Sunday, March 16, 2008

so today i was rudely awaikned by antoine who screamed "WAKE UP!!!!!!!!!" as if he was goin to die.
so we got all out shit ready then we were off to quesnel.
jess was really tired cuz she came back home @ 1 in the morning
sooo, we go there and met up with this really old guy for our communication workshop.
we started off talking about nutrition and how it affects our lifestyles, and moods, that was cool.
then we had a smudge and passed the feater around 3 times and had a really emotional talk. but it was good.
then he talked to us about communicatioin and how we assume things and how we persive things and make assumptions about what we see before knowing the facts. then he went on about the north american inion and how its gonna happen and about the amero, that made me kinda pranoid cuz i do know about that stuff but he made it seem all more real...shit. so the group didnt mind that and didnt think it was wierd.
so after that we had to laydown and listen to him talk while playing music, but i fell assleep, like 1/2 our group cuz no one had enought sleep, david was the worst

then we went to the quesnel house and chilled with them a bit. b4 we got into their house we busted out the chinise dragon and danced for them, they seemed to like it. the phobe was so paronide and it was soo funny watching her follow us around. sooo we took 2 of their stove elements, leaving them with only2. so b4 we left i appoligized in advanced to the house managers cuz we made their job all the more harder.
then we stopped @ wal-mart then went home.
thier was lil tension on the van cuz antoine asked vic "impolitely" to change the music, but w/e

so now were home and waiting for dinner, that the house managers didn not plan...w/e
and for the house meeting.

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