Tuesday, May 6, 2008

so fri was billeting
after work ppl scrambled to pack their shit
we all started to leave one by one.
then pauline came and i was so ready to leave the house.
i work with pauline so it was cool.
sooo whense got me we frst went tot e supermarket and got some shit for me.
then @ her place her 2 kids seemed to be super ecited that i was comming over, they showed me my room in the macement...not really a room, just futon in thw bacement.

so then dexter...the youngert of the 2 kids (pauline had 3 kids, dex-7, zane i think hes around 12 and axandra..shes 19)
so we had dinner and dexter asked me a million and one questions
so after diner i kinda got my stuff toughter in my "room" then i went up stairs, i played some video games with the kids, who seemed to fight over who to play with.
so twe sis that then we watched irobot...dexters favourate movie at the time. and after that antoine called me to go to a party @ the bowling alley guys house (he was envited there through his billet-brother) so he called me up which i was surised aboput and said that he called vic, so i called vic and we made plans to go to the place, so when pauline got back home i asked her what my cerfew was and she said i had none...sweet!

so i went to vic and cillas bllet families house where everyone had a beer in the bacement, and they gave me one "pre-drinking" if you can call it that
so after we all finished our drinks we all walked off tot he appartment over the sears building.

so when we got there we were invited in even thought they didnt know us...excepth the dude from the bowling alley who somewhat knew who we were. so we chilled there for a wile then antoine showed up, he ditched the party cuz he met some ppl whom whe wanderedoff with...lol

so @ the party some one passed around a j so i took a hit, it was the first time since williams lake last time billeting.....so i felt good cuz this time i got high...i like it.

so then a few of us decided to buy some off a dude that was selling, so a bunch of us pitched and i bought it off the dude, he was cool about it, but a true dealder...with a scale and everything.

so we stayed there into the late ohours of the night...till 2, and we got to know some ppl.
then we left late and all went back to out billet houses...it was a cool night but the dude from the bowlong alley is SICK @ the gutar...so while we left max said her pomme e citron
and her pomme is that some ppl have so much tallent and her citron is that their all coke heads......lmao

so the next morning...saturday
i sleped in and pauline had to work and exantra(her oldest..19) and dexter went to the soo, so i was home alone with zane..he has adhd...so he was frwakin anoying....but we played video games and i watched tv for a long time. then pauline came back and we chilled for a bit then i went out for a long walk cuz i was feeling down and i rembered all my friends in williams lake and how i missed them.

so that day was pretty boring.

so on sunday...
they made breakfast...it was really good.
then we chilled for a bit, we watched accepted, it really good, i like that movie

we had dinner...i think @ the viking resturant (where paulines boyfriend works)
then she mad this good noodle tai thing.
we also drove around wawa and went off roading...not really, it was cool, i was glad to be out of the house. so then i read my book for a wile.

monday i was woken by pauline like i had asked, so i got ready for work, then i left b4 her..my shift starts earlier.
so @ work it was typical.
after work i decided to go for a walk around town, i then saw tiff and zach and went with them into northern, then tiff ditched us so zach and i wandwered for a wile, then we visited the tattoo guys house/studio, i cahtted with him for a bit, then we wanted to see the house but we saw karyas car there so we decided not to go near it, then we saw vic and i wanted to meet up with her later on.

so i went home for dinner, and i got a call fromkarya that we were havin a meeting on tues for may 24 planning...booerns.
so then i met up with vic and cilla and we walked for a bit then decided to go to the house, cilla cralled through a small window that couldent be locked, cuz a wire goes through it.

soo then we wer ein da house and we unlocked the side door so we could go back, we also grabbed some stuff that we forgot. then we headed off.
then i walked them home then i went home, i watched house for a bit then i went to bed.

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