Friday, April 11, 2008

wed @ work i think thier was a blizzard
so many ppl didnt come in, but the 5 kids came that always came

@ home english/french class was cancled, so we planed the stuff for the 30th anaverary on May 24
cuz leadership had to write a letter to the township so that we can get the park for the event, so that we can start advertizing.
then we had comettie time.i e-mailed the dude for survival training.

i also put some stars on my vest...i like it.

then i red my book.

in the morning i crooected the letter to the township....not formal @ all, so i had to re do like the whole thing, i wanted them to take us serously.

so i did that then max in french.

so @ work it was a freakin busy morning, lots of kids came..i think 13, so it was pretty crazy.
the afternoon was post-natial, so the mom with newborns came...then the teen moms came, their always fun to talk to.

@ home we had some free time to chill b4 seing an inconvient truth being presented.
so antoine told me that my shirt smelled like puke and that i shoudl wash it(not the one i was wearing). i thougnt this comment was really rude...all he had to say "clean your shirt" so i tossed it into the laundry.

then we saw a prez on an inconvient truth, bit was a dude who presented almos the same thing, but more catered to canadians. i liked it, but i fell worried that it didnt seem to have that much of an impact on me, but i guess its cuz ive been exposed to so much of that in WL cuz we were the enviro cluster.

so it went well, karya was there...our pc.
she introduced us to some important ppl for the mya 24 thing, that was cool
then we went home.

b4 i got to bed, antoine thanked me for moving my shirt, then i told him that the way he asked my to remove it was rude, but he didnt seem to think so, and started listing all the "rude" things that ive been doing (hanging my cloths on the side of the bed).
i thought it was really mature but i didnt argue further cuz i wanted to sleep, and i wanted to collect my thoughts.
lately antoine has been getting on a lot of peoples nerves with his rudeness and disrespect, well see what ahppens, ill confrunt him ersonally one more time, but if that dosnt help him understand then i will bring it up tot he group, we hates beign attaced @ group meetings, but it needs to be done, because of him im considering leaving the program, and others too, vic told me that if she left it would be cuz of him, and i know cill is frustrated with him after being house managers...espically cuz he never woke up b4 lunch and spit in her rice(it was bad aparently)but still that was so fuckign rude, and he didnt seem to think so...he kept laughing at it when i tried to explain to him tha it was a dick move.
well see hoe im gonna deal with the situation, cuz he is not goin to continue doin this for much longer if i can help it

so today @ work i watched tons of kids again
and their was ANOTHER blizzard today...yessssss.
i also got to do room change, so the place looks diferent and new, its cool.
and i got a bunch of craft things to do from katrina, SICK.
we have a free night, o think im gonna clean my room, and read, or do more cloths things, and laundry...cuz theres nowhere to go out espically during a

vic and i went to the embacy cuz we wanted out of the house
soo... we went, we saw tiff there, but left her alone, i also saw the 2 teen moms from my work, thier cool

se we talked about all the problems that we had in the house, i hadent even noticed what she said her problem was cuz i had my onw, ut its good that that was brought to my attenson, but i things are all good now.

se we talked for a long wile, it was good for both of us.
so ater that i stayed up for a wile, i tried to call

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