Thursday, May 29, 2008
woek up, again it was kinda empty.
work was cool, kinda busy, i think we made lemon poppyseed cake for the kiddies, and i played tons with eric, he would bring up one of the cardbord blocks to his head then he would throguh it, and then i would do the same...he thought it was halarious, i had
so @ lunch it was kinda hectic but cool, so i ate the went back to work. i was given some jobs to do and did it soon, then downstairs i saw the teen moms jess and the blonde french one, their cool, we talked for a bit. then they left. so then i got some assignments to do but it was already time to i made myself a note then i left.
sfter work i went to the rec centre and worked on our grandma door i did that really quickly then i saw tylor @ the skate park and i talked with him a bit then i left home.
i was somewhat earlier than i expected so we ate, josianne was late so their kinds wasnt enough food for her, so she had a sandwhich.
then we had to get ready for kayaking, so i put in my contacts which took like 1/2 an hour..and got didications by tiff ans was really funny.
so we left. so we got there and we got sutited up and went to the kayaks, then david wells had us play a game with the paddles while we waited for our guide.
so the she came and we got the low down on the kayak then we were off, we were all partnered up, em and i were was cool.
we were goin for a wile b4 i couldent feel my feet, so we switched on this sand island in which we sank in so much. then we were goin and i was tellin em to stear but she didnt get it...the rudder wasnt in..LMFAO
we went buy some falls, it was really cool. then we went thought this passage which was once a tradiong post...really nice.
then em and i sped to the dock, we were goin so effin fast, we really liked it.
then we were @ the dock and the other ppl that were thewre had started a fire, we were invited to go but steph wanted to leave asap so that she could pack and do katima-stuff, some of us were kinda pisses cuz whenever we stay there we stay long, and ppl said that she has time to pack and shouldent have left it for later...but w/e.
so then we went home and then em started to watch p.s. i love you in french so i sticked around for a wile then i went to bed, but b4 then i said good buy to em cuz she was leavig @ night home for 4 days so be there for her moms graduation, its really cool.

so TODAY....
morning was EMPTY as usual, then i went to work
work was ok, lots of kids, it was fun. did some work in the morning but got it all done..yay me.
@ lunch i made mac and cheese then i shared soemw tih the HMs. then i was off to work.
not many ppl here just the reg 2 kids i have to look after for the thursday stuff they do. so then i got some more stuff done then i lwft for home...but b4 then i went to northers and bought some sox...cuz i needed them. then on my way back i saw jamie and the other dude he works with, i chatted with him for a bit then he invited me to the bar, its cool. then i went home where i had a lil fun with the water gun, then we started eating when karya showed up...she has to talk to us.
she let us know that we were gonna be the LAST katima-group in wawa. she had let us know that the group that was suposted to be here isnt comming, that their too small and that they had to merg with another goup. she said that it was the first time this was ahppening because of lack of recuitment for the program...woah! so we didnt have to make a welcome package, nor cook for the next group, what it means is that we had to clean up the house and start packing stuff for the were gonna pack up a house twice...i thibnk its gonna be wierd being the group to leave wawa for a long wile...its kinda sad.
so we kinda rushed karya out then we had our french class, it was nice, then we marked our shit and vic, max and i wanted to go smoke up...we didnt have any papers so i mad a makeshift pipe, then we went off to this place by the hospital where we climbed up some rocks by the lake and smoked up there, it was such a nice place to do it, then we chilled there for a long wile then we headed back home.
@ the house everyone was watching a movie...hairspray, i stuck around for a bit but went to sleep soon after.

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