Wednesday, April 23, 2008

after cleaning and cooking zach and i found the hammock and set it up, ppl were excited, it was a fucking beautiful day and i stayed out there on it most of the day.

i was readin my book and lits of the otesha book.

it was also earth day do we had a katima-black out day, so we didnt use electricity and minimal no showers.

so steph noticed that some ppl **coughantoinecough** didnt participate, we he did..better than he has anyways. so b4 our free time we had an activity where we all ran down the street and collected one handfull of snow to fill a bucket, so that took us a wile, but i thought it was a cool idea...i thought it was about how hard it was to obtain the perspective of a 3rd world country, but steph mad it more about the energy it took for us to do that and how it relates to appliances that we use.

so then we had a free evening, so vic, max, em and i went tot he librar then to mariettes then to maxs, then home, it was raining...lots of teens out when it wasnt tho

so @ home we played bulgurdash then i stayed up talking to tiff and antoine.

this morning i sleoed in, then zach and i got to work, we also did some shopping today it was cool.
then we went to a hue concert...@ the ladys house that did that cardio workout thing with us.
it was a really nice house, and they had 2 ppl wendell ferguson and katherine wheatley, they were soo good.
lots of ppl we knew in the community where there, it was kinds wierd.

so then we came home and here i am.. antoine had been getting on my nerves gets too emotional when hes out on the spot or when ppl make fun of him, hes fucking wierd...and acting wierd and i dont like it

....josianne is ating like her aquward self feeling negative more and more here, and i dont like it, sort of contepmlating goin home, but i doubt i will, its too good of an experience to pass up

i cant wait to have a cluster meeting and see ppl that i miss.

im really missing everyone in williams lake, but it seemes as tho they hav forgotten about me, or it seems to have faded, and that makes me sad, but i figured it would ahppen, 3 months isnt long enought to have a longterm relationship....well see.

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