Thursday, May 15, 2008

so yesterday
i went to work,
vic kinda ditched her work to go paint grandma doors....good call

@ work i didnt do much in the morning
i watched the kids then i stayed for the safe kids day meeting thing, so that i have a better understanding of what were expected to do, and so that i can facilate my group..yay me.

so then back to watching kids, then i went for lunch
@ home there were a bunch of ppl.
so i ate and hung up my wet cloths...tons of them.

then @ work i helped robin and the fire lady pick out bikes and helmits for safe kids day...although i didnt do afternoon cool
so back @ work i didnt do much also.

today i didnt do much n the morning besides the usal
@ lunch their wasnt much to make, i made an omlet
back @ work i watched over to kids, that robin told me the "drama" about, pretty racy...lmao
and i worked on cindys scrapbook.
then we had to move all the books from the shelves in the back so i started on that then i went to the library to meet with vic and max.
so there i chilled with max and we worked on the flyers as we waited for vic, then vic came and told us that the tattoos that ray "drew" for her she found on google, so we didnt bother goin grocery shopping for the weekend untill she had talked with him. so she did and he seemed to cover up his tracks well, but neiher of us believe him, but w/e were lookin foward to a SICK ASS WEEKEND.
so @ home we had a french lesson but then the frank-a-phones didnt go to enlish class so steph told them they had a free night, then i said to her that that was not fair, and that if they get a free night that we all should get a free night. then she said that they will work on may24 shit, then cilla said that we shoudl all be able to work on it, then steph just fucking left the situation,, that pissed me the hell off, so b4 we started the lesson i said that we need to see what others are doin, cuz if anyone got a free night that i would leave. so we decided that the frank-a-phones would work on may24 shit and we would have our lesson...that didnt make em happy cuz she wanted to watch her movie, but i dint care. so we worked on our french song, then we sang a was cool

then ppl were off, so cilla and i had a walk/talk and we satyed out till like 10:30, it was cool, we say ducklings @ the top of a hill, but it was too dark to really see them, we wanna go back.

then @ home i went to bed.

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