Friday, May 9, 2008

wednesdau afternoon i met up with max @ the library, then vic showed up as well as ray and then karya,
max and i worked on the players...thats about it, then we chatted with ray for a wile and vic and him left while we worked for a bit

once we were done we encountered them again on the streets...where max was mad @ her for having a
so then we decided wed go to the bar later on, and that id try goin.

so i got to paulines, played some videogaes and ate dinner, then i went out later on@ 9, and we headed for the bar, we got there and no one carded me, so we stayed for a wile, we played pool then some of rays friends showed up and we chilled with them for a wile, it was fun
then ray got me a beer then we left @ 12 cuz we had to go to work. so @ home i went stright to bed.

@ work it wanst much i guess, did lots of photocopying and worked on the flyers for may24 weekend.

i had lunch with oauline @ the resturant beside here.

the afternoon was a work shop so i watched over some kids and got told buy a lil girl, they hae an attitude, its funny to see.

so afterwards i went to the house for a bit, and as i was walking and i see tiff driving a car with zach and cilla in it, i was like yo, they had gone for a beer run and were planning to drink and have a fire.

so they gave me a lift to the house where they stashed their shit and we chilled for a bit, then she drove me home. so i ate @ home and then i called vic to see what time volley ball was.

soooo i quickly left to hr billets, and tiff and cilla were there and so was she.
then vic got max and we left t meet ray.
on the way max twisted her ancle, it was kinda funny how it hapened, but yeah
then we made our was to the school. St.joseph, on the way we saw antoine and zach, and yelled @ them but didnt do anything..we just ket walking
so @ the gym their were tons of ppl there, some ppl from the bar the night b4, it was tons of fun, the ppl are so funny.
so we played for a wile then we left at 9:15 to the katima-house to join in the camp fire.
so there we met up with tiff, cilla zach and antoine.
they had drank a bit but no one was drunk.
so i had a bit to drink thanks to tiff and antine, and we kept the fire goin. ray cam with vic, max and i as well

so @ 10:30 we decided ot g home, so we walked ome, ray and i went in a diff direction and i cahtted with him for a bit.

so i went stright to

this morning i woke up on my own again
got ready and went to work
this morning i helped katrina with her kindergaden start off thing, it was cool, the kids seemed to like me...i guess.

so i got lunch off early so i went to the house and ate there.
back @ work ther gonna build new kitchen things sooo i emptyed the cubbards and helped wth room change.

then i did some final touches with the flyer and sent it to karya.

then i went to paulines then i played games then for lunch we went to so ladys house ..i knew her, and we had a pot luck thing with her , us and paulines parents.
they played dr.mario lots.

then i left early and ive been on the com on my may24 shit, and transfering as much music as i can from her comp, and chattin and wrting on my blog...which is where im @ now.

- so all this week almso every day i beans
-today i istened to k6 while @ the house and it made me really miss home and concerts, i really just wanna mosh my ass off and have some kick ass fun.
--zane kept walking in while i was writing on my blog, its fucking anoying when ppl read shit off your screne, hes a lil pest..but w/e
-ive been out almos everyday this week, its been realy fun, justc chillin, it remnds me of the comfort of home and how everything is goin well and is fin, im happy again...go billeting, opefully things are better when we get back it think it will.

later days hombres

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