Thursday, March 13, 2008

when we got home i vacumed the place and helped make signs and pu them up for our open house, then i cleaned up my room a bit.
we had tons of food, but only 8 ppl showed up. ome guy and his friend repin the mayor. also jan and magdline came, some gou from the sally anne, and the dude that works with emilie, hes cool, and some other lady, i forget where shes from.. oh and a photographer from the tribune, we took a kick ass photo where were all cleaning ME on the patio..lmao, its SICK.
so we ate and mingles for a wile then ppl left. so as soon as everyone left we had a dance party on the patio, we made so much noise. it was tons of fun.
so them we played a couple of games downstairs, some game where you wink @ ppl and they came to you it was wierd, then another where ppl ahd to link arms on the floor and then pthers pulled them apart. that one was really rough. so then jo-jo watched a movie, then some ppl cleaned up, myself, jess and cilla. then i chilled out a bit.
cilla wanted to go for a walk, so then i decided id go with her, then vic came to, while we were walking to the park we saw antoine so he joined us, so we swang and chatted for a bit, then we laied on the hill and talked for a long wile, it was nice, then we saw the most magnificant shooing star i have ever seen in my life, it was so FUCKING SICK!!!!! you could see the meteor or whatever it was butn us and split up, it went all accross the sky, sooo fucking sick.
then we got back home were wo got paied, chika chika yeah, and antoine signed for a few ppl, and jess told him thats fraud, it was funny, but we all had to re-sigin th sheat again, then i worked out a but then i went to bed.

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