Thursday, June 12, 2008

sooo our final prez wnt well...ui guess....but i thought it fucking sucked, the farewell party was cool, petes son...angus was there....hes had just finished katimavik 3 days b4...CRAZY

it was cool taling to him and about his experience.

sunday cleaned cleaned and cleaned some seemed like everyone was doin some was awseome
we cleaned EVERYTHING it was crasy, espically the downstairs, i started with the storage room on my own then a bunch of us cleaned out the downstairs and it was the cleaniest iid ever seen it, cleaner than the other group had left it. and i cleaned and organised the kitchen...with tiffs help as well as josiannes.

so then we had to do some debriefing, so zach and i had a quick fire made, then we did an activity around the fire, it was nice except for all the bugs.
so after wards steph had told us that he had a small gift for us to share, but we had to be so secretative about it, and she pulled out a bottle of wine...a few ppl were suprised..but not really, so we all took a glass and poured some then we had a toast to wawa and drank up, their was another bottle for us but we decided to have it inside uz the bugs were too bad, so inside i took the bottle but i also brought out the icecream...whixh their was way to much of...even for david.
so we ate and ate and drank, and we had a really cool chat with steph and her last group and a bunch of shit..lots to do with katimavik..but lots came out.
then i was just foolin with em and pretending to put caremel in her hair, but some actuall fell into her hair so then she put tones in my hair, then some in stephs and then a few ppl were in on a caramel fight thing, it was kinda funny but it stoped the party cuz ppl had to shower to get it all out of their hair...myself included, but it was cool.

so i showered then i went out to finish the last of our weed. and i took a quick strol

so we did all this cleaning then we had some free time, so a few of us went to the drill rig were we signed our katimavik and yeah, it was cool, and we chilled on the dock for a wile, i guess just to say good bye.

so monday some of us had woken up early to go weigh out luggage @ mariettes which turned out to be quick and extriemly helpful.
back @ the house we had to do some last minute cleaning and take apart our most of us cleaned...except antoine, who the day b4 also didnt do much cleaning.
so we ddi that then dave, max and i went out and we went to my work place to drop off paulines letter, then we went ot value mart to get some plane food.
then we went to the house where we did some last minute cleaning, ray came over and cooked some prickel for us, it was really good, tasted like chicken. so we ate icecream and ate fish and waited in the living room amongst our luggage waiting for the bus.
the manatuage pl came by a few time looking for us and the bus, then it finally showed up, so we loaded up onto it, then we saud good bye to ray then to steph then i gave her a letter then we went onto the bus and i sat near the back with ezgi and em (form 100mile) so we chilled for a wile amongst ourselves then we stoped by @ a provincial park, we went to see the paintings on the walls, so we chilled @ the center for a bit then we took a quick ride to the place, and it was a short hike to the bottom of the clif where the wall paininings were, so we all took turns in groups of 10 looking @ the painitngs, they were really cool, we were on the rock ledge where the earth and water met, it was realy nice, we went barefoot. so i was the first group and while waiting for the other groups i walked along the rocks on the other side of the clifs, then ezgi and i went off pretty far, but then we got caught and we were told to get we did.
so then we all finished then we went back to the centre were we went tot he display thing @ the back then tiff and i went off to the beach area, where we saw antoine all wet...he had jumped into lake superior. so then we were all called back onto the bus then we went to some of the parks staff housing where we were to have dinner, so i preped it then em served it.
the guys that lived in the house came by so i chilled with them outside for a wile with some otgher, they were really cool, they were park naturalists, so they lived there, got paied minimum wage and serbved the park...and they dot need any edu. for it, so i asked how to do it and they told me to visit, the ministry of natural resources web page and sign up, sounds really cool.
so then it was our time to leave so i helped clean up a bit, which the guys really apprechated. so we left the place to our rotation was a long ride there but we finally got there, it was kinda late, we did a quick intro to ourselves and the leaders there then we had free time to do whaatever, so a bunch of ppl went for walks alll over the place, but the bugs were so bad that eventually everyone ended up inside, where we snacked on stuff, and played games, a few of us played the wolf game, it was fun while it lasted, then megan, kaya and i stayed up really late talking about our houses and the problems, or lack there of when compared to it was cool, then we went to bed.

so we had a great day planned for us the next day
so we were woken up by robin...the coodernator for the weekend, then we went up ot the main cabin for there were 2 ppl assigned to set up from each group, so when i walked in therough the kitchen i saw 4 ppl gettin shit ready, vic, david, megan, and the french one from wadge thern i sat @ the table where only 9 places were set and all of marathons stuff was in a pile where the places were set, so i asked t-bo, and simon(who were to set up) and they said that it was up to out group so set up for themselves, i thouught it was really childish to think of themselves like that...weve always brought enough for everyone and shared..but whatever, wadge and u shared our stuff and many ppl blew off marathon...
so after breakfeat we were to do some de-briefing. so we got started, doin some geo-cashing thing with the old pl that also came to help us so it was pretty cool, we set off with these gadgets to find pices of a quote which were hidden in jars spread out. so we did it, but my group only got 3 and gave up soon cuz of all the bugs...they were bad.
so then we did a canoe foe steph and we eash made a paddle and wrote our names and something that we learned this trimester. then we made a poster for our new pl, and it was all just random stuff about us., then we had lunch courtest fo the manatuage group, it was tacos, it was really good, espically the re-fried good, so we did than then we had a little bit of free time, so i helped clean up.
after free time we did an activity...i cant rember what we did but then we had tons of free time, so most ppl chilled in their cabins cuz it was raining like crazy i went on a short hike, then michella and i played yatzee with that pl, and we talked tons about katimavik, and our experiences and hers, it was really cool. then t-bo came and michella, i and t-bo talked for a long wile, then ezgi joined then kayla, then we went off to bed, we only were gttin 4 hours of sleep, so i tried to go to bed, but the other guys in the next room were loud and anoying but eventually i fell asleep.

so we were all woken up @ 3am, and everyone was pretty tired and on edge cuz of lack of sleep, and we got all our shit ready and when the bus finally came we saw that it was a school bus, so were were kinda freaking cuz all of us and our luggage wouldent fint in it, so mat, t-bo, blake and i all helped in loading up the bus, it took a wile and some fine tetris work but we all managed to be cramed on that bus.
so lotys of ppl were a sleep and the other were listening to mp3 players, we stoped @ max where i got some food, then we headed to the airport, i was one of the first in line, and my liggage was 52lbs, and 48lbs, i was super stoked that we didnt have to go throuh the complication of last time, so i got my shit done then it was time for us to bord, so all that were to bord got on, that is 6 of my group and all of the manatuage house, so we went on the place (vic, cilla, zach, max, em and i...couldent have picked a better group) so it was cool, we got to T.O. and we said good bye to ad, then we found some other groups that were goin to the bc clsuter we were in, they seemed cool, then we found our gate and i headed over to see my mom, vic and em came as well, so i saw mae and she wanted to give me so much stuff to bring onto the place, but i was, i have to many cloths already, and i knida got mad that she bought new things fro me...when all that i asked for but anyways she gave me my b-day present, it was a new nice i was pretty stoked.
so then we borded our plane, and we headed for monteral, once there em and i went for a long walk around the it, then we went back chilled then got on the place for quebec city. so in quebec city we didnt get out luggage right away so we fille dout some shit then the next plane our shit came...cept for cillas but we lft our stuff there with theis really nice security guard guy in this room, then we all took a taxi to quebec city and we chilled there for a wile, it was so fucking nice there, then we had a bear @ a resturant and ate some food. so then after a long tour of the town we got on another taxi back where EVERYONE was there including another cluster, it was neat meating everyone, too bad all the hippie ppl were in the other cluster. so we had a long ass bus ride where ezgi, michella zach, antoine and i played cards @ the back.
then we dropped off chutumi then the st. jean hubert (ithink) then us, when we got here we looked @ the house and it was really fucking nice, and the river is RIGHT ACCROSS THE STREET. zach and i have a ucking hudge room and it is super nice here.
we sleped

thursdaywe had our job visits, theris really nice then we had luinch then we visited more work partners then we had a free night where we walked around town and checked theings out, also we unpacked and glorified the house.

fri we had job interviews it was cool i guess, they all said my french was good, and out of the analgaphones it is, but not really. then we had a lunch thing but they didnt have anything veggie so we ordered for the menu and they ahd such good shit there @ the cafe thing. then that afternoon we had off so we dicked around again..cant really rember what we did

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