Monday, June 2, 2008

Sunday - yesterday
i sleped in then i woke up to ppl talking, but it wasnt any voice i knew, so i got up and saw some random people, but right away she introduced herself to me...i forgot her name but she was a past participant and she lived in this house around the same time last year, it was cool to her here experiences herer and they told us about quebec.

then vic made me pancakes, VEGAN pancakes..they were really good.

then karya came to help us plan with our farewell party, so she prettymuch took control and told us what to do, i had spoken up to her but i dint think it really mattered to her, and kept insisting we do things her now were inviting the whole town thriugh the radio and shit..i think its dumb...but w/e, "its cuz were the last group in wawa"

then she left and we got to work..typing the shit we needed to do.
then i did the invitations and then we had a free noght so i stayed up so late, and i tried to blaze again but it blew
so i went home and then went to bed.

i saw em and i gave her a hug, then we chilled for a bit then we started claning the kitchen, it took us a wile and we found bugs...YUM!
so we did our shit then i started my soup then we watched chicken run till a bunch of ppl came home, then i made potatoe things for was it was a free evening, our 4th free evening in a row, so naturally i was i chilled a bit then i organised my stuff to pack but i had to do was broken, but thn a guy came to fix it and he said he was commin tomorrow morning, so it was us to me as house managers to be up by the time he got there., then vic, em and i went to youngs for some ice cream, it was good, then we looked around and i saw this knitted sweater that was SICK, i wanted it but it was summer and it was 80$$$ which isnt bad but not during katimavik.

so we chilled for a bit around and all over the place then we split up and i went back home alone.
@ the house ppl were doin their i was just on the comp then ray and vic show up, we chatted for a bit then i went for a midnight strole then i got stoned not far from our house, then i went stright to bed, it was nice.

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