Tuesday, June 24, 2008

so jolie drove us to ourcamp site sat evening, so we set up tent and got ourselves organised we got our shit in the tent out then we paied the camp owners the rest of the money, it was nice there it was a small patch of land by the docks, except it wasnt meant to be a camp ground...verry makeshift, everyone there were "camping" in their perminant rv there...and the ppl were snobs...but some were nice...espically the ppl who owned the place.
so we did all that then we decided we go to the depaneur...to get some beer, so we walked over there and zach, antoine and i split a 24 it was cool, so we did that, brought it back to our tent...got harrassed by ppl for a wrist band we were suposted to have but didnt. so then we decided to go to eat, have some beer then head to the concert grounds, we go paied the 40$ to get there and we chilled in there for a wile, we saw that girl that came to the katima-house a few days b4, so we tsalked to her for a wile then we checked out the ppl playing, they were ok...too bad i didnt understand anything. so then we danced in the dance tent for a wiel, the dj was pretty good. then we went back again arrassed for wrist bands we didnt have. then to bed.
during the night the train was so fucking loud i thought we were gonna die...fuck man.
the next morning we ate the cheros, and chilled @ camp till lunch, we ate, had some beer then we checked out the town, and we also tred the beach, we had to pay to go to the beach, so we wanted to go back to get more shit if we had to pay....so we took a bus back...they had busses running for free all the time, so we took it back...zach and antoine staye..so we got back and it started pouring so we thought we could catch the bus and still catch up with zacha nd antoine but it started raining cats and dogs, so we stayed under a tent for a bit then went back to our tent and chilled there till the rain let up. so then we ate, had some to drink then we went to the concert grounds...it was cool the ppl that played were ok..again i dint understand a thing. we saw that girl again and we chilled with her for a bit, then we wanderded off soo the concert was kinda lame so some went to bed but antoine, jo, vic and i went to the beach, we werent allowed to go cuz it was past cerfew but we found a way to get in just down the street so we got there and walked for a bit, then we saw ppl with a fire and they invited us to sit, it was sick cuz a few of them spoke english, so we talked with them they were form monteral, they were nice. so then apparently they stole the fire wook for a campsit they were infront of..lol so they paied for it then made friends with the ppl, but then the same securiety guard came to tell us that we couldent bere on the beach so we all left, took the bus back ...we said by then we went to bed.

so the next day was the big day.. the day b4 st.jean
we woke early, again and chilled @ the tent for a long wile. we ate lunch then we headed for the beach, we spent some time @ the beach, we had sneaked in the way we came in the night b4 it was sweet, the other ppl on the bus thee didnt know they had to pay guess we shoudle had told them, but whatever. we got to the bach and chilled for a bit, antoine and i snatched a soccer ball form the house and we played for a bit, then we went swimming then chilled in the sun. we saw our friends form the night b4, we said hi, then we left to the tent, but stopping off @ the dep to get more booze some ppl got food cuz we had none, so we camped out @ the tent ...ate and drank and waited for max, tiff ans cilla to come, to the show had started but we waited for them to come, finally they arrived and as soon as they got thier shit toughter we were off to the show.
@ the show we went to the front and a pretty good crountry type band was playing...max started dancing and soon many of us were, then we noticed the johnquier pl in the corud, after a wile i waved him over...he came and said, im not here and your not here, so i was like ok lets party..lol. so we danced he left to tget a beer, once he came back he joined us dancing till the group was done, it was a blast. then we were wandering around and some kid came to ma and said "bonne St.JEan, tu es cool" i was so shocked someone was taling to me that all that came out was"merci" but that made my day, that someone french thought i was cool, and i didnt have to communicate...yay..lol
so then we went back to the tent to drink up, again we were harrased for wrist bands that were never given to us. so we got drunk and i went to the dep with a bunch of ppl so get more beer, when we got back cilla was smashed, the ppl i went to the dep went tot he conceert. so cilla..yeah em, zach, tiff and i had to look over her, shes crazy, so we managed to get her to sleep in the tnt, em and zach ditched us, then cilla woke and we went to the concert, i saw max and vic in the bango thing tent then i saw em and zach and we watched this rocker guys concert..he sucked. then i was looking gor ppl, em was being a bitch...shes a real bitch when shes drunk. so we went back to the tent, where this time 4 guys form the cam harrissed us, but we went through. and everyone was here, so we chilled there for a long wile then we went back where this other band was playing, i wanted to see the pit and their was one, but as soon as i got it the song was over and it was thier last song, i was soo fucking pissed off. so their was a fire and other shit goin on, many ppl left and soon it was vic and i, we danced in the dance tent but the music sucked so @ arounf 2am we left for bed.
then next morning it was windy like crazy we all woke so ealy and then we packed our shit called julie to pick us up early, we got the tent ready then we left when julie came pacing the tent in the wind was really funny, we made it into an extrieme sport, it was halarious, we got back home, we gave the tent back and thanked the guy, we chilled the day, it was really quiet...ppl just ate and chilled the day, i read and did some laundry, we had pancaked for dinner it was really good, then i went tobed early...other watched accross the universe.

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