Tuesday, March 11, 2008

so yesterday i didnt wanna get out of bed. i work up and tried to wake antoine cuz he had to go grocery shopping cuz hes house managers with jo-jo.
so i tried to wake hime like 3 times b4 i left, i even shook his bed.lol.
so @ work we were working on the longhouse and gettin vendors for the stampeed weekend. (i dont think this is really volounteer work...but it will look great for my resume) so we did that for the mornignn but in the afternoon thier wasnt much to do so i found numbers for all the highschool in town for our open house so i gave the numbers to jess then she sent me an e-mail with the shit to fax to them, she was really thinakful that i took that initative.

so tiff and i out some up after work then we met up with emilie and walked home.
@ home antoine told me that he got a cti cuz we was upset that he was gonna get a final warning in participation for not waking up on time. and he told me that the cti was for respect cuz he told jess to fuck off cuz he was so upset..and he thanked me for trying to wake him up.

so we ate then we had a house meeting, which was quick cuz we all tried our best to stay on track.
then we had a language activity so we watched 8below in french...max and i watched ot for 45min then . then we finished our house manager report.
then we chilled a bit then i went to sleep but i couldent fall asleep cuz i was thinking too much about leaving williams lake and how ive gotten so attached to this town and the ppl here. so i got up and had something to drink then i went back to bed.

today i left and i was good for sleep. @ work we looked up a few numbers then tiif, and i were joined by cilla, antoine and jo-jo to do a katimavik prez @ the school accross the street form 139.
so we did that, some of the kids seemed intrested but not really.
then tiff, i and jan went out for lunch while giving out some open house flyers. then we went to the mall where we saw kdin (the guy for the movie theater with willow) and he gave us some concert flyers to give out so we our some up all over and @ the movie theater(kedans dad owns the place). then tiff went to the native arts and crafts store to buy a sweater then we got back to work where were still loking for soem numbers, but with not much luck....theres no where to look, so im writing in my blog.
today ill try to make muffins for the open house and help prep for some things.

-josianne seemed really stressed about bing house manager again
-she pees when shes nervious.

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