Monday, May 26, 2008

sooo @ our dance only 4 kids showed up, but it was ok we had tons of fun woth ourselves and with the highschool kids selling popcorn.

so sunday morning, we had free so everyone sleped in.
then we had crafts with pete. it was really cool, we all chose our mirrors and dryed plants and decorated our mirrir, i was really satisified with mine, i thought it looked really cool.

so while ppl were doin that the other went outside and played badminton, it was really fun, espically trying to keep the birdy from the dog.
vic, tiff and i were all caught in a water fight, it was fun lol.

then @ home we ate pizza then we had a house meeting, which zoomed by.
then tiff, cilla, zach, antoine and i went to the embasy, it was cool. antoine and i talked alot about steph and our opinions of her, he obvously felt stonger on his because he spends so much time with her...but he did make me realise some things about her...but i odnt know f i agree with it, or mabye i dont understand the role of a pl. i donno i guess ill see whats up.
so we chilled @ the embasy and then @ the park by the lake and we talked about lots of stuff.

the on our way home we saw ray and he showed us the sucker fish that were spawning on the shore, it was really cool.
then we went home and i went to bed.

this morning was normal, i got ready and went to work.
@ work i didint do much, it snowed...mother fuckers.
then @ lunch it was cool.
the afternoon @ work no one was there so i spent most of the time watching youtube videoes.
so we were suposted to go kayaking but we called david and he advised us not to go, so we switched for wed and we had our one-on-ones instead with steph.
she was having them @ the embasy, i thought it was a cool idea, she did it for privacy cuz we get none in the house. my meeting was a bit later so i didnt have to leave soon.
so @ the house i had 2 beers and read my book...animal farm. then it was about time for me to do my meeting, so i got my shit toughter and left, i was kinda late but i dint think it would matter..but also i knew i would get away with it. ( but i guess im expecting to much of her cuz shes too busy keeping track of everyone else)
so i got there and she was still talking to em, so i waited for a sec then we started talking..even tho i was half tipsy.
so not even asking about work or the lesson plans she asked how the trimester was...and i had said fine....then she told me to be honest so i was, and he got inot a really intense discussion about the situations in the house and all the things that bothered me and guess i brought a lot of thingd to her, but i guess its for the better. we also talked a lot about antoine and ill the issues that i had with hime, but it seemed like she was trying to cinvince me of theyre opinion and trying to sway the way i feel so that i couls feel better and understand the situation, but i donno what to think of it, i know what i know and feel and i donno if i could be convinced to see things a certain way or even if it is nessary or fair to everyone.

so then our meeting was cut short cuz it was tiffs time, steph wanted to keep talking but i said that it wouldent be fair to tiff to take over her time.

so back @ the house i taked to em about or convos with steph. then ray came over with vic and tons of vidoes, that was really cool, so we started to watch i am legend, but half way through i took a shower, then i chtted with kayla for a wile b4 goin to bed.

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