Tuesday, June 17, 2008

saturday we wokr up reletavily early to help out with this fish derby like 45 min away from where we live, it was to be a cluster activity cuz our cluster was gonna be there. so we go there last, of course cuz we live the furthest, then we chilled for a liong while while the ppl in the house were havin a info thing, the ppl form the joenquier group were leading trafic. so i chilled witht he group and talked to their pl, we is so cool while talking we had said a few thing @ the same time..he even has a tattoo of a question mark on his arm, hes really cool.
so then ppl came out and were given fishing rods...including 5 for each house, so i set mine up and left for the river witha few others nthen we were told to collect river water to put into the ginormous fish tank they had...so the fish can adjust, then we proceded to put in i thnk it was 3000 fish into this river so it was easier for ppl to catch fish so we did that then relaxed and watched as ppl caught fish, i cought a fish but the lour was too far in the fish so we had to kill it, so antoine smacked it against the bench, blood everywhere...so grose...lmao the they had hotdogs for everyone, then i had em help me ask for just buns...cuz of all the french and all. so then i had to track so much just to get my egg salad so finally i og t it, and everyone chilled, it was cool. then we were gonna go home bu then the chutimie house invited u to their place which was only 15 min away, so we wanted to but ppl wanted to go home, but we went, so we chilled there, we played soccer, then a bunch of us went into town were we chilled for a but, went into theis "rocker" store then we went along the river side where we herd a band playing, their was this even thing goin on for kids or something, so we watched this band play from monteral, i liked it they were ok...even though i dint understand a thing. then we had to leave but as we were some of got talking to their merch guy about katimavik..and he spoke english, which was cool, then we left for dinner. after dinner ppl got all dressed up in other ppls cloths then we headed for the bar, as we were goin there we bunped into the guys we talked oto and the guy from the band, they were really cool, they invited us to their hotel room to drink but we decided to go to the bar cuz we were waiting for ppl. so @ the bar a bunch of u got t-bo to order us pitchers, so we were all drinking and thier was thins band playing and they spoke some english, so we chilled with them for a wile, they were really funny, we had a good time with them.
then the culb part of the bar was open so we went there and started dancing, the some guys took our spot, but i guess thats how it is @ a bar, so we kept dancing, and it was just us for the longest time. michella and i danced for a wile and t-bo dance dowht vic for a long as tme..lol, then it was time for uis t leave so we were all half wasted walking home to meet our pl so we got there and chilled there for a wile then juli came and drove us home ...when i got home i slamed on my bed

sunday we had kinda a free day we got to sleep in ...in the afternoon we had to write our group cntracts so we did that then we had a free evening so vic, em, amx and i went biking around town, it was cool, we checked out the place, its a really nice town, we also went to the thrift store and checked out the place.

so monday it was the first day of work, david and i went there for 8:30 but it was too early, were suposted to start @ 9 so we chilled in the emploie room till 9, then @ 9 we got a tour of the place and then we got to work, we pretty much were told what to do by this lady, who didcated everything to me and hoped i knew what she was tlaking about, and luckly i did...somewhat, too bad david didnt. so david followed me around the store the whole day, it was kinda anoying. so the ppl that work there a re kinda creapy, there their ciz they have social problems or something and are to be intergrated into society though the thrift store...so its kinda shady
@ linch david told them he had no linch and they sent him home to get lunch...cuz we NEED a linch there cuz we do suck physically demanding work...somewhat.
so we wandered during our lunch hour and i bought food @ max then we went back to work, they sent us home early so we left and i chilled @ home, i really didnt like the job and i didnt wanna go the next day, but i was gonna give it a wile, it was a free night and jolie asnt expecte back till tomorrow morning so we went out and got soem bears and coolers for the girls, and we had a few to drink IN THE HOUSE..DUN DUN DUN..lol
then we went to bed.

Tues morn..this morning
we went to work, it was ok we did work, they tought us how to do some things and we did it, it was kinda aquward with ppl during lunch but i tried to start a conversation with michel..the mousish looking guy there...hes nice so we were let off early again and they told us that from now on we got to go home @ 3 cuz we do hard work and dont get paied..SWEET.
back @ home i still didnt wannago to work.nobody talked with us or interacted with us. and the french thihng is really frustrating. in the evening it was my comettie...healthy lifestyles..with josianne and we decided that we would play ultimate frizbee with the group right by our house so we played for a wile, and the other group kept fouling, so we played till vic lost the frizbee in the river

then bed

1 comment:

Michelliott said...

you lost the frisbee in the river!!??! how could you do that!!!
was it the canada one, or the quebec one? ah well you can buy some new ones at dollarama..
but still.. :(