Saturday, May 31, 2008

so today vic woke us up, cuz we didnt have that much time to get ready, we we got ready, then we left for safekids day.
we helped our there, it was cool, kinda boring, but i got to see lots of the kids moms that angella takes care of. then erics mom sees me and asks if i was roberto, so i said yes, then she said that he herd about me and that she was so thankful for spendin so much time with eric and all that ive done for him...fuck that make my heart sink, that was super nice of her to say, it seemed to make all that iv done this trimester worth it.
so then we just wandered a bit and ate cookies, i talked to ray and tylor for a bit then we got back to work. vic got max and i some shit to eat cuz their wasnt much for us to eat, espically max. i sat @ the front with a really nice lady who just moves to wawa, i was telling her about katimavik and she thought it was cool, she was really nice and cool to talk to...i think vic was doin the same to the dude they were cooking with cuz we was eager to meet us and was so jelious that we could be doing something like that. so then we were done packing and stuff and vic and max and i chilled @ the skate park with ray and tylor, it was cool, then we left and went home then we ate dinner.
it seemed that steph found out her bad news when she visited a pl while she was away, that sucks but oh well.
in the afternoon i walked outside and got stoned, then i had nothing to do so i went downstairs and drew in my sketch book, then i dicked around for a bit then i finished my "obey"blazer
then i went to bed.

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