Monday, March 31, 2008

soo, yesterday we got to sellp in again!

cept most of us didnt,
so vic and i were house managers, so we made a breakfeast brunch for lunch.
it was good, but the oven here fucking sucks and the top was burnt, the oven is like perminantly set to high, so we have to watch our food like night hawlks.

so then we pre-made nacho dip for dinner.
then after lunch we had a house meeting and planed the rest of our weekends here, then we had a feeling meeting, it was good we let a bunch of things out..and josianne cired again, aboiut stuff we already said that were goin through....anyways.
after that we had commetie time, it was cool, vic and i could think of things to do, fun things, and we need more time to plan things now.

so then we had a free evening, cuz were awesome and blazed theough the meeting and commettie time.
so we all chilled for a wile, then i cleaned up my room, and sfter that i decided to go for a walk, as i was walking out cilla wanted to come, leavin the ppl watching the movie.

so we stayed out for a long time just talking, and we were stalkers and followed some teenagers, it was funny, we had fun,

and when we got back ppl were still chilling then i went to bed.

this morning zach was cool to wake me, i was the first person to leave to work.
@ work i spent lots of time readin shit about my job.
then i did some office work, and i got to go home for lunch. there were tons of ppl here.
so back @ work i had my work orientation, the boss is cool.
then i fixed up some tables and then cleaned for a bit.

hopefully ill get to play with the kids soon.

and today were suposted to meet our new pc..who lives in wawa...exciting!

yeah the pc is nice, but shes butch and had a mustach.....yeah, but shes really nice and gave us tons of ideas of what to do while were here.

Saturday, March 29, 2008

sooo, today we got to sleep in cuz steph is awesome.
i had a quick lunch then we went to peets house, he lives in a georgiuos place right in the lake...lake superior, it was soooo fucking nice, we got to go for a walk on the property, in the rocks by the bay, so fucking beautiful.
so then we got back to the house pace and then we made hot dogs, it was really good, then we got a tour of peets workshop, he does these crazy things with glass and windows, its really nice.
he also is really good with wood.
then i wandered off on the other side of the bay that is harder to get to...zach was thwere b4.
so i went there, it was sooo nice and i stayed there for a wile....i thought about willow, yeah its corny but what ever.

um when i got back steph was workin on a snowman and a bunch of us were havin a snowball fight. then we got to go to the sauna, so a few of us went, it was really nice.
and when i steped out for a wile antoine threw cold dirty gorung water on me, i thought it was funny but i acted pisses so that i cound get him back.

so after a few more min in the sauna i got dressed and we left, we said our thanks to pete

so back home i worked on a fish stencil for a shirt, and i actually got to make my shirt.
so we ate what em and jo-jo made then we made a group contract after that.
then antoine, vic, em, max, tiff, and i went to the bowling alley, it was cool there, we had fun anf got to dance to sublime, their cool there, and antoine played fooz ball with lil kids, it was cool

afterwards we went to max and then walked home, then some random dudes asked us if we wanted weed, so funny, then some guys in a truck asked us for cigs, it was funny, and were all like woah, no ones shy in this town, then wile walking home the same guys in the truck dorve back and fourth on the streets, and stared @ us, it was funny, cuz they really had nothing else better to do.

@ home a bunch of ppl were playing risk...yeah thats it

later days....bitches

Friday, March 28, 2008

so today was the work interviews i thought they wnet well.
so we did that @ 9 but we all stayed uo late so we woke up all tired, espically atoine,
so then we got back home and cilla and max fixed a lunch, it was really good, then
we had one on one meeting with steph, and she told us where we were working.
im workign @ the early years walk in place, it gonna be good there, im only workign there cuz they really wanted me there, i guess i selled my self too much on that one, i wnated to work @ the reserve, but it want a place i didnt wanna work @, it was my top 4. so i guess im excited to work.
then a bunch of ppl went to value mart...the grocery store, and vic and i broused in stores aroung town, the sale rack @ one store is ok, but theres nothign there.

then we went to the grocery store and rove home.
@ home ppl fixed up dinner...lazy good,
after dinner a bunch if us went on a walk on the lake then antoine and i climbed up this rock thing, it was soo nice there, it was crazy.

so then we went for a long walk to the rec center, we stoped by the bowling alley, and foung the times there, and general store and then the rec center, that closes @ 4, it fucking sucks. so then we walked back. and we saw teenagers.

@home em is making funnifs.

-were all bitching about josianne cuz no one wants to deal with her drama, she cried again today, but no one cared cuz all she wants is the attention.
-i donno if i like my job, hopefuly ill like it.
-its a pretty nice town, nice ppl
- the tourist center is closed, its open during tourist season, which is ...never.

thurs was work interviews, then a bunch of us went on a hike on the lake then antoine and i went up the small mountian thing, it was so nice there, i think imma god for me time, its too beautiful there, we also explored behind our house

and vic, em and i went for a long walk and ahd so many funny times that night

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

so today we did so much fucking traveling, and im now @ the wawa house.
its a nice house, their was some conflict over whos whos in the girls rooms, but i think its all good now. and the guys room is downstairs and its a really big room, and it has a hudge colset for all our shit.
te downstairs in really big, theirs loads of space down there.
its a smaller house than williams lake, but i wouldent call it a small house, it really nice.

so theirs theirs so much show here, like mountins of it, ive never seen it like this, its crazy.
i have a cold.

so rotation camp was @ gavin lake. i love it there.
so we just did a bunch of exercises and reflected on ourselves...not much about work suprisingly.
and we had to say good bye to our pls, it was really emotional for some ppl, and all the pls cried, yeah, it was sad.

so we chilled out there, ill write more later...mabye abiout it.
OH!, phobe, paula and i drank that night, i got drunk, we had a dance party in the games room, it was fun.
then we chilled in the lodge for a long wile. i had fun.

soo we travles a shit load, and i should be sleeping right now.
we took a buz to prince george, 3hrs, waited @ prince george for 2hrs.
then a place to vancouver-1hr, and stayed in vancouver for 2hrs.
then we took a flight to toronot-5hrs, and we stayed in toronto for 3 hrs.
i got to see my mommy in toronto, and my g-mom as well as my bro, it was really nice to see them, and a bunch of ppl got to meet them.
i also saw vics best friend, shes nice.
also in toronto another katima group camr to chilll with us for a wle, they came from timmons...i think and were headin to where we were in the cariboo...i think.
they were....nice....
so then we had to say good bye to the quesnel group and it sucked, ill miss them...mostly phobe, david, paula and amrarose.
so we got on a place to seaut ste marie-1.5hrs
and we waited in the airport for 5 hrs...probly longer.
we chilled there, then we met the new group in our cluster, they were nice except one dude who kept acting like he was too cool for us...not that we cared, but he was rude...kinda.
so then we got a coach bus for like 3hrs where then we stopped off first @ our wawa house

our new pl steph is really cool, and she seems really laied back.

she dosnt seem really fond of her old group and got really excited when the girls made a meeting about the room isue, shes excited for it will be chill here.

vic, antoine, cilla, em, and i went for a walk, it a fregin small ass town, like one street where everything is at. but i guess its ok....well mabye not, well see, i need to make friends

ill write more later, when ive had some sleep

Monday, March 24, 2008

so b4 torrey left yesterday he gave us all cards, in which we wrote on them backwards so that we had to read then on a mirror i thought it was really cool. hes a really smart dude and really cleaver, imma miss him.

so were suposted to clean the house today, 100mile is commin and 3 of them are gonna stay to help clean, cuz beau cant take them all at once, so that will be cool.

but ppl are still sleeping now so were gonna wake them soon to clean

so quesnel came with beau and most of them left, so their david is here, paula and the chick with the peanut allergies is here, so were all waiting to go to gavin lake, im filled with anticipation, i dont wanna leave but then again i do.

so the house looks shitty, without us
hopefully the new group of 5....fucking 5 ppl...will aperaciate it, cuz we did and hopefully jess will be all good.

g2g...hopefully ill have pics of my travels...ttyl

love ya'

...good bye williams lake, ill miss you.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

friday i met up with willow and a bunch of her friends @ verns.
it was colten, some hippie metal head cool dude, colitns gf oshi, chelsie and vic came along too.
so just as we were leaving em and "her bf" kyle, so we went to dennys and then to the park, but vic left b4 that, so we had tons of fun, and sung on the big swining ship in the park.

then we went to some dudes house ...dlyan
he was @ the concert b4, he wasnt @ home but logan and josh were there drunk off their
so then some wierd shit happened and we had to leave, i thought it was funny, cus i was totally obvlious to what was going on.

then willow drove me home as the other ppl walked chelsie home,
so willow drove me home, we had fun.

so yesterday morning saturday morning, we all had a pancakes then it was kinda a free morning, but we all were suposted to pack or help with dinner. i did neither, i stayed downstairs with all of 100miles luggage and thought about her.

so then we had leftover for lunch then we had to fill out warm fuzzies for till dinner, so i finished it really soon, while still writing a lot. then i took a nap.
so then tiff woke me while making cranberry sause.

then we had a big turky dinner, and all i ate was mashed potatoes, but it was sooooo good.
then as soon as i finished i rushed off to the concert. on my way up i saw willow and chelsie drive by. then i want to the concert and dlyan was @ the door.
so i went in and willow was there as well as kenans friend teigan, kenen wasnt there so he gave me a hug for him.

so then i chilled with the stoner metal head dude for a wile and tried to mingle a bit, it was cool, but the bands took forever to set up...
so they finally started playing, but after revriend mindy their wasnt may ppl there

then in the middle of the show, between bands some small ass midget chick was yelling @ willow, she seems really sad about something, but i idnt wanna get involved, but i wanted to kinck

but it seemed that the peoblem was resolved quickly.
so after the show kenan showed up and i huged him and go to say good bye.
then we stook around for a wile and waited for the bands to clear our.
then a bunch of us went to dennys, it was me, willow, jeff, chelsie, dylan, and logan, then josh showed up and then the band "conversation" was there, their really cool dudes.
so then the other binch from town played "dennys and dragons" fuck josh is so fucking funny, a stupid ass story of just stupid crazy funny shit...we laughed our asses out.
so then we split up, willow and i went back to the long house and the others to chelsies.
willow and i went to the long house to picck up a duffel an other band forgot there. so we spent tome time there... then we went off to dennys to give the band the duffel bag, then willow decided to pay for their meals....guess that band will be back

so then we went off to chelsies place where the band was chiling downstairs and the teens were upstairs in her room, so we all chilled while they were still playing dennys and dragons.
so we chilled for a long time then i had to go home. so i got willow to drive me home, so b4 i left i said good bye to a bunch of ppl, it fucking sucked, espically sayin good bye to josh and chelsie.
then willow drove to the end of the street, then we walked up to the property, cuz were allowed to be there, and we said good dye, it really sucked to say good bye.

then i went inside where anotine and em were awake. i had to knock on the upstairs living room cuz the downstairs door was locked.
so then i went to bed.

...ive grown really attached tot this town and i really dont wanna leave, ive made too many really really good friends here, many of which remind me of home.
i really dont wanna leave, but im excited to move on. but i will be back.
i have to come back.

so this morning we got up and it was a free morning, beau was here to get our luggage as well as 100 miles.
so i woke up just intime to see hime, then he left.
so i ate breakfeast, then chilled for a but. then we had lunch i had my zoodles and the rest had turkey was good aparently.

so then we started de-briefing, it was loong abut good, we talke mostly about ourselves rather than the 3 months in the community and work..which is what i expected.

we did this thing where we all got into the middle and everyone had to say something nice about us...kinda like a good bye thing, it was really good. good moral booster.

then she handed out our warm fuzzies
so a bunch of other broing stuff happened, then torrey came by to say good bye and he stayed for a but while we made dream catchers...thx cilla.

so torrey helped david with his, also jess was doin like 5 min one on ones ten antoine and i went off with torrey to the 7/11 and we talked for a bit, and now im here. and the hosue is a pig sty
and yeah...i thinkg imma do lots of thinking these next few days about williams lake.
i will really miss it here espically the people, its all about the people.

oh well, ..."every little thing gonna be alright"

to be continued... hopefully if i stay up
cuz tomorrow were goin to gavin lake...leavin williams lake......damn.

Friday, March 21, 2008

so on thurs was our last day of work, so we lounged around for a bit then they took tiff, i and david to dog and suds for lunch, it was good there.
the they took us to the tourist place where we got pins for everyone.
the @ work we lounged for a long wile then we exchanged info and tiff and i gave them our cards then we said our good byes and went off.
then walking home we encountered max and em and vic, it was cool so we all had a nice convo while goin back, we all hated to say good bye, but we all want to come back.

so @ home we got ready to go to mings place for dinner
so there we all had some really good "western" chinese food....sooo good.
and he talked to us a bit about Chinese food and his restaurant.
then @ home vic and i started to make bread for the next group commin, so we did that and while we waited for it to rise i packed on of my luigages, but it so fucking heavy and im worried that ill have to pay so much to fly with it...jess suggestes shipping it gray hound to out place cuz it might be cheaper....well see.
then the bread was risen so we put them into pans and i put one of mine with a fork in it....just as a little suprise for the next group. then david and i went for a jog and that was cool.
thenwhen i got back we baked the bread then i went to bed.

this morning a bunch of us work up really early to get soem breakfeast @ the gecko tree...its soo fuckiong good there.
so tiff, max, vic, cilla and i went to eat.
when we got back we had to all clean up the house, vic and i had the upstairs living room, it took us all so long to clean, so vic and i fifnshed early so we helped out soem ppl just glad we did our cooking yesterday.
then i called my mommy, and got a talking to about my tattoo, but its all good, imma see her @ the airport on wed when we travel.
so then i started to pack my other bag, kinda stressed about it, but whatever, it all almost done, im gonna finish packing the day beau gets here to bring out shit to gavin lake.
so im really tired but in goin out with willow today, hopefully soon.

were gonna got to gavin lake early mon morning, and then were off to travel for a nice 26 hours on tues.
were taking abus to prince george, then a plane to vancouver, then another plane to toronto, then another to sue st. Marie. then a bus to wawa, cool.
but were gonna be traveling with us and 100mile house, so its binna be sick, were gonna have tons of fun in the airport, gonna be SICK!. and ppl will think were crazy but we like it that way.

so yeah

Thursday, March 20, 2008

so yesterday @ work greg and donna were there and they had a bunch of boxes to unload as soon as we got there, they had gotten tons of hats and sunglasses for the shop. we also built a sunglasses rack.
sooo, we dicked around for a but, fining small jobs here and there. and then greg went out to get Mrs. Hubble (they live with her) cuz it was her b-day she was turning 93. i had met her b4 when i brought the big tv to their house, but she didnt rember me, she also didnt rember magdline, whom she has known for years....its cute that shes getting really old, she was like the typical old person, she has trouble walking nd hearing, and she is verry forgetfull, but she always went on about how blessed she was and shes really happy to be alive.
so we had cake then she was off, then tiff and i worked on the dvd thing, so donna let us use her laptop to burn it on it, then we checked it @ verns, and it was all good.

so then we went home with david as well, he stayed @ the shop after he was done work.
@ home we all scrambled to get our shit done and get changed to go to verns early.
so we got there with quesnels small van. while most of us walked...myself included.

then we set up @ verns and gretted ppl and mingled with all our workpartners and billet families and friends.
so we ate then we played the final video for the croud, and ppl seemed to really like it.
then we had desert and then lots of ppl left.
greg said it was the most amount of ppl come that he has ever seen, but thats just cuz were fucking AWESOME!
so then we cleaned up a bit then @ verns it was karokie so we sand karokie threw the night..even greg. it was robin from the telethon and noopa, so she was cool. then we all sang summer nights, and preformed, cuz were cool and yeah.

a few of us left early...antoine and zach were already here, tiff and i had to do dished @ 11pm cuz it was out so i chatted with some ppl, and chilled for a bit.

sooo em met soem dude @ the pool haul. she brought him home and antoine and i were introduced to him in our underwear. then we decided to run outside in the cold with boxers and a t on, so we did, it wasnt that bad. then i went to bed.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

so today when i went upstairs their was tons of ppl awake, even the house managers vic and zach.
ummm, i ate then went to work.
@ work in the morning we got to go to dropp off recycling then we went to the mall and we saw kenan @ the source, we chatted for a bit about the concert, it was pretty chill.
then tiff went and got some new shoes, then we went to save on and got shit for lunch, we saw jeff and some dude from the concert there and quickly said hi then rushed off to work.
then @ work we counted pennies for the longest time and while i was doing this i wrote to letters to everyone i needed to as a good bye.
then we ran out of penny rolls, so we went off to the dollar store to grab some and on the way we saw the katima-van on the street but no jess, or
yeah then we finished counting and now im here, and now tiff is working on the vid final prez, its really good.

then @ home sara was here, she was sleeping over...jess was happy. we ate and then we had tai chi lessons @ sacred heart with cillas billet mom, shes really cool.

then when we got home we played twister in french as our french activity, it was really fun, and i got tons of

then we all stayed up for a wile, then i did antoines 3 min, hes camera shy so it took him a wile to get it right. but i got it, but then tiff had to decifer it, so she did while staying up long hours of the night.
fuck my day!
imma talk about the concert i just went to!!
it was so fuckin AWSOME!!!!!!
i havent had so much fun @ a concert for a wile. thier was revriend mindy(the local band with jeff(drummer) logan(singer/gutarist) and some other dude(basiest)) then a kich ass band called the perfect trend, and another kick ass band called the set.
i need to go out and buy their cds.
so kenan as there, and josh(bradens tanses best friend) and willow and jeffs friend...and so many other ppl whom i made friends with, and i was really sad that i was leaving in a week, and lots of ppl didnt realize it and were shocked about
we moshed so much then we headbanging whole linking arms. and fuck it was so much fun, i cahtted with some ppl.i also took shots with kenan, hes fucking awsome, cuz he knows whats its like. he was in katimavik.
fuck it was just so much the begining i was really shy and followed willow around, then i sat @ the frint with kenan colleting money.
the revrent mindy started playing and it was ok for a wile cuz i was shy, but they rocked. i saw josh walk in and we both were like OMG!!!!!...lmao
it was sick to see him again. he was with his gf, shes really cool too, and kenans friend was so cool too, but really quiet @ the begining.
while collecting money kenan and i wrote "messages" on the back of the flyers for the 22ed show.
it was funny and so random. damn then we were talking about not drinking cus some of us had to work, or wake up early, and i was like, cuz im in katimavik, so kenan was like do you wanna drink? and im likw YEAH, so we went "backstage" and had shots.
then the perfect trend went on and we moshed and headbanged to that.
OH, before the set wnr on they played daft punks "one more time" and we all danced and had so much fun, and rubbed up against eachother, lamo it was too much fun.
during the set the band had us all do the wall of death, probly the best mosh of the night, so fucking awesome! and during the last band their ws an intense mosh where tons of ppl fell over eachother, myself included, it was pretty SICK!
during a set some dudes were showing off eachother "beards" and then i walk in and was like what! while stroking mine, then one said, damn, and the other said, mines green...well it was but mine is kick ass. anyways...
then when the set was dome we all shouted encore and got them back on stage and her an unreleased "secret" song, it was really cool. then i was wandering around and got a pin, then i chatted with josh and his gf, and then kenan offered me a ride home so i got a ride home from his dad, hes cool. and they left me on the bottom of dodwell.
OH, br we left me and kenans friend were in the bathroom hall then he shoudted loud then asked me to do it, and when i did it went silent for a sec, it was funny, the we highfived eachother.
as so when i came home i thought everyone was sleeping, btu as i walk in everyone is in the room watching a mivie, i was like "woah!" then i went upstairs and ate yougert...YAY.


Sunday, March 16, 2008

so today i was rudely awaikned by antoine who screamed "WAKE UP!!!!!!!!!" as if he was goin to die.
so we got all out shit ready then we were off to quesnel.
jess was really tired cuz she came back home @ 1 in the morning
sooo, we go there and met up with this really old guy for our communication workshop.
we started off talking about nutrition and how it affects our lifestyles, and moods, that was cool.
then we had a smudge and passed the feater around 3 times and had a really emotional talk. but it was good.
then he talked to us about communicatioin and how we assume things and how we persive things and make assumptions about what we see before knowing the facts. then he went on about the north american inion and how its gonna happen and about the amero, that made me kinda pranoid cuz i do know about that stuff but he made it seem all more real...shit. so the group didnt mind that and didnt think it was wierd.
so after that we had to laydown and listen to him talk while playing music, but i fell assleep, like 1/2 our group cuz no one had enought sleep, david was the worst

then we went to the quesnel house and chilled with them a bit. b4 we got into their house we busted out the chinise dragon and danced for them, they seemed to like it. the phobe was so paronide and it was soo funny watching her follow us around. sooo we took 2 of their stove elements, leaving them with only2. so b4 we left i appoligized in advanced to the house managers cuz we made their job all the more harder.
then we stopped @ wal-mart then went home.
thier was lil tension on the van cuz antoine asked vic "impolitely" to change the music, but w/e

so now were home and waiting for dinner, that the house managers didn not plan...w/e
and for the house meeting.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

so friday i woke up then went to work but jan wasnt there right away, so we went to the bean counter and we talked to then about wawa, On cuz art (the owner) grew up close to there., i wroked on maxes shirts and vics shirt, i also worked on the shawl ladys things. OH and we made the front page of the newspaper! whoot.

so we dicked around. then some lady came in wanting a pic of them on a mug, sp we tried that fro a wile, we also did some letters and shit.

then vic came and i made her shirt then max came and i did her shirt.

THEN! i went off so that i could get my tattoo.

so i went there, and the dude was super cool, i chose my design then he started...
the dude, brian, hes super cool, we talked about making our first tattoo, with a needle and india ink and shit, and about graff. so he did my tattoo. it soo cool and i love it, hes a great artist!

then @ home it was a free night so i did some shit, and i helped jess work on the cook book, then i went on a walk with cilla, we played on a shopping cart and went down the parking lot hill, then er went on a truck and watched cars go by and then we went dumpster diving, it was cool, we found a bunch of cool shit.

so this morning we had a free morning so i dicked around and did nothihng, i fixed my camo pants, and listened to bords of canada.
so then we ate lunch and then jess and i worked on our volounteer workshop, we did dome borin shit but i was cool and we all ddint seem to mind and we had a good time.
we played games outside then vic wanted to go to church, but it was closed.
so then i listened to my music outside but then it got cold, so now im inside, and we just tried to prank jess, but it didnt work.

Friday, March 14, 2008

yesterday seemed to be a typical day, in the morning, but i finished off the yogurt.
i had brought some snacks to work with me.
@ work in the morning i faxed a bunch of places out of an old phone book, it was boring, then their was absolutely nothing to do, so tiff and i priced a bunch of stuff their gonna have for a garage sale. so we did that really quickly, then jan sent us off on a potato run, and @ the store i didnt wanna use plastic bags so i carried the potatoes in my pockets, they lady looked @ me weird, but w/e. the tiff and i went to the mall where we saw kayla, we talked with her a bit then we went to wearhouse-one where i got a belt that will hold belt buckles.
so then we got back to work where i worked on vics t-shirt, then i fucked around online then max and emilie came to work, max wanted to work on her t-shirt so i was doin that till the end of work. then we walked home where we saw antoine and vic walking on the other side of the block, so we shouted "hey" but no luck, it wasnt untill i had yelled a loud yelping noise that they had noticed us...lmao.
so we got home then we chilled for a bit. then we ate chicken and rice, it was really good. josianne made it well...even the veggie chicken was awesome.
then jess, beau, and tori came (it was jesses day off) then we all went to the gym and played volley ball, while we were googin with the balls emilie broke one of the lights, it was really funny.
so we played with everyone. then we went back home where i worked on my scrap book, and had a nice conversation with beau. he made wawa seem great, so im excited to go there.
antoine was watching a movie doenstairs. and i went to bed.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

when we got home i vacumed the place and helped make signs and pu them up for our open house, then i cleaned up my room a bit.
we had tons of food, but only 8 ppl showed up. ome guy and his friend repin the mayor. also jan and magdline came, some gou from the sally anne, and the dude that works with emilie, hes cool, and some other lady, i forget where shes from.. oh and a photographer from the tribune, we took a kick ass photo where were all cleaning ME on the patio..lmao, its SICK.
so we ate and mingles for a wile then ppl left. so as soon as everyone left we had a dance party on the patio, we made so much noise. it was tons of fun.
so them we played a couple of games downstairs, some game where you wink @ ppl and they came to you it was wierd, then another where ppl ahd to link arms on the floor and then pthers pulled them apart. that one was really rough. so then jo-jo watched a movie, then some ppl cleaned up, myself, jess and cilla. then i chilled out a bit.
cilla wanted to go for a walk, so then i decided id go with her, then vic came to, while we were walking to the park we saw antoine so he joined us, so we swang and chatted for a bit, then we laied on the hill and talked for a long wile, it was nice, then we saw the most magnificant shooing star i have ever seen in my life, it was so FUCKING SICK!!!!! you could see the meteor or whatever it was butn us and split up, it went all accross the sky, sooo fucking sick.
then we got back home were wo got paied, chika chika yeah, and antoine signed for a few ppl, and jess told him thats fraud, it was funny, but we all had to re-sigin th sheat again, then i worked out a but then i went to bed.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

so @ home we had that chef lady come over and we got to make homemade pasta, she was super cool and the psta tasted sooo effin good!
and it was super on francis and i spoke english so i had to eat half my meal with my hands, it wasnt that bad but i got messy, but i had seconds still cuz the pasta was sooooo good!.
then we had a free night so then i called my mommy cuz it was her b-day so i talked to her for about an hour then antoine made this toffie thing by pouring hot syrup over snow, it was soooo good, max had some and she was off the walls.
so later on tiff, jojo and i went for a walk so i could go to the tattoo shop and dropp off my design, but he wasnt open so then we went to dollar dollar and they were open either, so we went back home.
emilie wanted to watcha movie and watched stomp the yard for 20min then stopped.
antoine, cilla and zach went to the gym thing.
then i started to make banana muffins, they were banana and chocolate swirl muffins, sooo good.
then for a wile (while the muffins were baking) we watched salad fingers...lmao
then cilla came back. and when i was about to go to bed antoine and zach came back.
when the muffins were done i went to bed.

today i got up and finishes doin the dishes from the muffins the i went to work. jan made bisuites, they were good.
then we did not much of anything. then we went for a walk to the bottle depot then to the tattoo place and i finally gave in my desigin. hes a super cool dude. and dollar dollar to get shit for the book for the next group.

so emilie and max came to visit and now were off for our open house.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

so yesterday i didnt wanna get out of bed. i work up and tried to wake antoine cuz he had to go grocery shopping cuz hes house managers with jo-jo.
so i tried to wake hime like 3 times b4 i left, i even shook his
so @ work we were working on the longhouse and gettin vendors for the stampeed weekend. (i dont think this is really volounteer work...but it will look great for my resume) so we did that for the mornignn but in the afternoon thier wasnt much to do so i found numbers for all the highschool in town for our open house so i gave the numbers to jess then she sent me an e-mail with the shit to fax to them, she was really thinakful that i took that initative.

so tiff and i out some up after work then we met up with emilie and walked home.
@ home antoine told me that he got a cti cuz we was upset that he was gonna get a final warning in participation for not waking up on time. and he told me that the cti was for respect cuz he told jess to fuck off cuz he was so upset..and he thanked me for trying to wake him up.

so we ate then we had a house meeting, which was quick cuz we all tried our best to stay on track.
then we had a language activity so we watched 8below in french...max and i watched ot for 45min then . then we finished our house manager report.
then we chilled a bit then i went to sleep but i couldent fall asleep cuz i was thinking too much about leaving williams lake and how ive gotten so attached to this town and the ppl here. so i got up and had something to drink then i went back to bed.

today i left and i was good for sleep. @ work we looked up a few numbers then tiif, and i were joined by cilla, antoine and jo-jo to do a katimavik prez @ the school accross the street form 139.
so we did that, some of the kids seemed intrested but not really.
then tiff, i and jan went out for lunch while giving out some open house flyers. then we went to the mall where we saw kdin (the guy for the movie theater with willow) and he gave us some concert flyers to give out so we our some up all over and @ the movie theater(kedans dad owns the place). then tiff went to the native arts and crafts store to buy a sweater then we got back to work where were still loking for soem numbers, but with not much luck....theres no where to look, so im writing in my blog.
today ill try to make muffins for the open house and help prep for some things.

-josianne seemed really stressed about bing house manager again
-she pees when shes nervious.

Monday, March 10, 2008

this weekend was fucking crazy.
it was the envrionment weekend, so i woke up and i was sooo tired.
they woke me @ 8:30 cuz we had to be @ the school gym by 9
so 100mile were there on time but naturally quenel was late!, jks their not normally late
so then we got set up and then the pls did an objectives thing, then they went on to do a "press confrience" then they gave us info so that we could do our own quick ones, so we were given an hour to do that then we ate...we made our own sandwhiches. after that we got a guest speaker who was mikes wife from GAVIN LAKE!!!!
unfortunately she was kinda broing and mono-tone...and very childidh oriented, but the prez was still very informative.
so after that we did 3 of the "press confrience" things then we had to be home.
so we cleaned up a bit then we went home. @ home i did my press confrience thing then i red the rules, but tat made me angry cuz the ppl were stupid bout it and didnt agree with them...but its not their house so they can fuck off.
then i had to cook for the cluster..machilla and i worked in the kitchen max and tebeau made salad outside and choppd up vegetables.
so the noodles were really mooshi and sticky..guess i cooked them for too long, but when you cook so much its hard to make things perfect.
so we all ate, and their werent any forkes for me so i ate my food with chopsticks.
after that we had some free tiem so machilla and i walked to the 7ev where we ranted a bit about or groups, then when we got back @ 7:30 we had to watch a doc "who killed the electric car" i stayed outsied for like 5 min when they stated, when i got back there wasnt a spot for me to comfortably see the movie so i fel asleep for a long wile then i decided to go downstairs and finish reading my book.
then we had free time so tiff, dave and i went out for a wlk when again i ranted, but it was ok, tiff calmed me down and when i got back i could interact with ppl (b4 the day i hated having so many ppl in the house, it was way to overwhelming) so, then i went inot my room where the guys in my house chatted for a bit, then i walked outside and the ppl were like "are we too loug" as soon as i sted in the room, i guess they were scared of me cuz i red the rules angrly and i walked right threw then when i go in the house. so i was glad they they were scared of me...MuHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
so the guys of my house and david from quesnel then we went ot bed...AND IT WAS QUIET...YESSSSsssssssss.

so the next mornign we were woken up last again and everyone was gettin changed and packign up their stuff. then we walked over tot he gym. there we had the envrionment commetties to do their presentations which was cool. it was machella, blake and kayla. then amrarose and marie-pier and then vic and zach.
the first talked about their house and what to do in the house, then the 2ed group talke about camping then made us do skits and point out what we did wrong. then vic and zach talke for a bit then played the vid that they made/max and i made. max and i stared in it, it was really cool and super funny.
then we finished off the rest of the press confrience things.
afterwards we had grilled cheese sandwhiches, then we had the healthy lifestyles commeties each do an activity.
so we played soccer baseball, dodgeball, then yoshi, which was really fun. after that we had a de-briefing then we talked about our objectives and finally shared our opinions on the weekend.
then everyone came back to our place, finished packing up then they cleaked up...which was really cool. so b4 everyone left took a cluster pic then a group of ous infront of our house.

so when ppl left we had a quick meeting about how we felt about the cluster bein there and a quick house de-briefing. then we scattered and all did house work to clean up a bit after evertone had left. tiff and dave were hardcore doin dishes. so thn while ppl w chilling vic and i decided to ahve a quick dance party outside on the patio. we were out there for a wile b4 the other started to come out and dance as well. it was AWSOME, and the neighbours were watching

so then a bunch of ud decided wed go to dennys. (vic, antoine, tiff, josianne, jess, and zach) it was really cool @ dennys, we chatted and it was cool.
so on our way home jess had one-on-ones with vic and, then we contemplated watching a movie then we decided not ot, cuz we all wanted sleep for work.

so when we got back we just roamed around and did shit that needed to be done.
thurs max and i decided it would be nice to eat on the floor, so we brought the table down and ate on the floor, and i made baked eggs which ppl seemed to really

it was a free night and tiff and i quickly talked about the video tapin ppl for our final presentations.
then ppl all went out for a walk, the i deiceded id go for a wlak, so i waled for so long then i bumoed into cilla and tiff infront of city hall. they had eated rootbeer floats which is funny cuz cilla isnt suposted to..lmao, the we wal;ked all over the place, and to the top of the stampeed grounds, then we kept walking, then we decided to go after tons of walking and talking, then as we decided to go home we bumped into antoine and then we went to the sev and back, when we got home a cop stoped us and asked us for tons of info, cuz their was a stabbing 3 doors down on our street, so we were all like WTF?!!!!!!

then we went to bed.

so fri:
max and i made homemade taco things and tons of other shit, it was sooo fucking good, we also ate on the floor and cilla had a guest over...laura
then afterwards i waited a bit then i was goin out with willow
so i met up with her @ the mall and i baught a thumbdrive thing.
so willow and i were leavin thern we did some graf on the wall outside the mall, the we drove around and tried to hit up some places. it didnt turn out so we went to the movies where her firends dad owns the place. so we chilled with him for a wile them and walked around the place,...that was cool.
then her other 2 friends who were in the movie camw out, the we chilled with them for a bit outside, their really cool and remind me of my frinds @ home.
so we chatted it up, we were suposed to go to some valey place but decided to go to dennys instead, so we went to dennys, but the other dude drove the other guy to his polace and them met up with willow and i @ dennys.

@ dennys we chilled and talked for a wile, then logan called the dudes cell and they talked about the concert and cuz im katimavik they lowered the price for me, so i only have to pay $3, thair cool for doin that. and the dude who was there talked about his girl problems, but it was kinda funny.
so when we left willow couldent find her car keys. so the watris from dennys came out to try to pic the lock, she was really nice, but it was getting close to cerfu and i told them i had to book it home, so the dude was nice enough to gimme a lift home, he played rise against in his car and his speakers were FUCKING AMAZING, he blasted it and it was awsome, so i came home and saw that many ppl had just gone to sleep so i just passed out.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

so yesterday the sweat lodge was cool, less intense than i thought but it was still intense, we stayed in a hut with a pit filled with rocks, and a guy would sprinkle water over then with a brance to create steam, it was cool, we reflected about ppl in our lives and about orselves, and the guys @ the sweat sand native songs and it was so cool. but all i rember was havin really cold feet outside the sweat.
Oh and the can got was so funny!

today i sleped in till 10 cuz of the sweat, then max and i cleaned and then started to make sushi, it took us forever
then we took a break and i took a shower, then we started to cook again, i wanted to have dinner outside but it didnt work out, so then we ate, aND i actually cooked chicken for the group.
i thought the sushi was good, but it was too much work for something that didnt taste all that good.
but the sause max made was soooo good.

-also today jess was doin rearch for the enviro-weekend
-zach got a package from his g-mom
-josianne wnt to the chriropractor

k, peace

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

i woke up and started to pack my stuff, then i washed my bed cloths that i sleeped in. i spent some time on their laptop and surfed the net. when they got back from church thay had invited over their friends that lived out of town. they had 4 kids over 3 girls and 1 boy, they were really young, cute. so we chilled with them a bit, had pizza then we packed our stuff to leave then the guns to go shoot tin cans. so we left and the kids hugged us

so we went shooting, it was tons of fun, i got some good aim and him most of the cans down, i went through tons of bullets tho. it was really fun, we started off with 22mm guns it was cool loading and cocking. while i was shooting jamie noticed a deers leg on the ground next to me and pointed it out, i was kinda freaked but quickly got over it, lol.
so then james let me use the 33mm gun, fuck that is a powerful gun, and it was so fucking loud. it was awsome! i had a blast..lmao no pun intended.
so then they drove us home and i was sad to say good bye to them.

so when we were here we chilled a but, had some muffins made by jess, then had a debriefing with jess about billeting.
then max and i stayed up to work on our house manager shit then we chatted for a long wile.

today: monday
max woke me up
and then we did a few things for the grocery list, we went off and we went to the health food store and got some shit, ans some stevia, then we went to het honey fro some guy, he was really cool. then we went to wholesale and got a bunch done in no time, then to saveon to get the rest of the shit, then we went to the recycling depot to drop off recycling, THEN to safeway to get seaweed. when we got back we took a break and had just started cooking when vic and antoine came home, we i quickly vacuumed and washed the bathrooms. so we ate then had a house meeting where we pretty much planned the whole month of march, we have no day that is free to change its fucking crazy. mike (josiannes billet) came to talk about the sweat lodge were goin to tomorrow.
the meeting went of for long and ppl started to get short tempered and anxy. then max and i went for a walk (she wasnt allowed to go alone) se we talked and walked for a wile, and when i got back i feel some tension int he air, hopefully it will be good tomorrow.


Saturday, March 1, 2008

soooo, i think monday was uninteresting.

tuesday was not interesting also, @ work we didnt do much, but tuesday was a beautiful day so @ work tiff and i took a 45min break, we walked downtown then o visited willow @ the bean counter then tiff @ the slavation army
@ the billetes we didnt do much i just ran on the treadmill for a wile and we watched big brother..lamo, trashey tv.

wednesday in the morning we got dropped off so everyday, so we wandered around saveon, cuz its the ony ting open, then we went to flavors to meet up with emily, so we chatted a bit with her and tiff got a package that emily gave to her, then we went to the sally anne again to visit vic and saw antoine there too.
@ the billetes again we just chilled and watched tv. we were gonna go skiing but the hills were all melted so booo for that.

thursday in the morning we met up with tory @ the bean counter, it was cool chatting with him, it was a nic change of pace, we had a nice chat then he went offto TRU, he college here..that used ti be a highschool, yeah its a small building.
@ work we went to the long house to do some measurments then we went to the cariboo friendship center for lunch...really good food, but we didnt get to see zach, donno where he was, guess he was busy working.
thwn i work on the layout for the longhouse, so we can identify the vendors.
@ the billetes we got to make mosiacks out of old stained glass. i made a tree thing ppl says it looks cool but i ting its generic, and guy marvin around our age was here doin stained glass with jamie(the billet mom) and hes from toronto his fave band is protest, which is pretty cool.

today we met up with tory again @ the bean cunter, he was with some chick that work @ the lib @ TRU, she was nice but i think we freaked her out, it seemes that tory knows everyone in town but living in a small town like thins youll know everyone. so we chatted for a nice wile then again we went ot the sally anne to visit vic, but she want there today.
so when we got to work we left for alexis creek to accept some donation froma penny drive the school had there. we had to do a small pres, (tiff and i) about katimavik to a bunch of unintrested kids. thenwe got back and vic was in the shop, she stayed there for a wile while i worked on the outdoor longhouse thing, she left soon after and i told her that i would make her a t-shirt when i go the time. so i keot working on it till closing time.
then tiff, dave, antoine, and i all chilled after work, we went o saveon so that ppl could get some postcards then we chilled in the mall where we saw kayla again and she wasnt and we chilled some more.
then we walked to jammies car and drove home where we are now just chillin.

side note:
so im gonna miss billeting the tanises were really cool abd braden showed us a somewhat good time here.

so im feeling not myself here in katimavik, i am having tons of fun and havin a blast, but working all this time i think may take a tole on me, im not my ususal crazy self anf i dont seem to apprecate things like i used to, it may be cuz im still ajusting to the program or it could be cuz i have no time to think, but i dont really like not beig myself, like soin stupid random shit, or just plain having good old fun, i am ahving fun but if feels kinda forced if you know what i mean.

i donno, well see what happen but i have high hopes.

a-town down