Thursday, March 20, 2008

so yesterday @ work greg and donna were there and they had a bunch of boxes to unload as soon as we got there, they had gotten tons of hats and sunglasses for the shop. we also built a sunglasses rack.
sooo, we dicked around for a but, fining small jobs here and there. and then greg went out to get Mrs. Hubble (they live with her) cuz it was her b-day she was turning 93. i had met her b4 when i brought the big tv to their house, but she didnt rember me, she also didnt rember magdline, whom she has known for years....its cute that shes getting really old, she was like the typical old person, she has trouble walking nd hearing, and she is verry forgetfull, but she always went on about how blessed she was and shes really happy to be alive.
so we had cake then she was off, then tiff and i worked on the dvd thing, so donna let us use her laptop to burn it on it, then we checked it @ verns, and it was all good.

so then we went home with david as well, he stayed @ the shop after he was done work.
@ home we all scrambled to get our shit done and get changed to go to verns early.
so we got there with quesnels small van. while most of us walked...myself included.

then we set up @ verns and gretted ppl and mingled with all our workpartners and billet families and friends.
so we ate then we played the final video for the croud, and ppl seemed to really like it.
then we had desert and then lots of ppl left.
greg said it was the most amount of ppl come that he has ever seen, but thats just cuz were fucking AWESOME!
so then we cleaned up a bit then @ verns it was karokie so we sand karokie threw the night..even greg. it was robin from the telethon and noopa, so she was cool. then we all sang summer nights, and preformed, cuz were cool and yeah.

a few of us left early...antoine and zach were already here, tiff and i had to do dished @ 11pm cuz it was out so i chatted with some ppl, and chilled for a bit.

sooo em met soem dude @ the pool haul. she brought him home and antoine and i were introduced to him in our underwear. then we decided to run outside in the cold with boxers and a t on, so we did, it wasnt that bad. then i went to bed.

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