Saturday, June 21, 2008

today @ work it was cool, we didi a bunch of shit, and the ppl seem to be gettin used to us, so they try to mingle.

then we were told that we were only working till 11am cuz they didnt have enough work for us, it was i came home and i began cooking for the weekend while we were to go camping. so i did that for a wile, tiff and jo were home as well. jo made cookies they were really good. so i did that and i cahilled @ the house for a wile. then we had dinner then afterwards jolie offered to drive up to st.gelion to see the place and camp site. so we drove up there while listening to music in the van we danced in the was really fun then we finally got to the town and its a pretty small town, it remides me of cutting edge, so we checked out all these camping places..there were tons, we checked out a couple that were expensive, then we checked out the actual camp site em and i looked up, 15 bucks for the weekend but no one wanted that one.(losers) so we went off to another place where we got a spot of grass by the water in the private place for cheap, so were gonna go there. then we drove back home where we stoped @ the super market to get some more food then we went home. @ the hosue cilla and max finished off their was actng stupid and craving attension by wearing underwear on her head.

so after they did that we went to go dye my hair blue n the house behind the katima-house. max died my hair, it was cool, then i dyed hers.

after that we went over to the neighbours to sit by the fire....em had bothered us earlier to so we got over there anc hilled a bit, max left early then vic did, then it was em and i, the uys there were pretty cool, they tried to communicate with me, and i understood a lot of what they were saying which was pretty cool. so then it started to rain so we came back home, there i washed out my hair in the uptairs sink, then it was stained all blue, so i panicked and tried my best to clean it off, and luckly i did so then i bohered jo to go ont he comp..and here i am

its been really stressfull and frustrating with all he french that goes on here bu the frank-a-phones tell me that my french has improved and that ill be fine...but when it come to talking ot them im fine, but in real life situations i seem to chike, but i guess it will get bette...i hope.

im excited to go camping and go to the concert, its gonna be hella cool, and hopefully well get to meet maxs parents, it will be cool



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