Thursday, April 17, 2008

so my hair is died and its pretty SICK.
this morning i was kinda bored, so i took a cardbord box and put a pan over it and wrote a note that said "i caught a mouse, do not remove"...i thought it was funny.

so i got to go to work @ 9 todsay cuz paunline said i could, and she was the only one working.
soooo @ work i didi a couple of chores. then the mess of kids came in, it was fun, but i was tired but the end of it.

so @ lunch onlt tiff and antoine were here, as well as steph and the pso...robin.
so as i walked in steph was like ...YOUR HAIR, and im like yeah...i think it looks fuckign sick...i donno if she did, but she said she like it, and i said hi to robin then she left, and steph has her day off today.

so @ work again pauliene had a really deep convo about her past, shes really strong.
then i work on her stuff that she asked me to do for her circulum, so i did the first thing while looking after some kids.

now im home, and thier cooking stuff, and antoine and i played with a mouse trap, i got a video if it but since the mouse trap suckes it wasnt all that fun.

later is the french/english lessons, whwere the frank-a-phones go to english class, ans the ang-la-phones stay and practice french...yay

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