Monday, March 10, 2008

this weekend was fucking crazy.
it was the envrionment weekend, so i woke up and i was sooo tired.
they woke me @ 8:30 cuz we had to be @ the school gym by 9
so 100mile were there on time but naturally quenel was late!, jks their not normally late
so then we got set up and then the pls did an objectives thing, then they went on to do a "press confrience" then they gave us info so that we could do our own quick ones, so we were given an hour to do that then we ate...we made our own sandwhiches. after that we got a guest speaker who was mikes wife from GAVIN LAKE!!!!
unfortunately she was kinda broing and mono-tone...and very childidh oriented, but the prez was still very informative.
so after that we did 3 of the "press confrience" things then we had to be home.
so we cleaned up a bit then we went home. @ home i did my press confrience thing then i red the rules, but tat made me angry cuz the ppl were stupid bout it and didnt agree with them...but its not their house so they can fuck off.
then i had to cook for the cluster..machilla and i worked in the kitchen max and tebeau made salad outside and choppd up vegetables.
so the noodles were really mooshi and sticky..guess i cooked them for too long, but when you cook so much its hard to make things perfect.
so we all ate, and their werent any forkes for me so i ate my food with chopsticks.
after that we had some free tiem so machilla and i walked to the 7ev where we ranted a bit about or groups, then when we got back @ 7:30 we had to watch a doc "who killed the electric car" i stayed outsied for like 5 min when they stated, when i got back there wasnt a spot for me to comfortably see the movie so i fel asleep for a long wile then i decided to go downstairs and finish reading my book.
then we had free time so tiff, dave and i went out for a wlk when again i ranted, but it was ok, tiff calmed me down and when i got back i could interact with ppl (b4 the day i hated having so many ppl in the house, it was way to overwhelming) so, then i went inot my room where the guys in my house chatted for a bit, then i walked outside and the ppl were like "are we too loug" as soon as i sted in the room, i guess they were scared of me cuz i red the rules angrly and i walked right threw then when i go in the house. so i was glad they they were scared of me...MuHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
so the guys of my house and david from quesnel then we went ot bed...AND IT WAS QUIET...YESSSSsssssssss.

so the next mornign we were woken up last again and everyone was gettin changed and packign up their stuff. then we walked over tot he gym. there we had the envrionment commetties to do their presentations which was cool. it was machella, blake and kayla. then amrarose and marie-pier and then vic and zach.
the first talked about their house and what to do in the house, then the 2ed group talke about camping then made us do skits and point out what we did wrong. then vic and zach talke for a bit then played the vid that they made/max and i made. max and i stared in it, it was really cool and super funny.
then we finished off the rest of the press confrience things.
afterwards we had grilled cheese sandwhiches, then we had the healthy lifestyles commeties each do an activity.
so we played soccer baseball, dodgeball, then yoshi, which was really fun. after that we had a de-briefing then we talked about our objectives and finally shared our opinions on the weekend.
then everyone came back to our place, finished packing up then they cleaked up...which was really cool. so b4 everyone left took a cluster pic then a group of ous infront of our house.

so when ppl left we had a quick meeting about how we felt about the cluster bein there and a quick house de-briefing. then we scattered and all did house work to clean up a bit after evertone had left. tiff and dave were hardcore doin dishes. so thn while ppl w chilling vic and i decided to ahve a quick dance party outside on the patio. we were out there for a wile b4 the other started to come out and dance as well. it was AWSOME, and the neighbours were watching

so then a bunch of ud decided wed go to dennys. (vic, antoine, tiff, josianne, jess, and zach) it was really cool @ dennys, we chatted and it was cool.
so on our way home jess had one-on-ones with vic and, then we contemplated watching a movie then we decided not ot, cuz we all wanted sleep for work.

so when we got back we just roamed around and did shit that needed to be done.

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