Thursday, May 1, 2008

@ work it was ok, the morning was usual.
@ lunch i ate lots cux the house managers bought tons of food.

in the afternoon their wasnt much

@ home we had the bilet mingle, so that was kinda fun, the billet families that came seem nice.

@ work it was pretty much just marlyen and i ..many ppl were off or in the soo.
also there was a fair thing @ the community centre..thats where lots of ppl were that day (or went to)..ppl with the schools.

so in the afternoon i got more shit for katrinias school thing. also in the afternoon i did some chores for marylen, i dropped off books for her.
i taled a bit @ the library lady who didnt recgonize

so @ the school i walked in and was walking towards the office then 2 teachers seemed to harrase me, i was really rude...kinda so i left the books with them and proceded to out up some posters for amanda.

back @ the store the teen moms came in and we chilled for a bit.

@ home we were suposted to practice our stomp thing but decided not to cu its on sun and we would just embaress our we decided not to, so instead a bunch of ppl walked to ppl house to watch hockey, then cilla and i ditched josianne and went for a verry verry log walk, we climded up a hill thing and traveld inside the forests AND PLAYED ON A MARRY GO ROUND, IT WAS TONS OF FUN.(whoops caps lock)

so back home ray was here...the guy ppl met on cillas b-day, he seems cool...reminds me a lot of on of my friends back home.

this morning was typical.
@ work i did lots of work behind the scenes, i also helped katrina set up for her kindagerdan thing, and when she left me for a sec and a teach harassed me, i guess i can understad it but im so sure that if i looked differently that i wouldent be treated so harshly.
so i did that then got more shit done for her thing.

in the afternoon i did some things then i spent most of it doin...invantory with all the shit that robin got, so i started that but i ran out of time and left the room a mess, ill get to it tomorrow.

so @ home i worked on my booth thing, actually painting the stencils on the recycled cloths fron the bacement.

...lately ive been dreading comming home, i really dont like my group
-im alyays quiet @ dinner and i am unmoviated to do anything, i cant wait for billeting, i need to get out of here
almost everydau since tues ive got home and went for a walk till it was dinner time, and when were done our activity i leave agai, i dont wanna be here in the house, but its not even that bad, i think its just me, or mabye im doin it for attension, but i doubt that cuz i like to be happy and myself but right now im not myself and i dont like ti, i also dont like that seph dosnt call ppl on anything and is letting a lot of thins slide, i sometimes feel that she only gave antoien a cti cuz we all were like wtf?

shes noticing that i feel down but i dont really wanna talk to her cuz she really good friends with antoine and is always with hi, and i think that why hes gatting away with so much, she needs to make sure that she is a pl FIRST and a friend SECOND, and i dont think she realises that, and it makeing me begin to resent her.

later on this day steph and i had a walk and we talked about the things that were goin on in my mnd and hers and we talked about shit in the house and how it bothered her that i was glum the whole week, i think the talke was good but it dosnt really change anything, it just out in the open now...kinda.

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