Monday, March 10, 2008

thurs max and i decided it would be nice to eat on the floor, so we brought the table down and ate on the floor, and i made baked eggs which ppl seemed to really

it was a free night and tiff and i quickly talked about the video tapin ppl for our final presentations.
then ppl all went out for a walk, the i deiceded id go for a wlak, so i waled for so long then i bumoed into cilla and tiff infront of city hall. they had eated rootbeer floats which is funny cuz cilla isnt suposted to..lmao, the we wal;ked all over the place, and to the top of the stampeed grounds, then we kept walking, then we decided to go after tons of walking and talking, then as we decided to go home we bumped into antoine and then we went to the sev and back, when we got home a cop stoped us and asked us for tons of info, cuz their was a stabbing 3 doors down on our street, so we were all like WTF?!!!!!!

then we went to bed.

so fri:
max and i made homemade taco things and tons of other shit, it was sooo fucking good, we also ate on the floor and cilla had a guest over...laura
then afterwards i waited a bit then i was goin out with willow
so i met up with her @ the mall and i baught a thumbdrive thing.
so willow and i were leavin thern we did some graf on the wall outside the mall, the we drove around and tried to hit up some places. it didnt turn out so we went to the movies where her firends dad owns the place. so we chilled with him for a wile them and walked around the place,...that was cool.
then her other 2 friends who were in the movie camw out, the we chilled with them for a bit outside, their really cool and remind me of my frinds @ home.
so we chatted it up, we were suposed to go to some valey place but decided to go to dennys instead, so we went to dennys, but the other dude drove the other guy to his polace and them met up with willow and i @ dennys.

@ dennys we chilled and talked for a wile, then logan called the dudes cell and they talked about the concert and cuz im katimavik they lowered the price for me, so i only have to pay $3, thair cool for doin that. and the dude who was there talked about his girl problems, but it was kinda funny.
so when we left willow couldent find her car keys. so the watris from dennys came out to try to pic the lock, she was really nice, but it was getting close to cerfu and i told them i had to book it home, so the dude was nice enough to gimme a lift home, he played rise against in his car and his speakers were FUCKING AMAZING, he blasted it and it was awsome, so i came home and saw that many ppl had just gone to sleep so i just passed out.

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