home, we talked. then i went for a strole around town then got home a went to bed.

so this morning was a free morning,
i her about cilla being carried D-R-U-N-K! not really i heard.
so now ppl are cooking and cleaning cuz we have our open house today, i dont really like open houses cuz thier aquward. but @ least im with the group.
let get-er-done..(i cant believe i just wrote that)

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