Sunday, June 29, 2008

so sat was a pretty chill day we got to sleep in, so of course i didnt so i got up early and went on the comp and spent some time on it, then i went downstairs where cilla and max..hms made good. then i made toast then i proceded to finish reading skinny bitch, its a really good book, ppl should read it, then i continued to read no logo. then i got my shit that i left outside to dry overnight..opps.
so we had lunch, twas good, then we had commettie meetings, we had a quick big meeting with everyone to see our budgets and other shit, then we went off and did out thing, jo and i (healthy lifestyles) tried our best to plan some things...but really all the really good things we want to do were left on julie, i knida didnt like doin that but she knows ppl, which is good.

so then we spent all afternoon reading or on the comp or doin other shit. so thennnn we ate din din, then tiff, cilla and i got ready to go to the concert so we left, we saw 2 again the 2ed band was anglaphone..well at least the lyrics were so by the third band max and em showed up, they were a really good band...alfa rococo, they were fun, i liked their energy.
so then we came home when it was done and their wasnt much to do so i went to bed.

this morning i tried to sleep in again, but again i didnt really. so i woke, read a lil then i helped out the HMs with lunch andOR DINNER..LOL so now im on the comp...the other groups were suposted to come to the bach today but the weather is shitty so well see what happens,,,,yet again.............................................................

sooo none of the groups came, but we wnet ot thebeach anyways, we fent for a 3 klick walk it was nice, i stayed in the back most of the time just thinking, it was cool. then max, em and i decided to walk back..the bugs were bad, the whole way back they spoke in french, i felt left out so i pluged myself in and walked ahead, when i turned around to see them they were gone, so when i got back to the chalet place i went outside to chill till the others got back.
so then we went to the supermarket to buy shit for tomorrow @ the zoo!
then back @ home we had a free for al din-din. house meeting, it was pretty quick, then we chilled for a long wile while jolie had on-on-ones with max, cilla, and i read most of the time and we chatted for a wile, everyone who was downstairs.
then cilla and i went for a walk it rained, but it was a good walk, and now were back, its kinda late but whatever...gonna g to bed...later

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