Sunday, June 29, 2008

so sat was a pretty chill day we got to sleep in, so of course i didnt so i got up early and went on the comp and spent some time on it, then i went downstairs where cilla and max..hms made good. then i made toast then i proceded to finish reading skinny bitch, its a really good book, ppl should read it, then i continued to read no logo. then i got my shit that i left outside to dry overnight..opps.
so we had lunch, twas good, then we had commettie meetings, we had a quick big meeting with everyone to see our budgets and other shit, then we went off and did out thing, jo and i (healthy lifestyles) tried our best to plan some things...but really all the really good things we want to do were left on julie, i knida didnt like doin that but she knows ppl, which is good.

so then we spent all afternoon reading or on the comp or doin other shit. so thennnn we ate din din, then tiff, cilla and i got ready to go to the concert so we left, we saw 2 again the 2ed band was anglaphone..well at least the lyrics were so by the third band max and em showed up, they were a really good band...alfa rococo, they were fun, i liked their energy.
so then we came home when it was done and their wasnt much to do so i went to bed.

this morning i tried to sleep in again, but again i didnt really. so i woke, read a lil then i helped out the HMs with lunch andOR DINNER..LOL so now im on the comp...the other groups were suposted to come to the bach today but the weather is shitty so well see what happens,,,,yet again.............................................................

sooo none of the groups came, but we wnet ot thebeach anyways, we fent for a 3 klick walk it was nice, i stayed in the back most of the time just thinking, it was cool. then max, em and i decided to walk back..the bugs were bad, the whole way back they spoke in french, i felt left out so i pluged myself in and walked ahead, when i turned around to see them they were gone, so when i got back to the chalet place i went outside to chill till the others got back.
so then we went to the supermarket to buy shit for tomorrow @ the zoo!
then back @ home we had a free for al din-din. house meeting, it was pretty quick, then we chilled for a long wile while jolie had on-on-ones with max, cilla, and i read most of the time and we chatted for a wile, everyone who was downstairs.
then cilla and i went for a walk it rained, but it was a good walk, and now were back, its kinda late but whatever...gonna g to bed...later

Friday, June 27, 2008

to wed @ work it was ok, the day went by fast we did the usual boring shit, then as we were waling home i noticed some trumpets palying, and i knew it was a ska band doin sound check for the concer that day...there are free concerts everynight this week here...sweet.
so the band was plaing all really good ska covers all of which i knew so i was staning..more like skaning in the rian while thay did sound check, they seemed to like it. so then they asked if i was commin that night, i asked a quelle heur, and thwy told me 10...i was SO there. so then we visited vic @ her work, i told her of the concert, she seemed down and she told us that she was goin home, cool. so we chilled @ her work till it was time for her to leave so then we went home, i borugnt goodied for ppl from my work, plus i had found a kick ass i chilled @ the house we ate and i dicked around on the comp, then it was soon time for the concert, i got david , cilla and tiff to come with me...cuz it was raining, but as soon as we steped ousied it wasnt raining, so we get there and the other band was getting off, then the ska band came on, it was sick i instantly started skanking with tiff and david, cilla just stood there, it was a SICK set they played, the other should have come it was loads of fun.
so back home i went stright to bed.
thurs @ work we did shit, sorted thorugh batteries..shitty, but david talked lots with that one guy that worked there, he hmade a friend, i spoke a lot with him as well. so waliking home we herd the band again but i went strignt home, again i dicked around on the coma for a long wile but i also read the book skinny bitch, its reallf fucking good, ppl shoud read it. i decided not to go to the concert cuz i was tired, so we chilled downstairs max and i had a good convo in french, she was teaching me lots, it was good. then i went to bed, but right b4 i had a shower.

so today work was ok, it was kinda boring, they didnt have much to bo but david and iw orked eprately in the afternoon so it was cool. then we left, and now im home, on the comp again i read skinny bitch more, im almost half done, max and cilla are house managers, they made good food today, so its a free night i did laundry, and were gonna got to the concert, then mabye to the bar, i wanna just chill...well see what happens.

so after waiting forever for the girls to et ready we left, as we got there the band was already playing, it sounded fimaillar but i dint quite get it, then i walked by the merch tent and it was social, so i listened and they played one song i knew...that was cool, then the next band i didnt know but ppl were moshing so i moshed lots to them with the other ppl who all seemed to know the lyrics, it was sick, and the dude from my work was in the pit as well, it was SICK, so after the show we wetn to the where we al;l got teliqulia shots then we went to dance, ti was alright, some fun, so we stayed till 1:30 then booked it home..oh i lost the cariboo cluster pit in the pit, im sad about that.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

so jolie drove us to ourcamp site sat evening, so we set up tent and got ourselves organised we got our shit in the tent out then we paied the camp owners the rest of the money, it was nice there it was a small patch of land by the docks, except it wasnt meant to be a camp ground...verry makeshift, everyone there were "camping" in their perminant rv there...and the ppl were snobs...but some were nice...espically the ppl who owned the place.
so we did all that then we decided we go to the get some beer, so we walked over there and zach, antoine and i split a 24 it was cool, so we did that, brought it back to our harrassed by ppl for a wrist band we were suposted to have but didnt. so then we decided to go to eat, have some beer then head to the concert grounds, we go paied the 40$ to get there and we chilled in there for a wile, we saw that girl that came to the katima-house a few days b4, so we tsalked to her for a wile then we checked out the ppl playing, they were ok...too bad i didnt understand anything. so then we danced in the dance tent for a wiel, the dj was pretty good. then we went back again arrassed for wrist bands we didnt have. then to bed.
during the night the train was so fucking loud i thought we were gonna die...fuck man.
the next morning we ate the cheros, and chilled @ camp till lunch, we ate, had some beer then we checked out the town, and we also tred the beach, we had to pay to go to the beach, so we wanted to go back to get more shit if we had to we took a bus back...they had busses running for free all the time, so we took it back...zach and antoine we got back and it started pouring so we thought we could catch the bus and still catch up with zacha nd antoine but it started raining cats and dogs, so we stayed under a tent for a bit then went back to our tent and chilled there till the rain let up. so then we ate, had some to drink then we went to the concert was cool the ppl that played were ok..again i dint understand a thing. we saw that girl again and we chilled with her for a bit, then we wanderded off soo the concert was kinda lame so some went to bed but antoine, jo, vic and i went to the beach, we werent allowed to go cuz it was past cerfew but we found a way to get in just down the street so we got there and walked for a bit, then we saw ppl with a fire and they invited us to sit, it was sick cuz a few of them spoke english, so we talked with them they were form monteral, they were nice. so then apparently they stole the fire wook for a campsit they were infront so they paied for it then made friends with the ppl, but then the same securiety guard came to tell us that we couldent bere on the beach so we all left, took the bus back ...we said by then we went to bed.

so the next day was the big day.. the day b4 st.jean
we woke early, again and chilled @ the tent for a long wile. we ate lunch then we headed for the beach, we spent some time @ the beach, we had sneaked in the way we came in the night b4 it was sweet, the other ppl on the bus thee didnt know they had to pay guess we shoudle had told them, but whatever. we got to the bach and chilled for a bit, antoine and i snatched a soccer ball form the house and we played for a bit, then we went swimming then chilled in the sun. we saw our friends form the night b4, we said hi, then we left to the tent, but stopping off @ the dep to get more booze some ppl got food cuz we had none, so we camped out @ the tent ...ate and drank and waited for max, tiff ans cilla to come, to the show had started but we waited for them to come, finally they arrived and as soon as they got thier shit toughter we were off to the show.
@ the show we went to the front and a pretty good crountry type band was playing...max started dancing and soon many of us were, then we noticed the johnquier pl in the corud, after a wile i waved him over...he came and said, im not here and your not here, so i was like ok lets so we danced he left to tget a beer, once he came back he joined us dancing till the group was done, it was a blast. then we were wandering around and some kid came to ma and said "bonne St.JEan, tu es cool" i was so shocked someone was taling to me that all that came out was"merci" but that made my day, that someone french thought i was cool, and i didnt have to
so then we went back to the tent to drink up, again we were harrased for wrist bands that were never given to us. so we got drunk and i went to the dep with a bunch of ppl so get more beer, when we got back cilla was smashed, the ppl i went to the dep went tot he conceert. so cilla..yeah em, zach, tiff and i had to look over her, shes crazy, so we managed to get her to sleep in the tnt, em and zach ditched us, then cilla woke and we went to the concert, i saw max and vic in the bango thing tent then i saw em and zach and we watched this rocker guys concert..he sucked. then i was looking gor ppl, em was being a bitch...shes a real bitch when shes drunk. so we went back to the tent, where this time 4 guys form the cam harrissed us, but we went through. and everyone was here, so we chilled there for a long wile then we went back where this other band was playing, i wanted to see the pit and their was one, but as soon as i got it the song was over and it was thier last song, i was soo fucking pissed off. so their was a fire and other shit goin on, many ppl left and soon it was vic and i, we danced in the dance tent but the music sucked so @ arounf 2am we left for bed.
then next morning it was windy like crazy we all woke so ealy and then we packed our shit called julie to pick us up early, we got the tent ready then we left when julie came pacing the tent in the wind was really funny, we made it into an extrieme sport, it was halarious, we got back home, we gave the tent back and thanked the guy, we chilled the day, it was really quiet...ppl just ate and chilled the day, i read and did some laundry, we had pancaked for dinner it was really good, then i went tobed early...other watched accross the universe.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

today @ work it was cool, we didi a bunch of shit, and the ppl seem to be gettin used to us, so they try to mingle.

then we were told that we were only working till 11am cuz they didnt have enough work for us, it was i came home and i began cooking for the weekend while we were to go camping. so i did that for a wile, tiff and jo were home as well. jo made cookies they were really good. so i did that and i cahilled @ the house for a wile. then we had dinner then afterwards jolie offered to drive up to st.gelion to see the place and camp site. so we drove up there while listening to music in the van we danced in the was really fun then we finally got to the town and its a pretty small town, it remides me of cutting edge, so we checked out all these camping places..there were tons, we checked out a couple that were expensive, then we checked out the actual camp site em and i looked up, 15 bucks for the weekend but no one wanted that one.(losers) so we went off to another place where we got a spot of grass by the water in the private place for cheap, so were gonna go there. then we drove back home where we stoped @ the super market to get some more food then we went home. @ the hosue cilla and max finished off their was actng stupid and craving attension by wearing underwear on her head.

so after they did that we went to go dye my hair blue n the house behind the katima-house. max died my hair, it was cool, then i dyed hers.

after that we went over to the neighbours to sit by the fire....em had bothered us earlier to so we got over there anc hilled a bit, max left early then vic did, then it was em and i, the uys there were pretty cool, they tried to communicate with me, and i understood a lot of what they were saying which was pretty cool. so then it started to rain so we came back home, there i washed out my hair in the uptairs sink, then it was stained all blue, so i panicked and tried my best to clean it off, and luckly i did so then i bohered jo to go ont he comp..and here i am

its been really stressfull and frustrating with all he french that goes on here bu the frank-a-phones tell me that my french has improved and that ill be fine...but when it come to talking ot them im fine, but in real life situations i seem to chike, but i guess it will get bette...i hope.

im excited to go camping and go to the concert, its gonna be hella cool, and hopefully well get to meet maxs parents, it will be cool



Thursday, June 19, 2008

yesterday @ work it wasnt that bad, we did everyhting we had to do with out being asked, we prettymuch knew what to do, and some ppl tried to interact with us, the guy that works..the only older one, hes cool it was an ok day @ work, b4 we left the lady that knew english started a convo with everyone with us about katimavik and she explained to everyone our situation it was cool.
@ home we had offical languages things to do, em planned to watch a movie with everyone but the frank-a-phones had to do somethihng too, so tiff got them to write a story, em wasnt to happy and wrote a stupid ph..lame, but whatever so we watched this movie, which we didnt understand anything..barely...

@ work it wa sok, pl tried was a good day it passed really fast
@ home we had a quick meeting about learnig pans and shit, then we ahd to plan what we were gonna do this weekend for st. jean so em and i loked it up and w eplanned our means and what we were gonna do, camping and all
then it was a free night max and cilla were videotaping themselves altering too big shirts for threadbangers..cuz i introduced it to max andshe really liked it so they did that, it was funny
em wne tot he neighbours to a fire thing....yeah

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

saturday we wokr up reletavily early to help out with this fish derby like 45 min away from where we live, it was to be a cluster activity cuz our cluster was gonna be there. so we go there last, of course cuz we live the furthest, then we chilled for a liong while while the ppl in the house were havin a info thing, the ppl form the joenquier group were leading trafic. so i chilled witht he group and talked to their pl, we is so cool while talking we had said a few thing @ the same time..he even has a tattoo of a question mark on his arm, hes really cool.
so then ppl came out and were given fishing rods...including 5 for each house, so i set mine up and left for the river witha few others nthen we were told to collect river water to put into the ginormous fish tank they the fish can adjust, then we proceded to put in i thnk it was 3000 fish into this river so it was easier for ppl to catch fish so we did that then relaxed and watched as ppl caught fish, i cought a fish but the lour was too far in the fish so we had to kill it, so antoine smacked it against the bench, blood grose...lmao the they had hotdogs for everyone, then i had em help me ask for just buns...cuz of all the french and all. so then i had to track so much just to get my egg salad so finally i og t it, and everyone chilled, it was cool. then we were gonna go home bu then the chutimie house invited u to their place which was only 15 min away, so we wanted to but ppl wanted to go home, but we went, so we chilled there, we played soccer, then a bunch of us went into town were we chilled for a but, went into theis "rocker" store then we went along the river side where we herd a band playing, their was this even thing goin on for kids or something, so we watched this band play from monteral, i liked it they were ok...even though i dint understand a thing. then we had to leave but as we were some of got talking to their merch guy about katimavik..and he spoke english, which was cool, then we left for dinner. after dinner ppl got all dressed up in other ppls cloths then we headed for the bar, as we were goin there we bunped into the guys we talked oto and the guy from the band, they were really cool, they invited us to their hotel room to drink but we decided to go to the bar cuz we were waiting for ppl. so @ the bar a bunch of u got t-bo to order us pitchers, so we were all drinking and thier was thins band playing and they spoke some english, so we chilled with them for a wile, they were really funny, we had a good time with them.
then the culb part of the bar was open so we went there and started dancing, the some guys took our spot, but i guess thats how it is @ a bar, so we kept dancing, and it was just us for the longest time. michella and i danced for a wile and t-bo dance dowht vic for a long as, then it was time for uis t leave so we were all half wasted walking home to meet our pl so we got there and chilled there for a wile then juli came and drove us home ...when i got home i slamed on my bed

sunday we had kinda a free day we got to sleep in the afternoon we had to write our group cntracts so we did that then we had a free evening so vic, em, amx and i went biking around town, it was cool, we checked out the place, its a really nice town, we also went to the thrift store and checked out the place.

so monday it was the first day of work, david and i went there for 8:30 but it was too early, were suposted to start @ 9 so we chilled in the emploie room till 9, then @ 9 we got a tour of the place and then we got to work, we pretty much were told what to do by this lady, who didcated everything to me and hoped i knew what she was tlaking about, and luckly i did...somewhat, too bad david didnt. so david followed me around the store the whole day, it was kinda anoying. so the ppl that work there a re kinda creapy, there their ciz they have social problems or something and are to be intergrated into society though the thrift its kinda shady
@ linch david told them he had no linch and they sent him home to get lunch...cuz we NEED a linch there cuz we do suck physically demanding work...somewhat.
so we wandered during our lunch hour and i bought food @ max then we went back to work, they sent us home early so we left and i chilled @ home, i really didnt like the job and i didnt wanna go the next day, but i was gonna give it a wile, it was a free night and jolie asnt expecte back till tomorrow morning so we went out and got soem bears and coolers for the girls, and we had a few to drink IN THE HOUSE..DUN DUN
then we went to bed.

Tues morn..this morning
we went to work, it was ok we did work, they tought us how to do some things and we did it, it was kinda aquward with ppl during lunch but i tried to start a conversation with michel..the mousish looking guy there...hes nice so we were let off early again and they told us that from now on we got to go home @ 3 cuz we do hard work and dont get paied..SWEET.
back @ home i still didnt wannago to work.nobody talked with us or interacted with us. and the french thihng is really frustrating. in the evening it was my comettie...healthy lifestyles..with josianne and we decided that we would play ultimate frizbee with the group right by our house so we played for a wile, and the other group kept fouling, so we played till vic lost the frizbee in the river

then bed

Thursday, June 12, 2008

sooo our final prez wnt well...ui guess....but i thought it fucking sucked, the farewell party was cool, petes son...angus was there....hes had just finished katimavik 3 days b4...CRAZY

it was cool taling to him and about his experience.

sunday cleaned cleaned and cleaned some seemed like everyone was doin some was awseome
we cleaned EVERYTHING it was crasy, espically the downstairs, i started with the storage room on my own then a bunch of us cleaned out the downstairs and it was the cleaniest iid ever seen it, cleaner than the other group had left it. and i cleaned and organised the kitchen...with tiffs help as well as josiannes.

so then we had to do some debriefing, so zach and i had a quick fire made, then we did an activity around the fire, it was nice except for all the bugs.
so after wards steph had told us that he had a small gift for us to share, but we had to be so secretative about it, and she pulled out a bottle of wine...a few ppl were suprised..but not really, so we all took a glass and poured some then we had a toast to wawa and drank up, their was another bottle for us but we decided to have it inside uz the bugs were too bad, so inside i took the bottle but i also brought out the icecream...whixh their was way to much of...even for david.
so we ate and ate and drank, and we had a really cool chat with steph and her last group and a bunch of shit..lots to do with katimavik..but lots came out.
then i was just foolin with em and pretending to put caremel in her hair, but some actuall fell into her hair so then she put tones in my hair, then some in stephs and then a few ppl were in on a caramel fight thing, it was kinda funny but it stoped the party cuz ppl had to shower to get it all out of their hair...myself included, but it was cool.

so i showered then i went out to finish the last of our weed. and i took a quick strol

so we did all this cleaning then we had some free time, so a few of us went to the drill rig were we signed our katimavik and yeah, it was cool, and we chilled on the dock for a wile, i guess just to say good bye.

so monday some of us had woken up early to go weigh out luggage @ mariettes which turned out to be quick and extriemly helpful.
back @ the house we had to do some last minute cleaning and take apart our most of us cleaned...except antoine, who the day b4 also didnt do much cleaning.
so we ddi that then dave, max and i went out and we went to my work place to drop off paulines letter, then we went ot value mart to get some plane food.
then we went to the house where we did some last minute cleaning, ray came over and cooked some prickel for us, it was really good, tasted like chicken. so we ate icecream and ate fish and waited in the living room amongst our luggage waiting for the bus.
the manatuage pl came by a few time looking for us and the bus, then it finally showed up, so we loaded up onto it, then we saud good bye to ray then to steph then i gave her a letter then we went onto the bus and i sat near the back with ezgi and em (form 100mile) so we chilled for a wile amongst ourselves then we stoped by @ a provincial park, we went to see the paintings on the walls, so we chilled @ the center for a bit then we took a quick ride to the place, and it was a short hike to the bottom of the clif where the wall paininings were, so we all took turns in groups of 10 looking @ the painitngs, they were really cool, we were on the rock ledge where the earth and water met, it was realy nice, we went barefoot. so i was the first group and while waiting for the other groups i walked along the rocks on the other side of the clifs, then ezgi and i went off pretty far, but then we got caught and we were told to get we did.
so then we all finished then we went back to the centre were we went tot he display thing @ the back then tiff and i went off to the beach area, where we saw antoine all wet...he had jumped into lake superior. so then we were all called back onto the bus then we went to some of the parks staff housing where we were to have dinner, so i preped it then em served it.
the guys that lived in the house came by so i chilled with them outside for a wile with some otgher, they were really cool, they were park naturalists, so they lived there, got paied minimum wage and serbved the park...and they dot need any edu. for it, so i asked how to do it and they told me to visit, the ministry of natural resources web page and sign up, sounds really cool.
so then it was our time to leave so i helped clean up a bit, which the guys really apprechated. so we left the place to our rotation was a long ride there but we finally got there, it was kinda late, we did a quick intro to ourselves and the leaders there then we had free time to do whaatever, so a bunch of ppl went for walks alll over the place, but the bugs were so bad that eventually everyone ended up inside, where we snacked on stuff, and played games, a few of us played the wolf game, it was fun while it lasted, then megan, kaya and i stayed up really late talking about our houses and the problems, or lack there of when compared to it was cool, then we went to bed.

so we had a great day planned for us the next day
so we were woken up by robin...the coodernator for the weekend, then we went up ot the main cabin for there were 2 ppl assigned to set up from each group, so when i walked in therough the kitchen i saw 4 ppl gettin shit ready, vic, david, megan, and the french one from wadge thern i sat @ the table where only 9 places were set and all of marathons stuff was in a pile where the places were set, so i asked t-bo, and simon(who were to set up) and they said that it was up to out group so set up for themselves, i thouught it was really childish to think of themselves like that...weve always brought enough for everyone and shared..but whatever, wadge and u shared our stuff and many ppl blew off marathon...
so after breakfeat we were to do some de-briefing. so we got started, doin some geo-cashing thing with the old pl that also came to help us so it was pretty cool, we set off with these gadgets to find pices of a quote which were hidden in jars spread out. so we did it, but my group only got 3 and gave up soon cuz of all the bugs...they were bad.
so then we did a canoe foe steph and we eash made a paddle and wrote our names and something that we learned this trimester. then we made a poster for our new pl, and it was all just random stuff about us., then we had lunch courtest fo the manatuage group, it was tacos, it was really good, espically the re-fried good, so we did than then we had a little bit of free time, so i helped clean up.
after free time we did an activity...i cant rember what we did but then we had tons of free time, so most ppl chilled in their cabins cuz it was raining like crazy i went on a short hike, then michella and i played yatzee with that pl, and we talked tons about katimavik, and our experiences and hers, it was really cool. then t-bo came and michella, i and t-bo talked for a long wile, then ezgi joined then kayla, then we went off to bed, we only were gttin 4 hours of sleep, so i tried to go to bed, but the other guys in the next room were loud and anoying but eventually i fell asleep.

so we were all woken up @ 3am, and everyone was pretty tired and on edge cuz of lack of sleep, and we got all our shit ready and when the bus finally came we saw that it was a school bus, so were were kinda freaking cuz all of us and our luggage wouldent fint in it, so mat, t-bo, blake and i all helped in loading up the bus, it took a wile and some fine tetris work but we all managed to be cramed on that bus.
so lotys of ppl were a sleep and the other were listening to mp3 players, we stoped @ max where i got some food, then we headed to the airport, i was one of the first in line, and my liggage was 52lbs, and 48lbs, i was super stoked that we didnt have to go throuh the complication of last time, so i got my shit done then it was time for us to bord, so all that were to bord got on, that is 6 of my group and all of the manatuage house, so we went on the place (vic, cilla, zach, max, em and i...couldent have picked a better group) so it was cool, we got to T.O. and we said good bye to ad, then we found some other groups that were goin to the bc clsuter we were in, they seemed cool, then we found our gate and i headed over to see my mom, vic and em came as well, so i saw mae and she wanted to give me so much stuff to bring onto the place, but i was, i have to many cloths already, and i knida got mad that she bought new things fro me...when all that i asked for but anyways she gave me my b-day present, it was a new nice i was pretty stoked.
so then we borded our plane, and we headed for monteral, once there em and i went for a long walk around the it, then we went back chilled then got on the place for quebec city. so in quebec city we didnt get out luggage right away so we fille dout some shit then the next plane our shit came...cept for cillas but we lft our stuff there with theis really nice security guard guy in this room, then we all took a taxi to quebec city and we chilled there for a wile, it was so fucking nice there, then we had a bear @ a resturant and ate some food. so then after a long tour of the town we got on another taxi back where EVERYONE was there including another cluster, it was neat meating everyone, too bad all the hippie ppl were in the other cluster. so we had a long ass bus ride where ezgi, michella zach, antoine and i played cards @ the back.
then we dropped off chutumi then the st. jean hubert (ithink) then us, when we got here we looked @ the house and it was really fucking nice, and the river is RIGHT ACCROSS THE STREET. zach and i have a ucking hudge room and it is super nice here.
we sleped

thursdaywe had our job visits, theris really nice then we had luinch then we visited more work partners then we had a free night where we walked around town and checked theings out, also we unpacked and glorified the house.

fri we had job interviews it was cool i guess, they all said my french was good, and out of the analgaphones it is, but not really. then we had a lunch thing but they didnt have anything veggie so we ordered for the menu and they ahd such good shit there @ the cafe thing. then that afternoon we had off so we dicked around again..cant really rember what we did

Sunday, June 8, 2008

on wed
em and i made sish-ca-bobs...i think and we roasted them over the fire,if not then we had nachos, it was another pretty chill day.
we had de-briefing @ my work, so we went there, i said hi to judy and we did some reflection activities and then we were off.
after that i was a free night so i had gone for a quick walk the get stoned then i came back home and went to bed.

em and i didnt have to cook cuz we were havin dinner @ mitchopen first nations, so we cooked for rotation camp.
@ the native reserv they had started a fire and we all ate the good food. we tought the kids how to do my little pony, but they obviously thought it was dumb but then zach did it infront of them all out, it was so funny, i think they were uncomfortable. then the little kid got inot an accident and hit a tree with his bike and lost a tooth, that sucks.
then thay started to sing and drum, it was awseome then they gave us all t0shirts, i really wanted a pink one but they didnt have it in my size, so i got a blue one, then vic and david showed us then island rock thing, it was really nice there, a native girl came with us and we talked for a bit, shes cool.
then antoine went over to the other island, so he took off his socks and shoes and went, then we took his shoes and moved them farther up the rock
so we got back and said our thankyous then we left...saying good bye to evland...for a long time.
so back home i stayed up late then as i went to bed i noticed i light on in the downstairs

we dint have to cook as well cuz we were goin to tiff billet for dinner
so again em and i cooked for rotation camp
so @ tiffs billet family they got me to cook the vegie burgers then we had hamburgers wile everyone else had chicken off the grill, smelled so good, so then we ate so fuckin much then they came out with desert and i had 2 servings, it was sooooo good.
then we had a quick meeting in the house then they took our picture, as we walked away we saw some people all dressed up and vic got so excited cuz it was prom night here, so she was like HAVE FUN!
then we all deciced to smoke our shit on the rock the we went to a wile ago, so we went to the rocks, then i herd ppl hoeling so then i howled back and it went back and fourth for a wile, so then we did our deed ans chilled there for a wile then we went down when it got dark then we went to the dock and talked about em and zach in the room yesterday then we watched the lightng storm for far away.
then we came home and i went to bed.

so yesterday i got up really early to make oatmeal for the group, the i wnt back to sleep, then i woke up had something to eat then we started cleaning the house, espically downstairs, it was sick, we got a lot done, so then we borrowed a lawn mower form ray and it was a manual one so vic mowed the front lawn and i mowed the back, it was kinda hard, espically all the weeds and stuff.
so then i took a long ass break and it seed as though ppl were packing so then ppl just packed till it was time to go to karens cottage, so we were gonna leave but b4 then we got maxes apprisal letter, the we got mine then we dropped off rays lawn mower.
so then b4 goin to karens cottage they shoed us the bump road, and it was bad but max said it was a lot worse.
so then we headed to karens cottage, it was a wile into the middle of nowhere, but it was really really nice there.
she had 2 dogs and was right on the beach, so we ate her really good food...sooo good, i was so full, then a bunch of us decided to go into the sauna and we then jumped into the lake, it was really cold but not too cold, so you could enjoy yourself.
then we did it a bunch of timees, then back @ the house i had some ATTACKED by bugs then em and i went on the paddle boat, we went round the island there, it was super nice, then we stayed outside and played for a bit, then we took a group photo then we left to go see the beaver damn.
so we got lost on the way there and decided to just come back home.
so we were waiting for the soo group but then i had to order pizza and get a bninch of groceries so em tiff and i went to do that then steph picked us up, then i went to max to get milk wile they went to the columbia rest. to get our pizzas, so i ran there with my milk then we drove home, and we all bet on wather they would be there or not, so just as we were about to turn the corner steph stoped the van then went and we saw that they were there. so we got in i put my shit away then we chiolled with them for a wile, zach started the fire, and we chilled outhere for a long time by the fire, even though it was spritically raining.
àso then the pls left o go have some fun @ the motor in, we were suposted to go bowling but it was closed for renivations.
so then the pls left and some of us decided to go for a walk and get high, like 6 of us smoked up and the others were there just to be social, so it was cool, we came back i chilled by the fire with a few ppl, then we tried to build a tent thing, in which lana tried to take all the credit for and jordan wouldent let her, so i pretty much chilled out there for the longest time, then they had to leave, so we saw them off, and it sucks cuz were not gonna see them for a long ass time, if ever...proving again thet the worst thing about katimavik ios seeing all the people youve met leave. but its ok
so they left then i wrote my warm fuzzies, ray was here as well, then abunch if us went to the beach to drink, then the of ages ppl went to the bar and i came back home, i set up breakfeast and went to bed.

this mornig we had to do our recordings for the filal prez, but its almost time to go and their not done...suprise suprise.
so im just on the comp and im dicking around.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

this morning i got p, i kinda sleped in, i did the dished then washed the washroom, then em woke and we cleaned a but, then it was lunch so we took a break while ppl ate lunch, i got zach to help me bring out the couch so we can sit on it and enjoy the sun, so we did and i managed to rig uo the speakers to go outside and play on our mp3s, it was really nice.
so then ppl left then the guy came to fix our laundry machine, so he we have to set it to hot..onhly, but cold water will come
so while he was here em and i cut up so many things for our shish ca-bob dinner, then we went out.
we had gone to the lib to check our e-mails then to the post office so i can send my package home..only $16!!! so then we went to maxs then to mr.vallee park, we walked to the lake and found a chill spot to smoke up, so i had to take the shit out of my deoderant pack, but then it fell into the water, so i was so determened to get it we took the trail all over then em lead me to it, and we found it!!!, we were soo happy so we smoked up, then chilled @ the benched for a wile, then we went back home and stopped @ rainbow gifts for a wile, talked to the lady there.
then @ home we started cooking the things that needed cooking for the shich ca-bobs then it was ready, i set up the shit outside and zach made the fire, it was really nice, the group seemed to like it, i liked it it was cool to get to do.
then we dicked around for a wile after cuz arhery was later, so i painted stripes on one of my shirts, then we left for archary, there we met up with darel and his daughter jen.
then guy there seemed to like us, so we helped set up then soon they showed us all how to do it, and we were all shotting like pros, i really liked it, it was lits of fun.
back @ the house theri want much to do so im writing in my blog....later days.

Monday, June 2, 2008

Sunday - yesterday
i sleped in then i woke up to ppl talking, but it wasnt any voice i knew, so i got up and saw some random people, but right away she introduced herself to me...i forgot her name but she was a past participant and she lived in this house around the same time last year, it was cool to her here experiences herer and they told us about quebec.

then vic made me pancakes, VEGAN pancakes..they were really good.

then karya came to help us plan with our farewell party, so she prettymuch took control and told us what to do, i had spoken up to her but i dint think it really mattered to her, and kept insisting we do things her now were inviting the whole town thriugh the radio and shit..i think its dumb...but w/e, "its cuz were the last group in wawa"

then she left and we got to work..typing the shit we needed to do.
then i did the invitations and then we had a free noght so i stayed up so late, and i tried to blaze again but it blew
so i went home and then went to bed.

i saw em and i gave her a hug, then we chilled for a bit then we started claning the kitchen, it took us a wile and we found bugs...YUM!
so we did our shit then i started my soup then we watched chicken run till a bunch of ppl came home, then i made potatoe things for was it was a free evening, our 4th free evening in a row, so naturally i was i chilled a bit then i organised my stuff to pack but i had to do was broken, but thn a guy came to fix it and he said he was commin tomorrow morning, so it was us to me as house managers to be up by the time he got there., then vic, em and i went to youngs for some ice cream, it was good, then we looked around and i saw this knitted sweater that was SICK, i wanted it but it was summer and it was 80$$$ which isnt bad but not during katimavik.

so we chilled for a bit around and all over the place then we split up and i went back home alone.
@ the house ppl were doin their i was just on the comp then ray and vic show up, we chatted for a bit then i went for a midnight strole then i got stoned not far from our house, then i went stright to bed, it was nice.